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Messages - Hiero_Glyph

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Ship's Log / Re: Spacelords Update 11.2 Patch Notes
 on: October 25, 2018, 04:41:09 PM 
How does this interact with cards that grant invulerability, like Mikah's Photon Shield?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 25, 2018, 02:23:26 AM 
I named 4 of you here that are of like mind. Why not just team up and you can surrender vs. antags to your heart's content? Unless there's cross-platform preventing that, which would be understandable (but guilds are coming soon that will fix that! ;) )

I don't care what a 4 stack does, play how you want. My team does it, lots of teams do it. Managing MMR is an issue that unfortunately needs a workaround. If you don't wanna play a certain setup, that'd on a team to decide. The issue here is that you guys have no problems ruining games when you get matched up with randoms. 
And I know for a fact some of you here do it with randoms because you get name dropped in discord when it happens if they get matched with you. I am just fed up with the hypocrisy at this point.

You named me but you didn't understand anything I wrote if you feel I am against the antag system. What I am against is the current iteration of the antag system because it punishes the progress of all players, even the antag.

Like you said, you only play for fun so you don't care about rewards, but many of us have fun by making progress and your fun restricts that. So obviously the system isn't working well if it places the community at odds with each other instead of letting everyone having fun together.

Maybe the difference is that I am thinking about how to make Spacelords fun for everyone, instead of only thinking about myself. Feel free discussing how a monthly challenge system would hurt your fun playing as an antag though. I will gladly explain it in more detail if needed.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 11:33:34 PM 
It's slightly more complicated than that since you do need to incentivize players to pay as/against an antag, otherwise queue times will suffer for the antag mode. As I noted, I don't think giving better rewards is the answer but if MSE added monthly challenges then players could reach specific milestones and get additional rewards.

For example, you could earn faction/gold for missions completed, missions won, kills/assists vs players, recovering from a downed state, etc. These would reset every month and the best rewards would require a high number of games and skilled play to achieve. It should be noted that these challenges would not be attainable in the PvE-only mode.

That’s just not true and one of the issues in the logic of some pvp players, not only in this game. Those that play pvp should do so 1st and foremost simply because they enjoy it, pvp should not get anything  more ideally, when devs are fair, that said, I wouldn’t mind if they want to give extra currency (gold, fp, whatever) as long as they don’t block actual content, like bps, cosmetics, etc to pvp.

That's a shortsighted viewpoint. Players want the most reward for the least effort. Anyway, my suggestion would allow PvE players to enjoy the game without ever running into an antag, but it would also provide a play list that is true to the developers original intent. The only exception is that it does so in a manner that is very similar to the current battle pass using challenges and additional rewards such as gold and faction points upon attaining specific milestones. It takes nothing away from PvE and gives them the ability to enjoy the game unhindered by antags.

Honestly, if you don't see this as a win-win for everyone then you want the game to be something different than what MSE intended.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 10:23:42 PM 
Now here's my question. If Antagonist missions rewarded more gold, faction, and XP would you be ok with Antagonist missions? This applies to both roles.

Trying to fix it with higher rewards is inefficient because it only solves the issue for some, an option to opt out of antag queue (pve mode) solves it for all.

It's slightly more complicated than that since you do need to incentivize players to pay as/against an antag, otherwise queue times will suffer for the antag mode. As I noted, I don't think giving better rewards is the answer but if MSE added monthly challenges then players could reach specific milestones and get additional rewards.

For example, you could earn faction/gold for missions completed, missions won, kills/assists vs players, recovering from a downed state, etc. These would reset every month and the best rewards would require a high number of games and skilled play to achieve. It should be noted that these challenges would not be attainable in the PvE-only mode.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 08:25:13 PM 
I play as an Antag because iits fun. I like playing against other players. I like being an antag and I like fighting Antags.

Now here's my question. If Antagonist missions rewarded more gold, faction, and XP would you be ok with Antagonist missions? This applies to both roles.

Now you're understanding. I'm not against the antag system and I actually enjoy it. My problem is that the rewards do not scale based on the effort and this is what I am hoping MSE will improve.

Other things like preventing antags in mentor matches is more about player retention. Hiding player levels and only showing their tier wouk also help in making things appear more even and less unfair. Making queueing against antags optional would also keep player numbers up, but to compensate MSE needs to create exclusive rewards/challenges that are only available when playing as/against an antag. This would also let MSE create a 4v1 mode that always has an antag. So the goal isn't to remove antags from the game but to make them a benefit for everyone.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 07:20:59 PM 
Its "GIT GUD" @Hiero_Glyph. And I havent said that because im trying to show respect.  If I were trying to belittle or show you no regard then yea i would say "GIT GUD".

I like the analogy as well, but let think of it another. Lets say Spacelords is the road and the speed limit is 20mph. The guy going 20mph hes ok. For some 20 mph isnt good enough they want to go faster  20 is too slow. And now their stuck behind the getting frustrated because he is going too slow. Theyre inherently going against the grain by trying to go faster. And then it gets to a point where the start to honk and swerve behind the guy until they eventually try to blow past him. Thus creating a very extreme and stressful situation for not only them, for the driver just minding his own business and other innocent bystanders.

Except they can go faster. Do the math. Do you earn more or less when queuing as an antag or a raider (and please include queue times in this)? So even the antag gains less. So playing as an antag makes everyone go slower than they should.

And for comparisons sake, playing CoD, Battlefield, Overwatch, etc. is not optional PvP since no games will even queue up without players on both teams, whereas Spacelords doesn't require an antag to play the game. So not only is playing as an antag optional, but it rewards everyone less.

