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Messages - LordDraco3

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Suggestions / Re: Idea: No Antagonist On The Prologue
 on: January 24, 2018, 06:58:13 AM 
I see complaints about the antag system, and I just see copy+paste complaints about invaders in Dark Souls. If a player can't handle the possibility of pvp in a 4v1 scenario, there are other games with less conflict and easier gameplay.

Story time x2:
Perhaps there should be some kind of safeguards to protect against Lv18 antagonists wrecking a 1st time player's shit, buuuuut... I've also wrecked an Lv16 antag in the prologue and had 2 never-played-before noobs on my team, they were fantastic. Now they did have me as an experienced Loaht in the game, but the antag barely had any chance to do anything, and it was honestly the most fun I've had playing. I recorded what I could here (noobsy still fell prey to the aleph explotions, every time one happened, plz make them easier to learn for noobs!):

And then there's times like a couple nights ago where I played with someone named Jenny_Frost and 2 Meatbags.... Jenny was a lv6 raider (Kuzman, who's great in prologue), and we had a low rank antag hop in with Mikah. Jenny suggested to surrender in LESS THAN A MINUTE of playing, just stopped moving and playing, and eventually DC'd forcing host migration, 1 player dropped, and then the other noob DC'd causing a second host migration. Jenny and 1 of the noobs reconnected AFTER I solo'd enough to get Lycus to the platform, then they both forced a surrender! I was pretty angry because why even play the game???

So it really depends on the players you get. And honestly if the antag system causes people who can't take a little challenge to leave, then so be it. I can't stand getting teamed up with people who give up and cause a loss for the whole team because they feel the odds are too great for whatever reason.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Difficulty Score?
 on: January 24, 2018, 06:42:34 AM 
I'd also like to chime in that the difficulty score has little to no effect on the rewards given, making the increasing grind REALLY unpleasant...

Last night for example, I was on a decent team in the Lyre Sphere mission. Even with a Loaht though, there were constantly enemies swarming EVERYWHERE 100% of the time. We barely scraped through at 20 minutes of mission time, with 59% difficulty and like 30 deaths. 6k gold reward to be split up was all we got for the trouble, 0 blueprints out of 4 possible...and that mission gives more gold than any other. Should have just gave up part ways in due to the rewards vs. time spent, and I know that has been suggested TONS of times by several players.

I don't mind difficulty going up, but causing longer missions and reward levels hardly going up means less reward for time spent, making the game that much less fun since rewards are currently already stupidly low. My only consolation was that I used 1 ticket on that game so at least I got 5k out of it, but I could have got that 5k by giving up the mission 60 seconds in, instead of taking 20 minutes to win :-\

Spacelords Universe / Re: 75€/9000Mp for 1 SKIN!
 on: January 24, 2018, 06:32:00 AM 
I bet every time the person in charge of the forums tries to justify a 75€ skin he/she dies a little inside ...I mean it's his or her job , what do you expect lol.

It's like the higher ups in charge already think the game is doomed so they are putting all their chips on the small minority that has no self control and are spending addicts before the game shuts down.

I actually think the game could get more support if they make the right changes though.

I work as customer service for a real estate website, so I know how it is to deal with angry customers (and people buying houses can be REAL bastards!). I only wish Mercury Steam was as upfront about what's going on with us, the players (or customers depending on the thought process), as I strive to be with anyone I talk to. I am never afraid to blame our website if it has issues and design flaws, like our search function was *awful* for the longest.... but the web developers thought it was fine and kept writing off our internal complaints. Everyone that complained about it, I agreed and sympathized with.
And eventually, it got changed! Now I don't have to apologize for our web search being crappy 10 times a day :P

Pretending a massive problem does not exist does not look good on a service provider. Admitting fault, having empathy and understanding and a willingness to correct a problem, goes a looooooong way. Acting like 80 dollars for a single cosmetic is justifiable is pretending like it's not a problem, and an attempt to invalidate criticism. Like my web devs at work claiming a function is fine, when we get 50 calls a day complaining about said feature.

Someone compared Ginebra skin to Bethesda's Horse Armor DLC, which is a good point. Horse Armor was massively mocked by the video game community at large, and now stands as an infamous meme in regards to overpriced useless DLC... and that was just $2.50! Imagine if Raiders was more mainstream, an $80 skin would become the laughing stock of every single game journalism site on the internet!

