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Messages - Wrathy Boy

Pages: [1]
Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Party issues Xbox One
 on: June 29, 2020, 08:59:19 PM 
I've also experienced the same exact issue whenever I used to try and play with my friends while on xbox, the only solution that usually fixes it that I've found is to make sure that both you everyone that you're planning on playing with restarts the game when it bugs like that.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Black screen bug
 on: February 22, 2020, 01:23:00 AM 
Honestly forgot about my post after my friend got spacelords working (my apologies) but as far as i know it was simply uninstalling the game more than once that helped resolve the issue for him it seems, hope it does help if others experience the same!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Black screen bug
 on: February 16, 2020, 12:09:51 AM 
(Update) my friend was able to get to the tutorial and got to play a few missions today! I hope it doesn't happen to him again though but ya so far so good for him.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Black screen bug
 on: February 13, 2020, 08:08:08 PM 
My friend plays on xbox and his name on it is Chief StorBjorn, the game so far hasn't let him through to the menu after the opening cinematic when you turn on the game; and because of that he hasn't been able to touch or see the tutorial.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Black screen bug
 on: February 12, 2020, 09:48:41 PM 
My friend did get it reinstalled but he's still experiencing the black screen issue so he's trying to uninstall and reinstall the game one more time right now so i hope after this time it starts working by then, i hope the QA team is able to do something if this still continues.

Bug report & Technical Support / Black screen bug
 on: February 12, 2020, 05:22:52 AM 
So i wanted to help get a friend of mine into spacelords earlier today on xbox one. but when he finished his download and got past the opening cinematic he kept getting hit with this black screen that wouldn't let him through to play, his screen would constantly stay black, even after restarting the game the amount of times he did it wouldn't let him through. I've been hit with this black screen too but mine usually lets me through to the title screen after some minutes at most, but my friend just hasn't been allowed through it thus far. I don't know if others have had this issue but my friend is trying to reinstall the game to see if uninstalling and reinstalling would solve the issue.

Gameplay Feedback / Lycus buff plz?
 on: March 02, 2019, 12:52:23 AM 
With lycus being my personal favorite to play I've come to notice just how outclassed he seems when going up against other raiders like Ayana and Konstantin to name a few, with counters seemingly around him i would like to hope that maybe soon a lycus buff is coming other than in the form of his new gun that you can see in the studio update video but i do hope that his new gun becomes his best regardless, i would just like to see ny favorite character seem at least nore viable in the regards of how the game currently is.

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