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Messages - Whitebleidd

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It took me some minutes to even process my disgust… I also honestly didn’t believe it could get worse, but they proved everyone wrong… the community very clearly, almost in unison, asks for (at the very least) a partial reversal to the aleph changes they did, and what is their answer? They double down and make the system even more unrecognisable, holy hell smh…

Guys. If MSE added a system where players could turn off the option to have an antagonist invade their game then every player in the game would turn it off and leave it off.

So? In that case the player base would have spoken, less toxicity would follow. Plus, if you are someone that is fine going into pvp with ppl that are not looking to pvp, then you’re just a trash, POS person with no concept of sportsmanship, and other players should most definitely NOT be held ransom for such an individual.

However, if MSE is going to make an antagonist free game then I would suggest a solo queue that you can invite friends to. This solo queue provides less rewards (because lets face it in the current state of the game the adds are useless at mmr 40 or lower) and if you lose the mission it will not go towards the pot. By "less rewards" I mean majorly low. around 500 gold, 500 talent points, xp doesn't matter it can be whatever MSE wants it or as whatever people complain about what it should be.
Yes, private matches are another no brainer option that should definitely exist, however giving out less rewards for such matches doesn’t make sense and should not be the case.

Suggestions / Re: Game Penalties
 on: July 18, 2019, 09:41:12 PM 
Well I simply haven’t seen mmr that low happen naturally, unless something changed with the new “prizes galore” update… which could be the case, idk, since after said update I admit I haven’t played much, the game has already been butchered with previous updates, at this point only the stress mechanic remains, but I wonder how long before even that is “reworked” (butchered), the game no longer resembles itself, and on top of that playtime now goes unrewarded with gold, xp, fp being trash, and I didn’t say 41mmr was hard in general, steamroll easy in fact, if you have decent forge weapons and know what you’re doing, for new players however its hard… they struggle quite a bit with it from what I’ve seen.

Suggestions / Re: Game Penalties
 on: July 18, 2019, 08:57:56 PM

You leave, you say screw you team, why there shouldn't be a penalty? Especially when you do it even before match starts?

Im on 63, mission goes lower because of new players to 41. Sure they don't lower it, sure.
Or even better how about 25 mmr? Im still on same 60.

The only thing that is wrong with MMR is random difficulty spikes.

So according to you 41mmr is something that a rank 0 and 6 should be facing? That’s exactly what I mean by mmr not going down enough for low ranks, or the system allowing low ranks to climb to high, there should be caps as to what mmr a player can achieve based on their lvl, so they dont end up in missions where they do no damage. Still the current mmr system is so bad, that having mmr caps in place won’t help a veteran player that is using a new character with a forge0 weapon, as I’m sure many have experienced just recently with Sooma, creating matches with high mmr, where your team mates are low lvls and you can’t even carry them effectively because you’re weapon is useless, add to that unavoidable invasions from scumbags and you have a recipe for extreme toxicity, going back to the point of this thread, leaver penalties are too harsh.

As for your second image, that one I can earnestly call bullshit on, either you were not mmr65 during that match, or the other players had abnormally low mmr, like the type only achievable by purposely lowering it, not even when I’ve had lower mmr in the 50s range, and getting multiple rank 0s, has mmr ever gone that low, not even when I smurfed in PS4, I can’t honestly ever even remember seeing mmr that low, only way that can happen is ppl lowering their mmr on purpose or getting invaded by an antag with very high mmr.

Suggestions / Re: Game Penalties
 on: July 18, 2019, 04:02:12 AM 
High? 48%-50% is high for you? Thats like medium MMR. I had 42% mmr on my smurf.
48-50 mmr is way too high for low lvls, but above all, what is high, medium or low mmr, varies wildly with whatever whims MSE has for the week, that said, as of how things stand now, 50 mmr is high for low lvls, and we are talking real low lvls, not someone smurfing.