It's not as big of an issue as the much-needed economy changes, but they DO keep promising to fix those, which has kept a few of the lingering fanbase from jumping ship already. It's just such a mixed bag as far as some things we get a lot of dev feedback on, and others do not  :-\

Ship's Log / Re: 80 new Faction Cards are now available!
 on: January 24, 2018, 06:09:48 AM 
More build options is always good!

Is there any way we could start getting a write up of content added like this, in text form? Just gonna take a long time to go through the game menus to find 80 new cards.

Suggestions / Re: Rewards Suggestion: Performance Based Rewards
 on: January 19, 2018, 01:08:32 AM 
I think so long as the performance isn't compared that's not so bad. Perhaps, just shown on 'that' person's screen. As it stands, you couldn't make changes now without redoing several graphical elements and I have to assume that is what they have or are planning to do. I just hope it doesn't become a flood of statistics but maybe... that information could be noted elsewhere for personal use and of course bragging! I'd especially like to know what my highest ratings are per mission kind of like a high score table would normally do.

Yes! It seems difficult to judge "performance" in an objective-based game that also requires doing not-objective things. A player shooting the gunships is just as important as the player clearing the enemies off their back, is just as important as Iune healing people, or Kuzman shocking lots of damage spread out to help get kills, but making few kills himself. Just a lot of factors to consider.

BUT I would love to have a personal statistics page to see how I'm performing

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Loaht's forever beast form has to go
 on: January 19, 2018, 12:57:51 AM 
Coming with the next patch (patch notes here:, the Tough card from Loaht does not affect the Beast's health degeneration. That was an unintended consequence and it's been fixed. (Aaaand, we forgot to include that in the patch notes :( )

Combining the right cards and getting into the game with a clear strategy in mind is the intended design of the game.

The kind of strategy-counterstrategy discussion we have here is just beautiful! However, we do keep an eye on any combinations that are getting out of hand and fix it as it is the case.

I didn't even know that card was responsible for permabeast until someone told me in discord last night. It definitely never sounded like it should affect beast form, from the description!

Spacelords Universe / Re: 75€/9000Mp for 1 SKIN!
 on: January 19, 2018, 12:53:06 AM 
I have never purchased a single skin on any game in my life since it never impacts gameplay

^Thus my point. Some players will never care about cosmetic looks, this is just a numbers game.

I am a player who loves to spend on this kinda stuff though. I'd be ashamed to admit how much total cash I've spent on Warframe over the years just to look pretty, or Soul Calibur 5 character creation. I've definitely bought this kinda thing a lot through my years.... and I have never seen a *single* cosmetic enhancement cost this much, ever.

Monetization in general is not the problem. Earning through in-game achievement is ALWAYS preferred, but your business model obviously relies on microtransactions to some extent. It should just be priced within reality.

I still want to buy a skin for Harec, Alicia, etc. since they have some good prices and look nice. Just waiting to see the verdict on upcoming changes.

I try to report what I record! Might not be specific to PS4, but that's what I play on.

Seems to be a problem respawning if you die before right before a cutscene. I've noticed long wait times to show back up before, but this was the first time I noticed my character standing around without being able to control it until an enemy killed the body. You can see me (Kuzmann) get pulverized towards the end to prove the character shows back up, but the player is still stuck in spectator view. I respawned after an elite mob killed my body.

In the fatty convoy mission, just had an elite sniper get stuck off the side. Made it difficult to collect enough aleph since there should be 2 spawns, but this limited it to 1... Tried to kill her, but was impossible thanks to the stupid gunship.

Lost complete control of my character when starting a game with an invited party member. I was not able to pick a character either, and it said "matchmaking halted". The pause menu had me twice in the team. The game eventually booted me for inactivity, and when I reconnected everything was good to go, the team was already past the beholder.

Suggestions / Re: Lessen the cost of the new raider!
 on: January 18, 2018, 09:28:42 AM 
Because how will the game last without locking content (characters=content) behind large grind walls?

