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Messages - LordDraco3

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Suggestions / Re: Recruitment UI suggestions
 on: December 21, 2018, 11:23:37 PM 
there is a promote to leader option, I believe. Will check later when i'm home

Short Fuse's new bomb-to-tank ratio is terrible. It took you 5 bombs per tank? That's completely unreasonable based on current mission flow. IT would make sense if Loaht tossed out several bombs at once and you could try to carry several, but that would also increase danger as there are less raiders ready to pound the wardog spawns.

I feel the game is super easy into the high MMR's as raider. I got toabout 75% before I started dropping because antag that high is still terrible. Antagging at 55% sucks too but at least my queue is really short and active. I'd rather queue for 2 minutes and lose rather than queue 10 minutes and lose, right?

For my Hans F-750 stream yesterday I did only antag matches for almost 5 hours, and I think I only won like 2 or 3 of them in that whole time, not counting the surrender within the first 5 minutes of stream. Given my track record, that's....pretty bad.

I did get some very salty hatemail, in-game teabagging, and 3 games where Raiders bought lives though. A wild ride despite all the losses.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Badass Sexy Females...
 on: December 21, 2018, 09:01:29 PM 
This madness has to stop!

Ship's Log / Re: New "Tarasque" F-750 weapon for Hans
 on: December 21, 2018, 06:48:10 PM 
Draco, you're bois got a new toy.
I showed it off yesterday lol. It's a pretty sweet weapon, finally makes him viable in pve, and still good for pvp but might not be my top choice for antag

It's always the team average, not just 1 raider. High level does not mean good player, or high MMR. Just like low level doesn't mean low MMR/bad player. Level is only a reflection of time played, and MMR can be manipulated.

can you imagine if antags in general had even a 50% victory rate, the playerbase would be even lower than it already is, giving victory rewards to 1 person over 4 is not exactly something ppl are going to put up with

And having some absurdly low win rate because the game treats players like babies when a match becomes pvp is not something antags will put up with.

I know that you, personally, won't care and that sounds good, but MSE has been pretty firm on keeping the antag system as a core part of the player experience. Over time it has become a more legitimate way to progress in the game. It's still painfully slower than progressing as a raider, but it's a lot better than giving 0 rewards back when I started playing.

Even when I do play raider, I get bored in non-pvp games, and now even when they do show up, we just steamroll the antag because the game is absurdly easy. I see no fun in any of this.

But I know the game is ever-changing and the current state of the game is temporary. I look forward to future balance changes because it's currently pretty awful for one side and pretty boring for the other.

I don't understand how a 50 can get paired into the 90's before getting some other team first. I antag a LOT and I'm higher than a vast majority of the teams I fight. If they are ever higher than me, it's only a marginal difference, never 10+.

I mean I've had it happen when I'm raider, but HOW does it happen, and how have I never been that antag???

Spacelords Universe / Re: L9D vs A2099
 on: December 19, 2018, 08:47:00 PM 
Sure SoM is good.... but Seiken Densetsu 3 is where it's at!

Thread has been totally derailed haha

My reasoning behind why it is worse now than ever, is because now every game I play antagonist has an extremely easy mission backing me up which means I have to carry everything myself. This isn't a new phenomenon, but it used to be tied to MMR, like Poh said.

There was a period of time pre-Spacelords where the difference between normal AI, and Toddlers or Terminators, was simply a difference of about 9% MMR between each other-- whichever side was lower had the advantage, and I have videos of both to prove it. At least that was somewhat predictable, even if matchmaking is uncontrollable, if you keep your MMR near the majority of players it was less likely to present a large difference matchup. (Unless you're me where it was always 10% less no matter what my MMR is lolololol I drop to 35 MMR and it'll send me up against a team that's 23%)

Now, MMR difference doesn't seem to matter, no matter what MMR you play at and what the raiders are, all antag matches have Toddlers. I can confirm fighting at above 70% I had no support, and thought for sure the raiders were low. Nope, they actually like 2 or 3 % ABOVE me and I still had Toddler support. I dropped to 55% MMR, still getting no support from the mission. MMR doesn't seem to care now, it's just consistently stacked in the raiders favor. Lots of players are reporting that the game is EASIER with antag now, and having no antag means really strong AI.

If I play Short Fused and allow them to reach part 2, the extractors now require only 3 aleph with antag present.

I have played for exactly 1 year now, and antagonist is currently the WORST it has ever been in my entire play time. If you feel like you suck right now, it's because antags received a massive nerf accross the board this patch. The mode is nearly unplayable. I feel like a wimp every game now, it's a struggle to get anything done because:

-Multiple missions received nerfs to AI spawns "when antagonist is present"
-Multiple missions received "15% reduction in survive timer when antagonist is present"

When I was reading patch notes explaining all the missions that reduces enemy spawns with an antagonist, I literally said "So 15% less than 0 enemies is still 0, right?" The spawn rate was already a total joke before this patch, but they have been reduced even more. I would routinely find myself dead and waiting to respawn, spinning my camera around to see ZERO hostile enemies on the map to even distract the raiders.

But now, playing at 70+ MMR or in the 50's, all AI are basically toddlers feeding ammo and aleph to raiders. I watch as they deal virtually no damage at all, so the raiders can completely ignore them and dogpile 4v1 on the antag, and if that happens every single spawn, antag will lose every time.

As a mainly antagonist player, I am extremely disappointed in how terrible things have become for us. When I play Raider since the patch, the game is awesome, things are pretty great! But antags are basically child's play at this point, because it makes the mission easier than a solo easy mode.

For those playing at home, I don't need the AI to "win for me" but I DO need them to be a big enough threat to distract the raiders and divide their attention so every respawn doesn't become 4v1. If the raiders know that enemies don't even hurt them, then they will just ignore them until the only threat in the entire mission is dead and then clean up the 2 grunts that might have spawned during that time.

Suggestions / Re: Recruitment UI suggestions
 on: December 18, 2018, 07:52:11 PM 
you can use the new search feature, you don't have to add to friends. Search works really great, actually.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Weapon from the past
 on: December 18, 2018, 02:07:13 AM 
Same, I know it's an old problem that has occurred off and on, but I haven't seen it personally in several months (pre-hades for sure), and since update I have seen it twice. Once when I was raider, and once when antag. As Raider we were able to get the orb in, somehow.

And this post was made today, I just reply fast. Devs would answer this thread eventually, but there had already been multiple reports of this kind of issue made in discord. Me wanting to help fellow community members shouldn't make devs look bad. They have business hours, I don't.

The post in discord regarding this issue was made 6 hours before this thread existed. To be even more specific, this thread was started shortly after 5PM Spain time, they would have already left for the day, I'm pretty sure. Chill, my dudes.


Also, one of y'all gotta change your forum avatar. 2 Bruce Campbells enter, one man leaves!

I agree, it's very annoying when 2 people uses the same avatar.

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