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Messages - B30

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 17, 2019, 06:20:35 PM 

Sorry, but I think you didn't get my point, what I wanted to say is you guys are just keep doing and doing and don't tell anyone exactly what are you are doing.

Not until the release day, you explain what you have changed or what you've implemented. Unfortunately, it is already too late for changes then.

For example the aleph drops - you could have handled this new feature way better if you would have told something in advance and you could have had a discussion with the community. People have some good ideas here in the forums. You're developing this game for the community, the people out there not for you (MSE). If the people don't like it - you're done, you know?

If you would communicate better in advance, you would not have to patch so much afterwards.  ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 17, 2019, 04:01:10 PM 
… In the next months there will be new updates arriving to Spacelords, so we hope you guys like what we are preparing here at MSE. …

Of course you are constantly developing the game and that's all well and good, but you do not share your thoughts with the community. Nobody, none of the community knows which direction is being developed further.

Yes there is a roadmap, but there was never any mention of e.g. new aleph drops, sudden death timers, limiting ammo and so on (these things are not just small patches). So, you don't have to wonder, if most players are getting upset when you implement such features nobody wanted or asked for (e.g. ALEPH DROPS!!!).

Considering the last few updates, I don't know if I should be happy, or if I should be afraid about the next updates. I hope for the best, and thanks for the reply, Karen.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 17, 2019, 12:00:51 PM 
Well basically, I have nothing against the antag mode, but it would be good if the player (new player!!!) could choose if he wants to pvp or pve. Sometimes after stressful days (workwise), I wish I could choose! Because I don't want to have stressful evenings as well (wrestling around with annoing antags).
It is not even possible to play the solo mode to collect XP and rewards.

But yeah, as I said, everything has been already mentioned hundreds of times before and the stubborn MSE will probably never change anything on the 4v1 mode. The death certificate of Spacelords will eventually read: Cause of death 4v1. But hey, I'm not mad - just dissapointed.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 17, 2019, 09:39:46 AM 
… but I REALLY question that they even play their own game, ALOT of the times with some of the boneheaded decisions and (VERY) late fixes to old problems they've made …

… regardless I still love the game quite a bit, but tweaks REALLY need to be made if they want more players.

I can only agree, but all this has been discussed/adressed hundreds of times since 2017 here in the forums.

It seems like MSE does not want to win new players for Spacelords. Otherwise, new game modes or optional game modes would have come first in the development! And everything else would come afterwards. What good is a radar, cosmetic melee weapons UI changes or whatever when I lose most of the new players in a forced PVP situation (where they permanetly get stomped into the ground by a high level antag)?
There's not even a tutorial anymore and the solo/training mode is locked (!!!) at the beginning of the game!
And no, if I want to play a video game, then I don't want to watch any tutorial videos or read tons of text - I don't want to do that, I want to PLAY the game. Give the player a playable tutorial!!!

Well, the price policy with some skins I can not understand either. For example, Lycus "Mars Mercenary" costs 250 and Doldrens "La Parca" costs 700? The changes are almost identical, a new jacket, cigar, sunglasses and new colors for Lycus and a new jacket, new sleeve protector and necklace for Doldren. But the price difference is 450 points!?

Well, I could go on and on and on, but I don't want to anymore, because I think everything was said a thousand times in terms of new/ optional game modes, Price policy, etc. etc. And I've long since given up my hopes.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: 350 score ?
 on: June 15, 2019, 12:36:45 PM 
Right now it's totally pointless to achive the highest score anyway, because you only get purple points (!).

I can't understand this decision (like so many others) either. The most difficult to achieve rewards are the least wanted ones, hello??? Since no one has interest to put so much effort into the game to get these "highest rewards" when they are just pointless purple points???

I do not know what they were thinking? Maybe I miss something out, but until then I can just react with a facepalm, sorry.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Some nice things about the developers
 on: June 14, 2019, 12:48:24 PM 
… I see the game as Mercurysteam's baby, the game they wanted to make for a long time, at it has been shown when they've taken care of it and improved it through the difficulties and lack of players, instead of abandoning it and trying something else …

I may well presuppose that, as a paying customer! Since I may well expect a reasonable product in return, right?
MercurySteam did not give me "Raiders of the Broken Planet" for free, you know!? But I think I got enough fun for my money back then.

