Author Topic: i QUIT  (Read 22288 times)


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on: December 29, 2020, 04:56:38 PM
because antag's invulnerability during CQC is pure stupidity.
He can easily dismantle 3 players if he has both CQC-support cards, and it's not because he is good. It's because when raiders wanna help their allies, they are pushed back if they attack the antag, and during that time they are so vulnerable and can't do anything.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 09:33:53 AM by MSE_Laura »


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #1 on: December 29, 2020, 11:33:20 PM
was there ever a time when antag and heroes were ever balanced?


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #2 on: December 30, 2020, 01:33:14 PM
was there ever a time when antag and heroes were ever balanced?

I don't know, but the Antag side has a lot of advantages such as:

1) Unlimited life
2) Many minions that can kill you, especially at higher elo.
3) An option to choose your character after seeing the raiders' choices so as to counter the most effectively


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #3 on: December 31, 2020, 02:43:00 PM
Well, I gave it another try but the same thing happens.

This time, Alacia dismantled the whole team and we lost miserably. Defeat happened during the 2nd stage of hanging by a thread due to no life left for revival. I realize now that it's just not invulnerability during CQC but also 2 or 3 seconds after she finishes killing one of us.

I uninstalled the game after that match. I should have never given the game another try but because I didn't uninstall it then, and the temptation was high since I was bored.

The game has so much potential, characters + weapons + skills are all unique and interesting; it can be a 100 million dollar game but somehow it's not that good because of minor things.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 04:06:43 PM by VeryShae »


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #4 on: January 05, 2021, 04:16:20 AM
Have you tried not trying to melee the invulnerable person and just standing a short distance away to shoot them after?

Always seems to work for me.


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #5 on: January 06, 2021, 04:35:07 AM
Well, I gave it another try but the same thing happens.

This time, Alacia dismantled the whole team and we lost miserably. Defeat happened during the 2nd stage of hanging by a thread due to no life left for revival. I realize now that it's just not invulnerability during CQC but also 2 or 3 seconds after she finishes killing one of us.

I uninstalled the game after that match. I should have never given the game another try but because I didn't uninstall it then, and the temptation was high since I was bored.

The game has so much potential, characters + weapons + skills are all unique and interesting; it can be a 100 million dollar game but somehow it's not that good because of minor things.


sorry you feel that way, it sounds like that Alacia, probably had some kind of build that gave her a few seconds of invulnerability after a cqc action, there are some cards like that.. The problem is that its hard to tell when another player is using what card, there's not really a lot of tells for a person's build. Which at the end of the day can look like the game is wigging out on you in an unfair way. I am beginning to question the overall  concept of the game. Does it want to tell a story? does it want to truly stick to a 4 vs. 1 gameplay style? does it want to be a 3rd person shooter? it seems a lot of the old fans seem to have up and left and normally, a big triple A game wouldn't care about this because its still pleasing new fans, but spacelords seems to please very few and is falling into a dangerous place. I'm sure that mercury is very sad that you left the game, I hope they do something soon to lift the series off the ground. Maybe it needs a new direction, or a primary focus on one thing. Everyone seems to love the character stories and designs, thats why I first liked the series. I dunno maybe some new kind of game modes, but something needs to be done.


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #6 on: January 08, 2021, 10:41:55 AM
Hello there,
It does break my heart to see a player leave the game. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with the game, VeryShae.

On the other hand, that's indeed part of the game mechanics. All players have a few seconds on invulnerability after killing an elite and a raider/antagonist, as it would be really unfair to let them be killed after they secured the kill. You can use that too in order to avoid harm or take advantage of the situation! I really hope this info helps you.


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #7 on: January 14, 2021, 10:11:07 PM
Hello there,
It does break my heart to see a player leave the game. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with the game, VeryShae.

On the other hand, that's indeed part of the game mechanics. All players have a few seconds on invulnerability after killing an elite and a raider/antagonist, as it would be really unfair to let them be killed after they secured the kill. You can use that too in order to avoid harm or take advantage of the situation! I really hope this info helps you.

Since you're very nice, I decided to reinstall Spacelords.
I even posted on different game forums to invite new players to Splacelords. Hope someone will come.

Anyway, please fix small things that may irritate frequent players, such as there are too many cinematics or so. I have played so many games in my life and I think Spacelords is at least a 100 million dollars game if small things were fixed and there were more game modes (elimination, free for all, etc.). Maps are already very good for PvP purpose so I don't see any problems in this.
In fact, I have never seen a game with so many interesting ideas and designs like Spacelords before.



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Re: i QUIT
Reply #8 on: January 15, 2021, 12:08:59 PM
Hello there,
It does break my heart to see a player leave the game. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with the game, VeryShae.

On the other hand, that's indeed part of the game mechanics. All players have a few seconds on invulnerability after killing an elite and a raider/antagonist, as it would be really unfair to let them be killed after they secured the kill. You can use that too in order to avoid harm or take advantage of the situation! I really hope this info helps you.

Since you're very nice, I decided to reinstall Spacelords.
I even posted on different game forums to invite new players to Splacelords. Hope someone will come.

