Author Topic: People sabotaging the game  (Read 11164 times)


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People sabotaging the game
on: November 07, 2019, 11:51:08 PM
Serious question, and I hope mods answer this. Why you not punish people who sabotage matchmaking? 4 riders to the max lvl, with an MMR of 32%? And no, they weren't bad, they were pretty good. But they keep their MMR low so they don't lose important matches and not lose resources, I understand that. But they keep low their MMR deliberately to sabotage the games. We all know that this is a reality, but in case you had doubts, I even asked one of the riders if he was keeping under his MMR and he confessed to doing so.

But they make this something impossible to play as pvp, they sabotage the matchmaking, they sabotage the MMR and drops to 5%; then the MMR of antagonists players falls to <29% and what happens? MMR drops to -% cuz I don't fucking know why, even if the MMR of the raiders is higher...
It is impossible to play as an antagonist in a game with 5% difficulty... engineers don't even appear!
Devs, seriously, do you even play your own game?

And for the other players, what do you think might be a possible solution? My obvious solution is BAN people who sabotage the game. Another possible action to be done is change the rewards system, I understand that these saboteurs do it so they not lose them rewards, maybe change to another system that doesn't encourage this type of attitude. But I don't think this would work, I think the problem is that veteran players hate losing. Even before they put on this new system of daily rewards, there were already people in the forum who talked about keeping their MMR low because they couldn't win otherwise... Another solution is to completely discard the MMR system and create a difficulty system calculated on the average levels in the match, impossible to sabotage, but veteran players who are really bad players will have a hard time...


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #1 on: November 08, 2019, 12:00:42 PM
Hi! Mapachelunar
We understand this issue. We have measures to ban (for different time periods, depending on the situation) players who try to rig their MMR
It's important to mention that we consider these cases on individual bases; we don't have an automated system that fully bans people because there are plenty of factors that affect this issue.
What we usually suggest is: if you see another player engaging in unfair practices: such as surrender or suicide to lower their MMR, for example, please, please, report this to troubleshooting with their usernames so that we can look deeper into their case and take appropriate measures.


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #2 on: November 08, 2019, 01:20:31 PM
What about antagoists who not spawn  or just jump like idiots and not attacking riders? :)
Dat if much easy than ruin game as rider for lower mmr xD

Easy solution :
 Banhammer wave every 4 week
like if you Tier 5 and have less 20% MMR-BAN ; If you purple tier 1 and less 50% mmr Ban xD
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 02:24:23 PM by Skyline »


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #3 on: November 08, 2019, 10:35:30 PM
I don't agree that there should be a "banhammer" every 4 weeks especially if it come to MMR levels. I am a purple tier 1 and I'm barely riding one the cusp of 40%-50% due to the current state of the game. As for throwing matches I also disagree with to a point. Yes, lowering MMR to have an easy win is cheap and honesty kinda dumb, what is even the point of playing if there is no challenge? However, Some people dislike playing antagonist but wish to get the extremely small points to go to the monthly award. For an example, if I am like a point or two away from the next monthly award I will just throw an antagonist mission sense even losing will give me a 1.2 or sometimes a 2.2. I dislike playing antagonist because I enjoy the co-op aspect of playing raider. Again, I know people lower MMR to have easier missions in the long run and they should be punished.


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #4 on: November 09, 2019, 04:53:47 PM
Ofc dat is joke about Permanent ban depends on your mmr but still...
But with MSE points they never solve MMR situation and "MMRdroppers" continue dat dirty buisness :)
Bcs from early alpha to atm NO REaSON keep 50+mmr, High mmr players just have more problems than lower mmr ones....NO cookies, NO bigger dick, no Respect, NO harem of big boobs elven girls...only pain an ass and real fight vs any regular mob with 50/50 chance to win :)
And MSE not wana change it...ok get rid with respect (who care), big dicks(very hard to proof in online games) and elven girls (One way or another they are not in Spain )...But Wtf MSE why no cookies? :)
Add recolor skin like Ginebra slave unit(just recolor one or two parts)
And ofc never add this skin to shop (greed is awesome sin agree ,but try be strong)
And conditions to win 300 games at the level 70% MMR within 12 weeks.
Ofc not all accept this challenge but some players sure think about it and  it is not so much resources on your part,isn't ? :)


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #5 on: November 11, 2019, 06:14:59 AM
The game is crazy unbalanced.
High MMR Antag is unwinnable against a good team, and that's when the MMR is high.
It makes zero sense 🙄

A team can just melt all enemies, and you are forced to play the full match as Antag or you get penalty... like... yeah... awesome balance 😂👌

I think the game should be balanced towards FORCING players to coordinate and play smart.
The MMR system isn't really good.

I remember when I started this game it was brutal and I didn't win for many matches.
And that only made it so you as a player felt you had something to learn and climb to.
So the game should be harsh towards raiders and force them to constantly have to work together to win with just the AI.
Then you add an Antag which should force them to up their game even more.

Right now, you can get into antag and no matter how well you fight you cannot win many times. Balancing is just way too bad.
Then you lose many games in a row, get low MMR because you lost and that's the only way you can win as Antag... good balancing right 😂

To be fair it's a hard game to balance.
Way too many elements at play.
But it really does feel completely off with the MMR difficulty.
Either too easy or impossible... where is the middleground.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2019, 06:16:59 AM by Zrog »


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #6 on: November 11, 2019, 10:35:37 AM
This game will never truly be balanced. If you throw a bone to antagonist, people who play raider will complain. You throw a bone to raiders, people who play antagonist will complain.

Personally I feel the best way to "balance" is giving the antagonist an advantage but not too big of an advantage. Its 4v1 and sure you can argue "oh the antagonist has AI help!" or "The antagonist has an easier job!" but at the end of he day its not true.


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #7 on: November 11, 2019, 08:34:21 PM
What about antagoists who not spawn  or just jump like idiots and not attacking riders? :)
Dat if much easy than ruin game as rider for lower mmr xD

Easy solution :
 Banhammer wave every 4 week
like if you Tier 5 and have less 20% MMR-BAN ; If you purple tier 1 and less 50% mmr Ban xD

- no way. i had to play with amateurs and quitters several times and i went from 36 to 24. that's not my fault. i'm at 40 now, and i learned to accept the MMR as what it is. an unstable value that comes and goes.


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Re: People sabotaging the game
Reply #8 on: November 15, 2019, 01:00:37 PM
Hi! Mapachelunar
We understand this issue. We have measures to ban (for different time periods, depending on the situation) players who try to rig their MMR
It's important to mention that we consider these cases on individual bases; we don't have an automated system that fully bans people because there are plenty of factors that affect this issue.
What we usually suggest is: if you see another player engaging in unfair practices: such as surrender or suicide to lower their MMR, for example, please, please, report this to troubleshooting with their usernames so that we can look deeper into their case and take appropriate measures.
How about removing the incentives. Rework your monthly adventure.
Dont reward the Higest score. Reward the average score of all your games and also add rewards for doing it with High MMR
People are entering a mission and suicide just to lower their MMR