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Messages - MSE_Hellath

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Fan Corner / Re: Fsjal Spacelords
 on: October 02, 2018, 05:26:50 PM 
This is awesome! We need to make a whole "Spacelords Community" with this. If only Matias was included... XD
Thanks for sharing!

Suggestions / Re: Full cross-play between platforms
 on: October 01, 2018, 06:50:36 PM 
Hey all,

As you might have read in several media, yes, we are working towards implementing full cross-platform games. This will be invaluable for us -having a really unified in-game community will help us having more and better games.

You can read the official statement here:


Bug report & Technical Support / Re: "Initiating Mission" Lockout ps4
 on: September 27, 2018, 10:55:02 AM 
Hello SomeGuy. We are investigating the issue at this moment. May you tell us what's your gamertag, please? Thanks!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: ETA on content after Guilds
 on: September 26, 2018, 11:07:02 AM 
Hello Power Penguin,

We will give more information about all the roadmap milestones in due time. The first to arrive will be the Space Guilds. Once it is out, we can start sharing more information about Spacelords Identity with you all. I can't give you a definite date, but the wait won't be too long...


Gameplay Feedback / Re: New bp system
 on: September 20, 2018, 06:56:56 PM 
Hey all,

We understand where you are coming from. And you are right. We have been a little absent from here in the last few weeks, as we have been preparing the roadmap we have just shared with you.

We intend to be much more active here from now on. As I often say, we are  a small studio, and most of us need to double up working in different roles. Recently we have focused on the game itself, but we don't want to neglect our communication with you.

Thanks for your understanding. Let us know what you think of the upcoming changes!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: antagonist mode sucks!
 on: July 31, 2018, 05:55:04 PM 
Dear all,

Friendly reminder here to keep the discussion civil and not insulting fellow players. I have contacted the offenders directly to remind them that, if this conduct persists, a temporal ban will be enacted.

The devs appreciate criticism, as it is precisely that what inspires us to keep improving the game, and arguments can be heated, there is nothing wrong with that. But please remind to be nice to each other.

Thanks for your support.

Suggestions / Re: Developer Appreciation Thread!
 on: June 21, 2018, 07:57:53 PM 
Thanks all of you for the kind comments. It really means a lot to us to read that all the effort and enthusiasm we put behind the game is appreciated. And the best is still to come!

Dear Raiders,

As many of you already know, the latest patch has caused the Xbox One players had all their progression seemingly wiped and back to lvl 1. This problem has been identified and you should find everything is back to normal the next time you log in to the game.

We are sorry this happened to you, but rest assured you haven't lost anything. If you have any further problems, please contact us at

Best regards,

Spacelords Universe / Re: all my progress are deleted!!
 on: May 11, 2018, 11:21:46 AM 
Hello all. Yes, we are aware of the issue, that only pertains to the Xbox One version, and are working on the solution right now. You will have everything back this morning, no worries, but we're really sorry this happened. Please, accept our apologies.

Español (foro general) / Re: Serio problema con los % de dificultad.
 on: February 20, 2018, 11:59:43 AM 
Hola Surdonov,

Muchas gracias por tu análisis. Como habrás podido comprobar en las notas de Parche que publicamos, la dificultad de algunas misiones se ha ajustado para que el juego continúe resultando un desafío, especialmente para jugadores experimentados como tú, ya que ganar cada partida no es precisamente un reto.

De hecho, tu experiencia y nivel de juego determina precisamente la alta dificultad de tus partidas, haciendo muy recomendable que, cuando sea posible, cuentes con un equipo con el que te puedas coordinar eficientemente.

Precisamente comentas que algunos Raiders son los más indicados para ciertas misiones, y eso es la intención del equipo de Diseño; incentivar la experimentación con diferentes personajes y loadouts para encontrar la fórmula idónea para masterizar cada misión.

Seguiremos recogiendo todo vuestro feedback para continuar realizando los ajustes necesarios para que la experiencia de juego sea disfrutable por todos los usuarios. Muchas gracias de nuevo por tomarte la molestia de crear este hilo tan completo.

Fan Corner / Re: D&D Alignment in RotBP
 on: February 16, 2018, 05:07:38 PM 

Cortez: You decide LOL

Cortez is the Dungeon Master. XD


I wouldn't know where to position Mikah neither. She's joyful and friendly, but has a wicked side as seen in her comic:
Poor Matias  :-[
This post is awsome, by the way! ;)

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: A Weapon from The Past: Patch 07
 on: February 06, 2018, 01:47:56 PM 
Hello guys,

It is a bug indeed. Thanks for noticing it. As you might have read in the patch notes, we adjusted the difficulty on A Weapon From the Past, but the drone's erratic behaviour is not what was intended. We have reported it to our QA department and we'll solve it as soon as possible -probably via a hotfix.

Hey all,

Thanks for the feedback. No, we are not ignoring it. Quite the contrary, actually. We totally understand your concerns about the Antagonist role, and we are working on significant changes on it along with many other adjustments, redesigns and total overhauls for the progression system.

Bear in mind the Antagonist's role is embedded into the core concept of the game. Thus, changing it (among many, many other things) while working on the new campaigns and other content is being a monumental task, requiring all our production resources and not little time.

Personally, I enjoy playing as the Antagonist, but I share many of your opinions. I reckon you'll be gladly surprised when the big update arrives.

Thanks for being constructive about the game. Please, keep it up!

Español (foro general) / Re: Merchandising.
 on: January 17, 2018, 06:35:47 PM 
Hola Pelanas,

Envíanos un email a y te enviamos el archivo del póster que prefieras para que lo puedas imprimir. ¡Gracias!

Spacelords Universe / Re: Any news?
 on: January 04, 2018, 02:32:33 PM 
Hey Pelanas,

Thanks for getting in touch. We have just teased what's coming later today in our Twitter account:
We really encourage you to follow our social media, as we post all the Raiders of the Broken Planet news there.

Before the third campaign arrives (we cannot give you an exact date for that yet) , we will be releasing a ton of content for the existing characters, including new Cards, Weapons and Skins. And of course Doldren still has to make his appearance in the Broken Planet (before the end of the month)

We are polishing the third campaign, Hades Betrayal, as we speak. Its release will be a huge milestone for Raiders of the Broken Planet, not only in terms of content, but also in the way the game works, with a real overhaul of the progression and rewards system -a good part of it based on the feedback you have been providing us.

Remember when we often comment that we hear what you have to say about the game, but changes take time to implement? Well, this is it, and we really thank you all for that!

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