Also, it's not so bad if you hyper-focus on gold farming and keep your eyes on a singel character at a time, never spending gold on anything else or getting any character or faction points! Why, if you follow these steps, you can have the current (as of the time of posting this) roster unlocked after farming just shy of a cool 1 MILLION gold! I estimate that will take you only a cool 125 hours, give or take a little. It'll probably take more though, because you can't win every match!  :o

And by the time you finish that, I bet all the other characters will be out by then, and who knows how many hours it'll take to farm them? And doesn't this all sound like game value to me? Everyone knows that people quit playing a competitive co-op multiplayer once they have access to all characters and weapons, so you can rest easy to know that the low cost of this game will keep you playing for hundreds of hours grinding for that sweet, sweet gold. Talk about high value for a low price!  :o

Spacelords Universe / Re: 75€/9000Mp for 1 SKIN!
 on: January 18, 2018, 08:33:54 AM 
Oh boy...

Some skins cost less than 5€ (4), most skins cost between 5 and 15€ (10) and some skins cost more than 40€ (3). I will try to explain the reasoning for this with an open heart:

Most skins are reasonably priced. I had been considering buying some skins if the teased "big announcement" fixed the rewards system sufficiently, there's a lot of really cool ones and some prices aren't bad.

But they are random off-the-wall prices that make no sense. I think every single skin in the game has a different price, for seemingly no reason? Lycus Mars Merc is super cheap, and now we have an $80 Ginebra skin.

They are optional cosmetic items that don't affect gameplay:

Noooo... maybe not to some players. There will always be certain players who never care how they look or about cosmetics and will use the default look forever, they only care about "gameplay affecting" things like doing 1% more damage.

And there are other players out there who care deeply about cosmetics, playing dress up in a game is just as important, or more, than any functional advantages that they might be able to get. To these players, releasing a blatantly insane price on a cosmetic is either insulting, or predatory.  It's kinda both.

Also, the Raiders amazing visual style, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, is one of the main positive draws for it.

I highly recommend this for further education on why the "it doesn't affect gameplay" is a false argument:

They are 3D pieces that cost a lot of work hours to produce:
  • If all skins were priced proportionally to the time they take to produce, they would all be around the 10-15$ range.
  • That would leave a lot of players without the chance to own at least one or two skins for cheap.
You mean to tell me the work put into this skin is twice the amount of work that designing the actual campaigns costs? Because all 4 campaigns = $40, so an $80 skin justified by the amount of work needed sure sounds like it has more work put in than the entire rest of the game. 

If the game generates more players, that means more interest in cosmetics, which means more total purchases. They will also be up for sale for the duration this game lasts. Are you just trying to get 1 or 2 whales to buy Ginebra? Because that's obviously the target audience here, with the clear intent to push this skin faaaaaar out of reach for the majority of players.
Disclaimer: for those who haven't heard the term whale before, here is an explanation:

  • Ginebra and Loaht's skins take twice as much work because they need two different models.
  • It makes sense that these are the skins chosen to be priced higher than the others.

Makes sense. But hear me, and so many others out: Nine. Thousand. Points. $80 for "just a cosmetic."

Let's compare a high priced skin from a regular character... say one that costs 2500 points. That's $20 in raw points, I'd still say that's expensive, but I would have likely never thought to leave legit feedback regarding how bad it was. So this Ginebra skin is 4 times the work than Shae's Nun? It has new models on it, but it still has a lot of base Ginebra reused.


Regardless, the real insult to the players here is putting something so unfathomably expensive into the game during the same week we are waiting to hear the "big changes" to the game economy, which I'd be very confident in saying is the #1 complaint turning potential new players off. I nearly quit after seeing the very first reward screen (which I got nothing, on my first win ever, because of the awful blueprint coin flip) and seeing character costs, but I went ahead and bought both current campaigns because I was optimistic.

I'd sure love to play Ginebra, but she is so expensive it will take ages to get her. Hans costs 25k. Is Ginebra actually 14 times better than him, based on their respective costs? We know she isn't, but she has been placed behind a massive grind wall and now paired with the most expensive single cosmetic I've seen in my gaming years.

Honestly 550 for "regulars" and 1250 for "rares"would be better.

There is another issue with the mercury point packs...they come at the most in 2500 so it kinda makes sense that the prices for skins are around that, usually less because 2500 is the biggest pack. It really is a bad UI that you have to do several purchases in steam, validate raiders etc just to have an item.

BTW. Have you considered adding re-colors of the skins themselves? Kinda like fighthing games. Those for 100 MP would be really nice or include 10 colors if you buy the skin in a pack or something.

Just want to second everything suggested here. A predictable, reasonable, attainable pricing that's even across the board, points that are easier to buy (seriously why even price something higher than the largest pack of points?). And recolor customization options, in a game with beautiful visuals.

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