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Messages - MSE_Karen

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Ship's Log / State of the Game Address #1
 on: October 05, 2018, 05:43:35 PM 

Dear Raiders and Antagonists,

Welcome to the first State of the Game address. In this new section, the MercurySteam team would like to acknowledge the most candent topics shared by our community in Spacelords’ official forums, the game’s Steam forum, the unofficial Discord channel and our social media channels.

Previously this week, we released Spacelords’ Update 11.0, including many optimizations and upgrades to the game’s AI and Logic systems.

The feedback we are receiving is quite positive overall, but there are some topics our community is concerned about or would like to have a better understanding. Let’s have a look to the top 3.

1. MMR, game difficulty and disparate player levels.

With the new F2P model we have welcomed thousands of new players. These new users are very important for the future of game, and in time they will develop their skills and become really good players. We believe that, as more players enter the game, players will be better stratified between low, mid and high levels. Until we reach that sweet spot, though, we currently have new players mixed with dedicated veterans.

In an ideal world, matchmaking would flawlessly match players with absolute precision, and the system is designed to function with that goal in mind, but in real life time zones, geographical zones and connection speeds might affect the experience. Again, we keep working to minimize their impact.

Ideally, Spacelords matches players with compatible MMR, independently of their character level. It is entirely possible for a low-level player who recently joined the game to achieve a high MMR if he or she is skilled enough, having to face and Antagonist with a superior While Forge Level. We keep working on fine-tuning this system and improving the user experience.

2.  Mentor Matches

This topic is related to the previous one. We implemented the mentor matches to support and reward veterans who give a helping hand to the players new to Spacelords. While the concept is sound, it is not pleasing a significant number of vets out there. We are aware that the system is not 100% fine-tuned, and we are thinking about ways to improve it, including increasing the rewards for the mentors, among many others.

3. Kuzmann’s levers in “In Shock”.

The latest patch included a small modification to the “In Shock” mission boss fight against the infamous Dr. Kuzmann. We felt the old "insta-use" levers incentivized suicidal manoeuvres a bit too much. With these new changes introduced in the game, we tried to encourage a safer and slower approach in order to solve the situation.

The solution, however, is not as fine-tuned as we hoped, resulting in a significant increase of the mission´s difficulty. We are amending this in an upcoming game update.

We hope you have found this State of the Game entry useful. We are immensely grateful for all the constructive criticism feedback. We take all the feedback received into account, and several ideas coming from the community have ended-up being implemented in the game. Of course, this process takes time from evaluation to execution, but our commitment to making the best game possible based on our fans’ preferences remains.

See you on the Broken Planet!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Typos?
 on: October 05, 2018, 10:15:00 AM 
Hi Dev20W,

Thank you very much for reporting this and helping  us improving the game! We just corrected the texts and the changes will apply in the next patch.

Have a nice day,


Suggestions / Re: Repeatable rewards for Solo mode
 on: October 04, 2018, 09:53:04 AM 
Hi, guys!

Thank you very much for your suggestions. Though the game is meant to be played on coop to fully explore the antag feature, I'll let our design team know so they can investigate the possibilities for this mode.

Hi Cryptek,

Thank you for reporting this, I just passed it to our QA Team so they can investigate the issue.

Hi there!

Thank you very much for taking the time to tell your experience, this feedback provides a lot of useful information to keep improving the game!  ;)

In the first place, you are right about the difficulty in the Council Apocalypse's missions. We have noted the duration of the games is higher than usual, so we'll fix it in a future update.

Regarding the overall difficulty on Spacelords, we have seen how the players have become so skilled that we have tried to balance the missions. We have focused on the bulk of players to establish this difficulty so this is probably why it is concieved like it's too hard when having an specific MMR. For this reason, we'll focuse on different groups of players (the most skilled or the newest ones, for example) in order to adapt the difficulty in a future patch.

We want the game to be a challenge and for you to enjoy it! :D

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tolchok is still broken
 on: October 03, 2018, 01:20:10 PM 
Hi guys,

Since this is a recurrent issue, I'm letting the design team know so they can evaluate the options regarding the Tolchok.

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Hi again, Nemo!

It looks like a bug. Did it happen once or the problem persists? Please, let us know if that's the case and we'll look into it.

Thank you!

Suggestions / Re: Mentor Matches - Feedback and Suggestions
 on: October 03, 2018, 12:58:00 PM 
Hi, Nemo!

As we discussed in other threads, we are reviewing this issue thoroughly because of the players' feedback. Rest assured we are discusing right now what are the best options for the future having in mind both veterans and new players.

Thank you very much!

Suggestions / Re: Revise training/solo mode
 on: October 03, 2018, 12:33:02 PM 
Hi, guys!

Thank you very much for letting us know your concerns about the solo mode. I'll make sure to pass this suggestion to the design team to evaluate the options in the future.

Thank you again for bringing new ideas!

Fan Corner / Re: Fsjal Spacelords
 on: October 02, 2018, 05:48:50 PM 
Hahaha these are great! The Konstantin and Cortez ones are hilarious ;D

Suggestions / Re: Upside Down overall difficulty
 on: October 02, 2018, 05:41:43 PM 
Hi, guys!

Thank you very much for reporting this. As you may know, we just released the update 11.0 and, among other things, it applies some changes to the Upside Down mission that should reduce the difficulty a little bit. Please, check it out, we'll love to hear your impressions!

Suggestions / Re: Character Voice Commands
 on: October 02, 2018, 01:39:37 PM 
Oh, wow! Those are cool ideas ;D I'll make sure to pass them to the design team. Thank you very much, guys!

Hi, Angeles!

Thank you very much for your advices, I'm sure the newcomers will find this guide very helpful!  ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: My Mentor Match Adventure
 on: October 02, 2018, 12:51:39 PM 
Hi, guys!

I'm not "that nice guy from MercurySteam" but I'll also say we certainly listen to you and have your concerns in mind when looking for ways to improve the game. The proof is we are always releasing updates implementing features, balancing matchmaking and characters, etc.

With the release of the fourth campaign and the transition to the F2P, a lot of new players have joined Spacelords. And they need time to learn all you know as veterans.

We created the mentor matches with that idea in mind: help and support the newcomers. We know the MMR system is not perfect ( geographical zones and connection speeds might affect the experience) and we keep working in order to improve it, including increasing the rewards for the mentors.

Please, be patient and have in mind these changes take time to apply. Thank you very much, as always, for your feedback.

Hello, guys!

As you know, we recently launched a patch that included some improvements for the matchmaking system. These changes are based on your feedback and the situations you experience at the game. Rest assured well'll keep balancing the system in order to improve the game.

Thank you very much!

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