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Messages - MSE_Laura

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Confirmadísimo! :-) Nos veremos las caras, en la new gen!

Hello there, Macsi.
First of all, thank you for your feedback. On the other hand, I have some comments about it!
The antagonist mode is one of the core mechanics of Spacelords. No one forces you to play like an antagonist tho! It's a way to increase, as you already know, the monthly rewards.

When you suggest that the Antagonist must have some benefits, he or she already have a few advantages over the raiders, of course. The Antagonist is immortal. Therefore has infinite chances to fight the raiders.

On the other hand, they command Grunts. I must say I disagree with the animation you made in this regard. AIs can be psycho killers with mission difficulty.  That's a factor to keep an eye on in every match, both MMR and mission difficulty.

In the game, being antagonist forces you to come up with a different kind of gameplay you developed as a Raider. You might need to try other characters, a certain talent combination, and a more stealthy gameplay style to win. That's the special thing about being an antag. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and makes you think about how to take down the other players.

I really hope this helps you to understand the antagonist mode a bit better!

Spacelords Assemble / Re: Reporting cheaters and exploits
 on: October 28, 2020, 02:03:36 PM 
I understand your frustration, Howser. Toxic behavior such as this can undermine a match indeed.

Know that we do have a ban system that takes care of this kind of infractions. It might take some time, but it detects the most common misbehavior and takes action against them.

For more specific reports such as the one you mention in your message, you just need to open the troubleshooting menu after the match and tell us what happened. Then it's on us to investigate it and take the proper means about it!

I know this is not the response you'd like to hear, Howser. I'm really sorry you guys had to go through that situation.

And please, don't thank me for that! I'm happy to listen to your feedback!

Spacelords Assemble / Re: Reporting cheaters and exploits
 on: October 23, 2020, 09:15:45 AM 
Good morning, This_Is_Howser!
I'm afraid there's not! Sadly, we've to stick to the manual reporting. On the other hand, if you give us this username (please avoid posting it here so it doesn't create public shaming of any kind), we could further investigate this player!
You can DM me via this very forum or via Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!
Have a great day!

Spacelords Assemble / Re: Reporting cheaters and exploits
 on: October 20, 2020, 11:28:36 AM 
Good morning!

This information comes really handy: 

- Your username.
- Your Platform
- The username of the player that you want to report.
- Mission and phase.
- Description of issue
- Date and time zone.

What's your platform, PS4 or XBox?

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Weapon Building Tips?
 on: October 20, 2020, 11:06:20 AM 
Of course! Advance features are meant to be combined to increase significantly your damage! :-) All this can create powerful weapons that might even besten your previous guns!

What's your current weapon configuration?

Do you have a video of that, Macsi? Can you send it to, please?

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: HIVE builds
 on: October 14, 2020, 02:51:35 PM 
Really useful! I'll try some of them on my own HIVE loadout!
Thanks for your time and effort, Nin'Mug!  ^^

Anytime, as usual, Nin'Mug!
On the PING matter regarding different characters, again that's a consequence of the network of the player. Hitscan would be like putting a bandaid in a bleeding wound. The base problem is that player's connectivity status.

Last week we introduced, as you well know, a patch regarding general difficulties that do affect the Antagonist experience! We are always working on new tweaks that will improve the overall feeling of the game!

I do appreciate that you've noted a change in what connection with the community concerns tho! :-)

As mentioned, adapting to changes can be quite hard. But we'll be here to aid to you with every step of the way, Nin'Mug!

Have a great day!

Spacelords Assemble / Re: Reporting cheaters and exploits
 on: October 14, 2020, 10:47:43 AM 
Hey Spacelords!!! Just wondering why we still have no reporting system and when we can expect one. I know there's the whole side of unnecessary reports that some will do, but there's no way to call actual cheaters to attention. And even when they aren't cheating, but maybe exploiting, it will still point it out to the devs.

Hello there, This_Is_Howser!
We have a support mail you can send your reports to: . If you'd like to avoid emailing, you can always send us a message via all our social media channels so as to discord. We'll read it and take the proper action about it for both people who cheat and exploit the game!

Regarding the first paragraph of your post, I really like the bond you have both with the game and HIVE. I personally don't find it silly, I think it's passionate, and that's a valued virtue worth of admiration.

On the other hand, it's quite normal that some mechanics of any game do not get off the ground for you. There could even be some of then further away from what you think the SPLS should be. And it's great to receive feedback in that regard!

I do disagree with you on the PING point. Ping does affect players due to their network. Not therefore tied to any kind of system designed to modify the user's experience. Following this line of thought, removing the Antagonist would mean to remove the main concept of the game.

It makes me really sad that you believe there's no touch with the community. I have to draw a line between two notions in this regard. One thing is reading all your feedback, what we actually do, and other quite different is to implement all of those suggestions in the game.

Again, as usual, thank you for playing and loving the game so much. It's okay to have your ups and downs with the game!

And hey, there's much Spacelord to be seen yet! :-)

¡Muy buenas, Saga Sensei!
¡Un placer leerte! ¡Me hace muy feliz que te acuerdes de nosotros! Siendo realistas, en este momento no tenemos contemplado llevar a cabo un modo hordas o 4vs4.
Por otra parte, para con las nuevas consolas, hay ideas en marcha, pero aún muy difusas, por lo  me temo que no podemos ni confirmar ni desmentir nada.

¡Un saludo, y muchísimas gracias por jugar a nuestro juego!

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Can´t log in
 on: September 28, 2020, 10:05:47 AM 
¡De nada! ¡Me alegro de que quedase resuelto! ^^

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Can´t log in
 on: September 25, 2020, 11:58:47 AM 
¡Genial! ¡Con lo que sea nos dices!

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aleph Bomb Idea
 on: September 25, 2020, 09:26:34 AM 
Hello Segaslah!
How are you? Aleph bombs have their own penalization, as by wasting it, you decrease the benefits you obtain though the talent cards. Also, in missions such as Short Fused, you'd waste your chance to keep up with the mission's objective.

I get your point tho. As antag 4 people aleph bombing can be quite the challenge.  Harec, with the stalk ability is quite useful to avoid those kind of situations! Mikahwould be my personal choice to shift positions. Wait till their Aleph explodes and get you back to action as fast a possible. 

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