Now it's free - now MSE can do whatever they want, for the better or worse. Nowadays more for the worse, sadly.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Can we Have our Levels Back please?
 on: June 07, 2019, 07:46:45 PM 
Sorry, but that was such a stupid descision - taking the players level away but at the same time giving him way more boosters now, thanks to the new monthly rewards!
There's no point in leveling up anymore, the boosters are totally irrelevant!
Now I haven't the slightest incentive to level up anymore, which of course also significantly reduces the fun in playing the game, which already suffered a lot lately, because of these *beep* new features, like aleph drops, limiting ammo, sudden death etc.
If it is the way it is now, then at least give me my level back!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: too much random fighting for me
 on: June 07, 2019, 09:43:46 AM 
Oh, I know the feeling, getting grabbed while you're punching the enemy! This is sooo motivating, right?

Suggestions / Re: The optional week
 on: June 05, 2019, 04:43:46 PM 
That's the point, I always read that some kind of optional antag mode will damage the game, the matchmaking, etc... But I don't see how this can be metered since isn't any true data about it without an optional mode to observe... Maybe with something limited they could observe what the community likes, and act with that information in mind... They can even see if this mode can attract more players and the fact that you have a split community would not matter if you have 3 times more people playing the game, spending cash, than before...
You can even be more limited, with 3/4 days a week, with some missions with optional antag, and gather data from that

Yes, I'm with you, I would love optional modes, but MSE often enough stated that the antag stays in game as sure as day follows night. It would be cool to have a game mode (without pvp), but sadly this is highly unlikely (according to MSE).

Suggestions / Re: The optional week
 on: June 05, 2019, 01:25:05 PM 
Indeed, you can even remove the optional week at all and add some missions antag free every day, changing these mission each day...

So basically that would be an optional Antag mode, only with limited missions.

Good times for Raiders, because (most likely) the majority of players would want to play these Antag free missions, and that would also make the matchmaking faster (for these missions). But, well bad times for Antags and the matchmaking for the rest of the "normal" missions, that's why MSE doesn't want an optional antag mode, because that would totally split the already small community of players.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: An Open Letter to MSE
 on: June 04, 2019, 03:23:54 PM 
I also see a problem about the new communication/leader feature.
Now you are totally exposed to the arbitrariness of other players whether you end up receiving status points or not.
It doesn't matter if you did a good job as a leader or not, if no one of the other players gives you a thumbs up at the end, you do not get any status points anymore (unfortunately, the status points reward at leveling up were removed).
At the moment this is not that tragic for me (you only can obtain disco emoji's which I don't want/need), but that will most likely change in the future.

And what about the people who are rarely leaders, they get even less!

The status points that you got when you where leveling up you should continue to receive, and the thumbs up status points should serve as an additional bonus.

Same issue, I can’t change anything on anyone’s loadout or I get stuck on “Awaiting response from MecurySteam servers?” and have to force quit to get out of it.
Same issue, this is still broken. I mean, I can play the missions, but I can't change enything on the characters (e.g. cards).
Anyway shuffling cards is only expensive and usually inefficient. So, it's not that bad for me. Take the time you need. And take yourself even more time and revise the card system in general.  ;)

Today it's working again, at least for me.  :)

Suggestions / Re: Paying for Loadout Slots? What?
 on: June 02, 2019, 10:09:15 PM 
In fact, they became cheaper with the Identity Shop Update, before the 2nd loadout cost 250 points and the 3rd loadout cost 500 points.  ;)

Had no luck yesterday, couldn't even get into one single game. Tried a few times, but nope, no chance.

Most likely it's a bug, hopefully it's not a new feature (for keeping the games really, really, really short). Who knows, after all these recent changes!?
But somehow fitting, first aleph drops, ammo drops and now connection drops. ;)

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