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Messages - SniffaXxX

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Gameplay Feedback / Two problems. One solution.
 on: June 18, 2018, 06:25:42 PM 
Let's start with the problems.
High MMR enemies being too tough.
And high level players vs low level players.

Playing at high mmr can be excruciating difficult. Causing a lot of players to purposely drop their mmr and receive lower rewards.

High level players have an unfair advantage against low level players in the form of the passive skills. Making newer player's bullets and strikes feel like mosquitos. And on top of that they get extra damage against the newer players in the form of extra strike damage and upgrades guns.

The solution? Buff passive skills and only apply them to NPCs.
This will make playing at high mmr more manageable and offer a more rewarding experience for high level players.
And also take away some of the unfair advantages in PVP situations. Better game knowledge and higher level guns/cards should be the only advantage another player has over another. Leave melee alone to be the equalizer between high and low level players.

Suggestions / Enemy Mikah Decoys should be red
 on: May 31, 2018, 06:16:26 PM 
This hit me with the release of Schneider recently. A friendly Schneider drone has a green outline while an enemy's has a red outline. The same should be done for mikah. And can be especially confusing sometimes for raiders when you have a mikah on your team and a mikah antagonist.

Of course we realize that. But won't stop us from having fun fantasizing.

A cowboy Bebop skin pack would be dope.

Spike for Lycas.
Faye for Alicia.
Jet for Konstantin.
And Ed for Schneider haha.

Nixon/Agnew from futurama for Kuzmann.
Or any of their head in a jar characters haha

Johann Kraus from hell boy would be a fantastic kuzmann skin.

Faith from Mirror's edge as an Alicia skin would be cool. All the parkour stuff is fitting.

A street sharks skin for loaht. Then he'd just turn bigger and angrier with beast form.

A gene Simmons skin for lycas. Don't ask me why, I don't know.

Lobo skin for Lycus Dion
Species "Sil" skin for H.I.V.E.
Girl with a dragon Tattoo for Alicia (a Furiosa skin would be good to, maybe even better).
Grifith (from Berserk) skin for Doldren

Lobo is the only one I know and would be cool. I'll have to look up the rest lol

Harec needs a Raiden skin. The classic skin, not the black one from Revengeance

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Yes❗ that'd be perfect. At first I thought you
Meant mortal kombat

Hey Raiders! (And antagonists) I wanted to break up the negativity a bit and have some fun. If there was ever going to be any cross franchise content put into Raiders, what would you like to see? I'm talking Guns, Skins, Characters, whatever!

I'll start with Samus from metroid. It was mercury steam's previous work with the metroid series that sparked this idea in my brain. It'd be super awesome to see her has a playable character. Have her classic arm cannon weapon. Hold the trigger to build a charge and release to fire. But charge with caution because it'll raise your stress meter! And for her ability she'd use her grapple beam.
She could use it to grab somebody from grapple distance and pull them close and automatically follow up with a strike. That would need a pretty long cooldown I think haha.

Alternatively, I think samus could also be worked into a ginebra skin, maybe with a weapon to match. Her tension bar could act as the weapon charging. And change her cougar form into the morphball. (RIP hitbox)

Obviously this is pretty unrealistic, but that's not the point. What're your ideas?!

Suggestions / Re: Antagonist Cards
 on: May 04, 2018, 05:56:34 AM 
You all raise some good points. The whole concept of antagonist is very tricky. The games really differ on a player to player basis and any shift in balance could have a dramatic shift depending on new vs experienced players on either side. Another thought to this i just had was what if instead of have an antagonist card, you could get an antagonist modifier randomly selected at the start of the game? Same game effect ideas as before. But the player wouldn't get to choose it.

Maybe you know this already, when you unlock a character, their default weapon is pre built at a forge level 3 with 2 points into every stat.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Schlueder needs a nerf
 on: April 20, 2018, 09:34:10 PM 
Admittedly, I've never used schluder myself so my opinions are a little one sided. I just know I feel like a schlueder player can usually get me before I have a chance to do anything, it's usually only bad against a host with schlueder.  Dedicated servers could solve a lot of problems lol. But that's a different topic.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Schlueder needs a nerf
 on: April 20, 2018, 08:50:29 PM 
The only problem with that is incredibly unpredictable texture physics.

I'm okay with the line for aiming. Just the fact that it changes colors when your shot is lined up makes it too easy.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Schlueder needs a nerf
 on: April 20, 2018, 08:42:00 PM 
The only part of Schlueder that really needs to be nerfed is the light up aiming reticule when your shot will hit. That turns zeros to heros. One step away from auto aim. If you're going up against a host with schlueder there's next to nothing you can do because they always hit. If the gun took more skill to aim it wouldn't be as much of a problem.

Suggestions / Re: Challenges, Events and Happy Hour
 on: April 20, 2018, 06:12:52 PM 
It'd be cool if there were weekly challenges for specific missions.
Kill 50 looters in weapon from a past.
Complete low blow in under 10 minutes.
Complete hanging by a thread without engineers stopping the engine overload.
Etc. would be cool to have a little something to work for other than blueprints.

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