And you guys DO know how MMR works right? You do understand that that low lvls if they have lower MMR will lower mission difficulty?
Do you? Anyone that has played the game long enough knows MMR from new players doesn’t have a significant enough impact on mission difficulty, it should, but simply doesn’t, also new players can attain MMR levels that are way too high for them and their skill/forge level by being matched and carried by higher tier players, and there’s also the human trash antags that are max tier and lower their MMR to the 40s or lower in order to cheat on missions.

So yes, as the op suggests, the current leaver penalties are unreasonable and should simply be outright removed or at least not require the match to end for the 5min timer to begin, since this game gives strong reasons for a player to justly want to leave a match, they should either fix this issues or remove leaver penalties.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The trolls need to be stopped
 on: July 12, 2019, 01:38:28 PM 
To all the people thinking that throwing (willfully loosing) a match is acceptable, I ask: why not leave?
If my ping is way too bad (or I don't have fun for another reason), I offer a surrender, if it's not accepted, I leave and take a 20 min. break or something.
Because of the leaver penalty, matches that merit throwing occur way to often for leaving and taking a 20 min break to be feasible, making throwing the only option if you want to get back into a good match in a timely manner (if surrendering failed ofc).

Week long bans, as if MSE is going to bother with looking through reports.  Shrink the tiny player pool even more.  Of course don't fix the improper match making that is causing the throwing.  Or the weak 2nd protector dev admitted brokenness causing the throwing.  And no dedicated servers with 3rd world potato internet hosts.  Spend the whole fiscal year budget on an actress likeness instead.  I don't know how anyone cannot see this, but they are just trying to squeeze out as much money as fast as they can before they move onto the next project.  Having a robust community of players in 3 years in not something they are working towards.  look at actions, not words.  They think capping farmers is going to cause them to buy gold and exp boost, but it will just cause them to play another game.
Pretty well summed up, it doesn’t seem like there’s much interest in solving issues that cause ppl to throw matches. The hardest issue to tackle would be lag, setting up servers doesn’t seem to be an option considering the low player base (even though the low population is probably because of their stubbornness in certain features to begin with…), even so, private matches could alleviate the issue of bad ping for some, since it would allow premade groups of 2-3 players that know they have a good enough connection between each other, to start matches right away and have some relatively lag free matches, filling unused spots with Cortez bros. All other issues not related to lag that cause throwing could be easily fixed though, so not much excuse there.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The trolls need to be stopped
 on: July 11, 2019, 08:34:12 PM 
There are 2 scenarios where throwing a match (if voting for surrender failed) is justified, unplayable ping and antag invasions (since players can’t queue out of them).

Considering we now have the Cortez bros and they refuse to add a queue without antags, they should just remove the leaver penalty so ppl don’t get trapped in matches and have to resort to throwing.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Leveing the playing field
 on: June 28, 2019, 11:26:23 AM 
All those warframe “missions” you listed are the copy pasta I meant, they can all be summarized into a literal handful, also the Ai in warframe is brain dead, Ai in raiders is superior and it’s not only because of the potential damage/precision (bloated stats) they can achieve at higher mmr, that also happens, but in general they also react in more varied ways regardless of damage numbers. The hardest missions you can face in the game are not antag missions, not even close, high mmr missions is where the real difficulty and need for improvement is.

All frames end up feeling very similar, are you on a heavy, bulky frame? Well doesn’t matter, you can flip around and ninja dash like any of the light/slim frames, “countless weapons” yea sure… countless copy pasta weapons, most of them just a different skin, which isn’t the case with raiders.

and yet you are still here.
in a pvp game.
Not a PVP game, PVP doesn’t happen on every game, facts…

playing the same 17 exact missions you have already finished, again and again, while you have absolutly nothing more to gain or improve.
As if antagonists bring improvement… you either counter them or they counter you, this is not a pvp game of skill, if you’re looking for that, this is not a good place, pvp in this game is about cheese and exploiting, and most importantly NOT about facing your enemy, the game actively discourages it, any “good” antagonist will not attack head on, they will wait for a raider to be distracted with a mob or they will try to grapple from stealth (which wouldn’t be much of an issue to counter if not for the damn inconsistencies caused by lag). And ill repeat it again here, if you want a challenge, high mmr matches is where you’ll get it.

