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Messages - keihtg

Pages: [1]
Gameplay Feedback / Re: Cross platform exchange
 on: December 12, 2018, 07:15:25 AM 
Darn it, I was hoping I could get my Founders Pack skins on PS4 unlocked on my Xbox account (since I don't use the PS4 version anyomore)....oh well!

Suggestions / Filtering out high-ping matches!
 on: December 10, 2018, 11:17:02 PM 
I keep getting matches with 200+ PING, and it ruins them! I play as The Antagonist a lot, so it’s especially frustrating to have the timing of CQC get screwed up. Also, I’m playing from California, USA and on Windows 10, FYI.

I have turned the “low ping” option to “On” and “Off” but it doesn’t make any difference (I still get dropped into 200+ ping games frequently). Anyone else having the same issue?

Anyway, I’d like to have some way to limit the ping to less than 200. 100-150 is still kinda high, but it’s totally manageable. 200+ however....that’s when it gets frustrating! And don’t get me started on the matches that have been 999 ping, lol.

Gameplay Feedback / Broken Achievements
 on: December 06, 2018, 04:27:56 PM 
The achievement for 100 CQC Raider kills as the Antagonist isn't working! This is on the Windows 10 version (I'm away from my XBOX all the time). In fact, the game doesn't seem to be tracking stats correctly, saying I haven't killed any grunts or completed any missions (in the XBOX overlay). In-game, all of the character and mission achievements seem to be working fine, tho...

Please try and fix this in the next update! And thanks for the continued support of the Windows 10 version!!!

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