Author Topic: Uras-Beherit Questions  (Read 6248 times)


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Uras-Beherit Questions
on: May 21, 2019, 04:13:40 AM

I was reminded of this and it makes me wonder if the ever-supportive Cortez and his "Clones" are actually what we think they are and if Dr. Kuzmann is actually reformed.....hmmm?

Lol but a much more serous question in this game, If Iune tapped into the Aleph Flow and entered Uras- beherit's domain as he very much literally blocked her connection/view of the Aleph with its body (which shows they are separate entities) , Why do Antagonist in-game drop Aleph and have an Aleph nervous-system when they die and respawn, they aren't constructed or powered by Aleph so why would Uras-Beherit decide to make his acolytes using The Aleph?

If ever came the Day MS  would make a DLC (free or purchasable) could you do a single player only story using Imperfect Symmetry as a flashback story that shines more light (or darkness) on the player in regards to Uras- Beherit? This can be a Locals only mission where they follow the ghost of Me'Er on his final moments and as you move along you have to fight clones, Run from an over-sized Uras-E'us Ta (One-Shot beast) and find-out (possibly fight) who is Uras-Is' Ku who the Cathedral the DLC takes place in and mentioned in the lore, is dedicated to.


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Re: Uras-Beherit Questions
Reply #1 on: June 19, 2019, 03:19:44 AM
I don't know if there has been a ton of new lore but the Uras-Beherit resides within the Aleph Flow and in the story with Iune it is clearly stated that the Aleph stems out from the Uras-Beherit. It uses the Aleph Flow freely from there which is why it is able to send Antagonists to attack you despite its confined state inside Ku'ur Sag. This is also how those Antagonists can have Aleph in their bodies.

Uras-Is'Ku is a portmanteau of Uras Is Cool. Which makes sense given the impressive temple they have dedicated to the Uras-Beherit. It's a joke more than anything. Like Mike Litoris.

We don't actually know anything important about Me'er except that he was able to touch the Aleph Flow after a long time of meditation. And that he is some commoner from Harec's village. He probably just isn't important at all but rather his story is meant to show us that Uras-Beherit really likes young male Locals and that there were places where Uras-Beherit was worshiped. Both of which are things that are foreshadowed in the earliest account of the Uras-Beherit in the village of Dagan.

L E T H A L ☆ C E N T A U R I

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Re: Uras-Beherit Questions
Reply #2 on: June 19, 2019, 08:52:31 AM
I don't know if there has been a ton of new lore but the Uras-Beherit resides within the Aleph Flow and in the story with Iune it is clearly stated that the Aleph stems out from the Uras-Beherit. It uses the Aleph Flow freely from there which is why it is able to send Antagonists to attack you despite its confined state inside Ku'ur Sag. This is also how those Antagonists can have Aleph in their bodies.

Uras-Is'Ku is a portmanteau of Uras Is Cool. Which makes sense given the impressive temple they have dedicated to the Uras-Beherit. It's a joke more than anything. Like Mike Litoris.

We don't actually know anything important about Me'er except that he was able to touch the Aleph Flow after a long time of meditation. And that he is some commoner from Harec's village. He probably just isn't important at all but rather his story is meant to show us that Uras-Beherit really likes young male Locals and that there were places where Uras-Beherit was worshiped. Both of which are things that are foreshadowed in the earliest account of the Uras-Beherit in the village of Dagan.

Oh hey you gotta go back to bed.


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Re: Uras-Beherit Questions
Reply #3 on: June 19, 2019, 06:17:05 PM
Uras-Is'Ku is a portmanteau of Uras Is Cool. Which makes sense given the impressive temple they have dedicated to the Uras-Beherit. It's a joke more than anything. Like Mike Litoris.

Actually, "Is'Ku" is a word derivated from an assyrian dialect that means something like "school":

The locals ended up calling that city like so, "Uras-Is'ku", mainly because its cathedral became a place for learning the necessary knowledge in order to worship/invoke/meditate about the Uras-Beherit.


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Re: Uras-Beherit Questions
Reply #4 on: June 20, 2019, 10:30:14 PM
Is this the language that Hive speaks?