It’s pathetic watching all these “pvp” players that get their panties in a bunch when ppl suggest an ADDITIONAL pve mode, why? dunno, if you want to pvp do so, most pve players aren’t asking for its removal.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Leveing the playing field
 on: June 28, 2019, 08:21:27 AM 
i said, this game has only 17 missions.

so don't be ridiculous, games like warframe, fallout or borderlands have tons of differents missions on differents maps, they are not comparable with this one...
This game has 17 UNIQUE missions (which is already more than Warframe, plus their executions is not as braindead), that combined with the more competent Ai, variety of raiders and weapons come together to provide a much better and more varied experience than Warframe, I got bored out of my mind with Warframe by the time I got a bit over 100h yet when it comes to raiders I am well over 1k+ hours and (other than antags wasting my time) I’m not bored yet, also since I have no interest in this games PVP, most of my time is ofc spent in PVE. The only thing Warframe has is more junk to grind for, but otherwise everything about the game is just copy pasta, and that goes double for its missions and maps.

without antag challenge, how much time will you play the game before getting bored ?

being crushed by stupid cheating AI is more repulsive than attractive to me.
i'm not sure people will stay more on the game with no antag system at all.
Basically this claim is entirely false because of how subjective it is, you get bored without antags, well I get bored with them, that’s why there should be at the very least 2 modes. ppl that like both (but just not all the time) can jump back and forth between them, there is literally no drawbacks and would in the long run, allow the population to grow, since players that don’t want the annoying PVP all the time, would be more likely to stay.

right now, this game only take more than two days to finish because of the lvl requirement...
Good luck with that, I would really like to see a person finish this game in 2 days… and if you are referring to just beating all missions, then that is not “finishing the game” not even close, since that is most certainly not the objective in this type of games.

I have suggested before that they should add a bonus option to select an Antag invasion. Add that to the mission Select screen as an option. If you select that box, you get a 2x reward bonus. Don't want an Antag? Cut the rewards. Add additional bonuses after 5,10,15 Antag queues in a row.
If they add a bit of a reward multiplier for PVP queue, that could be fine (although 2x is too much, should be closer to something like 1.2-1.5x), as long as they don’t lock unique content to PVP, such as weapons, cosmetics and such, and limit it to only slightly increased currency/xp.

They should generally focus more on content and not on stupidities like limited ammo drops, awful aleph drops, sudden death timers, removing player's levels, shortening wounded states, …
Man, they got so many things wrong the last few updates, it's unbelievable!
Sigh… can’t agree more, it’s downright painful to watch…

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Ginebra build/Card Question
 on: June 23, 2019, 06:40:21 AM 
Why would they nerf the detection size AND damage?
Oof no idea on that, more than half the nerfs they do are completely unnecessary imo, especially when it comes to what was done to Ginebra in general, while on the other hand things that would seem like they clearly need to be nerfed (such as Harec stalk spam and tolchok push spam/stunlock) are never touched… also as was seen in the patch notes I linked, they nerfed damage BEFORE it bounces, which again doesn’t make sense since damage before bouncing always was and still is, shit.

Ill admit it was overpowered in the past but now its kind of useless because now I can't line up a shot because most of the time I cant even see the target I'm aiming at. That's a shame cuz I like the guns mechanic I just wish I could actually hit something.
The only possible things about schleuder that needed a nerf imo was damage after bounces and the maximum rate of fire that could be achieved through the forge, of those 2, they did nerf damage after bounces but I don’t think they nerfed rate of fire (although I could b wrong), but that was about it, reducing projectile hitbox was completely unnecessary.