Anyway, please fix small things that may irritate frequent players, such as there are too many cinematics or so. I have played so many games in my life and I think Spacelords is at least a 100 million dollars game if small things were fixed and there were more game modes (elimination, free for all, etc.). Maps are already very good for PvP purpose so I don't see any problems in this.
In fact, I have never seen a game with so many interesting ideas and designs like Spacelords before.


Call me up if you need someone to play man. I share some of the same opinions and I'm struggling with mixed feelings about this game, especially the state it is in right now (no grapple kill, infinite ammo, etc.). I also downloaded it again looking for the nostalgic feeling of playing it.

It's a good game. It has good art, it has solid gameplay .. just need to focus on some quality of life changes and maybe go back a few ideas.

This game can easily get into the mainstream and have the respect and attention it deserves.


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #9 on: January 15, 2021, 02:44:53 PM
Hello there,
It does break my heart to see a player leave the game. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with the game, VeryShae.

On the other hand, that's indeed part of the game mechanics. All players have a few seconds on invulnerability after killing an elite and a raider/antagonist, as it would be really unfair to let them be killed after they secured the kill. You can use that too in order to avoid harm or take advantage of the situation! I really hope this info helps you.

Since you're very nice, I decided to reinstall Spacelords.
I even posted on different game forums to invite new players to Splacelords. Hope someone will come.

Anyway, please fix small things that may irritate frequent players, such as there are too many cinematics or so. I have played so many games in my life and I think Spacelords is at least a 100 million dollars game if small things were fixed and there were more game modes (elimination, free for all, etc.). Maps are already very good for PvP purpose so I don't see any problems in this.
In fact, I have never seen a game with so many interesting ideas and designs like Spacelords before.


OH WOW! I didn't expect that! Thank you so much, VeryShae!!
 Fingers crossed more people join in. The more players, the merrier! I don't quite know if some of the suggestions are viable due to technical requirements but thank you for your feedback and overall, for playing our game! :-)


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #10 on: February 12, 2021, 06:55:46 AM
I do love the universe of this game, but I can't really play it in the state it currently is on. If they would roll back to the old spacelords before the 4 daily mission update thing or make it as good (if possible) more players would stick around, heck I'd come back if it were that solid again. I miss that game  :( , but there may be hope for Spacelords to become better than before if notes can be taken of what made it great and expand upon that.

Here's a few notes I have in mind for example

Infinite ammo? Not really that great for Spacelords, IMO it should be how it used to be (Melee enemies for instant ammo) with the addition of ammo spawning around the map like the new aleph system.

Daily 4 mission reward? The reason for this was to solve the problem of doing missions you don't want to do for a reward you want, but this made more problem than solutions. Why does it have to be daily? Remember, you used to get more rewards the higher level you were (up to 8 hours). Why is the gold/exp/talent points so low compared to before? The missions after the 4th one in particular, the gold/exp/talentpoints needs to be atleast 25% higher, or as much as before, I mean this update was called Prize Galore, what was so Prize Galore to a nerf of the rewards you used to get?

As for the MMR issue that has been there for a while, I did made a suggestion about limiting the Mission difficulty of Raider vs Antag matches to 30% up to 45% (depending on the Overall MMR) because I do believe it's the most balanced the game can get. Heck I'd take that over fighting Raiders with noodle sticks grunts because my MMR was always higher than the raiders (Mission difficulty would always be at 25%); or dealing with a Level 1 Harec antag (or antags that abuse the MMR system) with INSANE grunts that one shots you, I had cases where the grunts just killed the team because mission difficulty would be at 78%!

I have plenty more ideas of what would make the game better overall but well... it might be a waste of time to write all of that stuff hoping that something gets changed with the way it is. Only thing keeping this game alive is the passion of the devs and the players who play it even with all the issues it has (and issues that came with the updates). And unfortunately, it may be that way till it gets shutdown, or maybe not. Who knows really, but one things for sure, it needs a damn well really good update


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #11 on: February 19, 2021, 09:02:53 AM
Yea, there is no point playing this game now. MSE will end the game in May in anyway. So, now it is cheat carnival. I saw RUALIO steam player using infinite ammo Heaven's Bane, pepper pot, etc you name it. He shoots consecutively 6 or more shots without any hesitation or fear of ban.

C'mon. I have seen infinite ammo Rimbaud before, but he's even better.


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #12 on: February 21, 2021, 09:12:10 AM
So, I met another well-known cheater, steam player, BakarooBanzai.
He is well-known for infinite USU user. I believe he was reported repeatedly by players. (well, I hope.)

He was captured in a video, but surprise surprise, he is healthy and intact. He does not even need to make another account to play the infinite USU!!
Probably, he gets just 5 minutes break and return to the game. LOL.
Thanks to Segaslash:

Good job, team!!


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Re: i QUIT
Reply #13 on: November 28, 2021, 12:24:18 AM
Are you Sure he cheats?
His talents can increase his reload speed to 1000% (with aleph boost). So it will look like he doesn't reload at all.