So I guess the question is: why do you insist on playing as an antag?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 04:41:05 PM 
We are not ruining anything, we are just playing the game as it was intended. MSE made this game.  Not us. Do you understand? This was never a just PVE game. If players are coming into this game expecting to only play PVE they are mistaken. That's on them not MSE.

What, no 'get good' to go with that flimsy rationale? As it stands now the antagonist system has no benefit to the community other than flipping to antag cards. So you can talk about how it's part of the game all you want, but that doesn't somehow make it a benefit to anyone since everyone gets rewarded less.

It would be like someone driving 20mph on the highway. Sure, if there is no posted minimum speed then it is legal and allowed, but it doesn't make it a benefit to anyone if it could be avoided. And even if you have something strapped to your car that requires you going slow, you could choose to go to the right lane and put your hazard lights on so that you do not make others suffer for no reason. Playing as an antag is no different in the game's current state and that is why the community has such a problem with it. It is you purposely slowing down the progress of everyone else in the game, and even if it is allowed it could also be entirely avoided. You simply choose to obstruct others.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 03:17:00 PM 
So antags want the right to ruin the experience for others without anyone having a say on the matter (since apparently having a pve mode is a big no no), but when the raiders decide to ruin the experience then that’s when it’s bad, hmmm sounds unfair…

You're comparing playing competively and trying to win to actively sabotaging your own team.

Absolutely not. Some of us are running characters that are NOT competitive to try and get blueprints or running weak characters that don't have a good weapon because we need faction and/or gold and they are part of that faction or have bounty hunter. The ONLY player that is prepared to play competitively is the antagonist since they know going into the game what is at stake.

Suggestions / Re: High level mentor matches??
 on: October 24, 2018, 04:31:18 AM 
Each player can potentially complete any of the 4 campaigns in any order. 2 of my friends started on the 5th Council's campaign.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 24, 2018, 03:02:46 AM 
Can't believe the swarm of posts approving this. It's not a full team effort, it's obviously 2 players that don't care to screw over the Doldren and a fresh level 1 Baby Harec that are trying to play.

Honestly, after having the level 1 baby Harec quit more times than not when I do try to carry them against an antag, I can't blame others for doing this. I had a match the last time I played and the low level host dropped on the first part of low blow completely reseting our progress. The antag then adjusted to our tactics and made the remaining 3 player struggle a bit so the next host dropped, resetting our progress again. At that point the 2 of us still in the game just surrendered as we had been in game for around 10 minutes and had no progress to show for it. So no, I don't feel bad since there are far worse things that can happen.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Raiders Throwing Games (Antagonist Pov)
 on: October 23, 2018, 04:11:48 PM 
Meh, it was a mentor match, the antag shouldn't be in it anyway.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 21, 2018, 11:59:50 PM 
Antags on mentor matches is a little unfair. I'm won't dispute they could ease up on the rookies. But I think streamlining communication between players would help a lot with rookies. Communication now is horrid. But I am completely against making Antag matches optional

And that's entirely the problem since you have decided to refuse an option before seeing if would improve the game. There are several methods MSE could use to make antags optional and still improve the experience for antags.

At least in its current form playing as an antag provides more negatives to the community than it does positives and that is why it is such a hotly debated issue. My goal is to make playing against an antag a benefit for everyone, but making it optional would be a great first step in maintaining a larger community.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 21, 2018, 10:31:14 PM 
They could change the reward system couldn't they? Wpuldnt it be easier to just change how much gold and faction points we get at the end?

Now I'm no white knight I just legit like the mechanic. It adds spice to the game. The reason I don't see a need for a toggle is becasue it's not like an antagonist shows up on every mission you have good day and you have bad ones. You can play a whole day and only get 3 Antags missions and then some days you get like 10. The PVEVP model has something for everyone. You got on missions you fight against the enemy and every so often you get a mission with an Antag. It's not a horrible experience. You are just upset becasue you lost or maybe you won but didn't get that blueprint you wanted. You're frustrated I get it. But are you honestly saying you wouldn't get bored of this game if all you did was play the same missions over and over, always winning. I know I would. I feel if they changed the Antag mechanic it would be a different game from what they originally set out to make. And don't think Antags have all the fun. We get frustrated too. The imbalance goes both ways

When did I ever say I was upset? Don't direct your emotions or justifications on me. The simple fact is that not having antags in mentor matches is a win-win scenario as it makes them desirable and benefits new players. Additionally, giving better rewards in antag matches makes them a benefit instead of a statistical loss that they are now, even when you win.

There is no crying over loses involved with these facts. The antag system is poorly implemented in its current form and needs to be improved and my goal is to suggest ways to make not only the antag system better, but the entire game.

Suggestions / Re: Option for no antagonist
 on: October 21, 2018, 09:29:27 PM 

I'm curious, but how would you ever be able to speak for anyone but yourself? Of course players are telling the devs what is best for themselves.

Also, if you were to reduce the rewards for opt-out, non-antag matches, what would be left to even call a reward?

It is interesting that you admit the vast majority would prefer non-antag matches, yet you believe MSE sticking to their original intent is somehow a benefit for the game. Isn't having more active players a better outcome?

It sounds like you know the answers to these problems but you would rather white knight than admit the truth of the game's current situation.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Fith Council not feeling like Tanks.
 on: October 21, 2018, 07:33:16 PM 
I've noticed a change as well and it's not making the game more fun to play. We played Destroyer of Worlds and made it to the final boss phase only to have the AI spawn a ridiculous number of elites. When we eventually lost, my reward was a successful blueprint! Oh wait, it was a duplicate so nothing for me. Yeah, I'm taking a break from Spacelords probably until after I get bored of Fallout 76. Best of luck MSE.

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