When it comes to her “cat form” all of her nerfs are imo complete garbage and miss the point, if all they wanted (as the devs themselves keep mentioning it) is for her not to be able to run around in survival forever, then a timer or stamina bar once she transforms would have sufficed, so that she can’t stay in it forever (any good Ginebra won’t stay in cat form for long anyways, so a generous timer or stamina bar wouldn’t really affect normal gameplay, and only hinder ppl trying to cheese survivals), reducing her HP and even worse, removing her ability to stealth makes no sense from both a gameplay and lore perspective.

On top of that Javelin is the more op one. I'm able to instantly kill things with a good lined up shot.
I wouldn’t say Javelin is more op, in a sense I think both Schleuder and Javelin are equally crap, compared to what they used to be, they both got overnerfed hard, Schleuder is still better imo for general purpose, its decently effective at close, med, and long range, Javelin however only has good long range, if anything is close or med, may as well go punch the mob, cause damage is garbage, Javeline however ofc outshines Schleuder on most boss fights, although I would argue schleuder is still better for some boss fights, such as spider Kuzman.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Ginebra build/Card Question
 on: June 22, 2019, 10:38:17 AM 
The hitbox for schleuder was indeed nerfed, a lot, around the time she received her huge batch of other nerfs, so coupled with its low projectile speed it makes it quite easy to miss with that weapon.
Quote from: MSE
- Decreased C33 SU-Schleuder's damage before bounces by 15%
- Decreased C33 SU-Schleuder's projectile detection size by 30%

Spacelords Universe / Re: Antagonist optional missions
 on: June 21, 2019, 09:02:58 PM 
Yes, and why is that?
Because they did it wrong since the beginning. You just need choices in a game because players are different. You can't come up with just one mode, if it's your vision or not, it will not work. Look at all the other MMO's or multiplayer games out there, even Blizzard/Overwatch was forced to offer a PVE mode (and they have millions of players).
Maybe it's already too late now, but what do they have to lose?
Yea that was one of the main nails in in this games coffin, releasing without even basic modes such as PVE or a private matches (where ppl would be allowed to start a match even without a full party). If you look at reviews for the game demand for them is very high, so adding them even now could bring ppl back and give the game some positive press.

It's too late to be worrying about long queue times and small player base. Having more options is never a bad thing and the player base isn't growing anyway so wtf are we waiting for. I'm sick of hearing antags complaining about long waiting times.. Idk maybe stop killing off all the new players?
Indeed, that is pretty much the point atm, there’s little to lose anyways. And yea its always rich hearing antags complain about long queue times when they are partly to blame… on one hand they swear that ppl don’t have an issue with the antagonist system, the “majority loves it”, but then they turn around and start squealing if anyone suggests a mode without them.

just move on, cause yall sound miserable lol. I realize, as you said, this is their forum for game feedback, but you anti-antag folk are literally talking to a brick wall, it's bad for your health mate.
I appreciate the concern, but you really don’t have to worry, I assure you I don’t play any one game exclusively and find myself popping my head into this particular game a lot less often, however I do keep up with news on it, in the hopes we will get even the most basic of features (such as what is proposed in the title of this thread) and maybe something will become of it, since at its core it is a good game, although even that is on shaky ground since the devs are destroying parts of its core with their patches, *cough* new aleph/ammo systems…

but it's here to stay..."deal with it" or play another game.
Not everyone is a pushover and just rolls over on command, “Oh noes the overlords said so… bow and nod… bow and nod” … thankfully I don’t believe many think in such a simple way or we wouldn’t get much improvements on games post launch, many player friendly features have been added to games long after its launch despite the waves zealots swearing it would NEVER happen, take as a recent example Atlas, that game had a thread requesting single player with over 1k posts, where probably half of the posters were hyperbolic naysayers going on about how - that was not the intent or “vision” of the devs, it will neeever happen, or the all-time favorite “it’s impossible to implement”, “just deal with it” – and as we stand now, single player has been announced for that game…

Spacelords Universe / Re: Antagonist optional missions
 on: June 20, 2019, 04:25:07 AM 
if you say so...
but that's not the feeling i had reading what devs had said about it on several topics nor the way the game is presented everywhere on internet... =)
If the game was a mandatory PvPvE game, antags would be enforced on every match, starting one should be impossible without them if that was the case.

What the devs say is not law and can very well conflict with reality, as is the case here, evidence is what talks and that goes for all things related to creations and its creators, a writer can say his book is a serious drama, but if when reading it, it’s clearly apparent to anyone that it’s actually a comedy, no amount of statements on the part of the author will change it, same if the devs decided to say this game was a racing game, they could plaster that all over the games store pages, but it would still not make it so. Fact is arguably half the matches don’t have any PvP in them, give or take depending on the day.

Also when it comes to “the way the game is presented everywhere on internet” this game almost has none, only reason I even found this game was because it popped up in my steam discovery queue, and what is presented about it is very vague and doesn’t reflect the reality of it, in the games own steam page the term PvP or any variation of it is not presented even once, the closest thing you get is this reference to a 4 vs 1 campaing “Experience both sides of the story” that could mean a multitude of things and since it references story it could even allude to playing as an antag against AI…. there is no mention of forced invasions, or that the pvp that will exist is enforced completely at random (which given evidence of other games I’m guessing no one is going to expect forced pvp, since again not even dedicated PVP games enforce it), hell the “Popular user-defined tags” are action, free to play, MP, and adventure, and the developer defined tags are single player, MP, coop, cross-platform, etc, no "PVP", "player vs player" anywhere to be found…

complaining about seems a little strange to me...

“Complaining” is the only thing we can do, this is where you come to leave feedback… and considering the toxic nature of the current antagonist system, it is very much warranted, ppl can lose hours of their time, just to satisfy some random griefer, both because of lost rewards and lost gameplay time enjoyment.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Antagonist optional missions
 on: June 20, 2019, 03:18:08 AM 
what you say makes not really sense, first you can't come to a pvp game and say, "hé it's fun but i'd like it more rid of the pvp part".
well in fact yes, you can... and maybe you'll be right, but devs want the game to be pvp and stated it as a pvp game.
This is not a pvp game, it’s not even a full blown PvPvE, it’s more of a light version of PvPvE since the PVP part of it is many times completely absent, in addition to the fact that it functions completely fine, with no downsides, when played solely as PVE.

and second, you choose you're character/weapon depending on the mission right ? so why not depending of the probability to face an antag, who IS part of the mission ?
This has been brought up many times as one of the MANY reasons why the antag system makes the game less enjoyable, not being able to play a character you want because there’s a “chance” of them invading is simply not fun.

problem is not antag, problems are 1) you can't fight antag AND insane IA at the same time.
2) what i said before, there is almost always and alternate mode to keep cool when you want to play the game without pvp stress and accomodate new players to the stuff. 
well in fact IA in this game is utterly absurd so it will bring stress even without antag, but... well...
Antags and them being enforced are the problem, they are the reason why this game will never grow and they are the reason for the toxicity in the community. Because the PVP in this game is enforced in such a way ppl will leave, anyone sensible is not going to put up with this shit and with good reason.

but still, there is always an full AI mode. always, in all pvp games i have tried. for honor, league of legend, paragon, mortal kombat, street fighters and so on, there is always no pvp mode, same in mmo.
As you mentioned almost all PVP games have their own cooperative PVE and/or Ai mode, this game has a very functional PVE mode, much better in fact than other dedicated coop PVE games, games like left4dead or Vermintide can’t provide even half the awesome coop experience this game has, so fucking this game over just to entertain some griefers is nuts imo.

So in conclusion, optional antags would solve many of this games problems, anyways antags always say that most ppl have no issues with the mode, that PVE players are in the minority, so if that’s true no harm done, wouldn’t it be us “few” PVE players that would suffer the long queues?...

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Sudden Death Makes no sense
 on: June 06, 2019, 03:42:31 AM 
Not only do we have this “lovely” biased new feature, mmr has flown in their favour, making match difficulty jump to the 60s+, even if they don’t spawn they would probly win since such difficulty spikes happen even if you have tier6 ppl on the team. The game rewarding trash yet again…

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