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Topics - Level9Drow

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Gameplay Feedback / Still Too Many Antags...
 on: August 03, 2018, 06:33:37 AM 
Me and my friend who is in his low double digits played tonight. And every single game there was an antag. At first I just grin and bared it. We won one we lost one. Then they kept coming. We played several games, many with Lovette and TommyRawhead, who are both great players, and some other randoms. Kept losing, over and over. I told myself, "I'm supposed to like this I guess. I should just hold on, maybe there will be a game we can play in peace." Nope, one after another, the night got worst and worse. My friend finally didn't want to play anymore. I wasn't having any more fun after the 4rth invasion against my will. And each game it got worse and worse.

Can we have a fucking cool down on this shit please? This isn't any fun. I played by your goddamn rules and didn't bitch about it and it was NOT fun. I hope when Augest comes around they give players a choice because this is killing the game for me. This is no fun. Games are supposed to be fun. Getting invaded over and over is NO fucking fun.

PLEASE give your players options. Options always enrich the game and make it more varied. I don't like getting nothing for 2 hours of game play.

As for others commenting, this message isn't for your eyes, it's for the devs, hence "feedback". If you are opposed to my viewpoint I'm not interested in anything you have to say, you are, by definition, the enemy and there can be no consolation or conversation between us. You're just making a contrary statement in vain.

EDIT: I just want to offset my cynicism a bit. That Doldren skin is frakin' AWESOME. The new gun has some amazing mind game potential. Looking forward to getting my face stomped on by Doldren and stomping on other's faces with him. Hihasuke shows it off here with BrentWoody:

Spacelords’ Advice / New To Space Lords?...
 on: August 01, 2018, 01:10:53 AM 
Advice for new players:
1. Don't choose Harec: I know he was the first character featured in the tutorial mission before you went online, and  yea, he looks like Raiden from MGS, but don't use him. Why? Because he has very low health and is fragile and you aren't used to the game enough to realize how to use him. If you do, you will be known as the "Baby Harec" and die a lot using up the teams extra lives.
     I suggest playing Konstantin, Lycus or Alicia: In that order of availability. These characters are far more forgiving of error than glass canon Harec. NOTE: Harec does NOT suck, but is a high skill character. He's actually one of the best characters *coughBRENTcoughWODDYcough* but takes some getting antiquated with.

2. You Have Special Abilities: This isn't just a shooter, each character has unique abilities they can use. I often see new players not using them and just shooting. Many of you may think the game feels hard, but it's much easier if you use your specials.

3. Utilize Punches, Grabs, and Dodges:  If you are in arms reach of an enemy it may be better to engage them in melee combat rather than shooting them an inch away. You have a punch button, grab button and dodge button. Use them and get familiar with them, they are a fundamental part of the game.

4. Names at Death: No that's not another player named Darkeneel'ol, Stinkil'but'el, Sniffydoo'ol, Ltd.Sanchez, Drone evol XT,'s an enemy AI, they have names too. I see a lot of new streams and hear "Are those all players? I think they're players, yea, they have they suck. I didn't see that character at the select screen, what a dumb name." AI have names to.

5. GET ALEPH!!!!: It's the Spice from Dune, Unuptanium from Avatar, it's what the game is sbout really. And most, not all, missions need you to utilize Aleph in some way relating to the objective. To get Aleph, kill Elite Commanders, Elite Fatties (berserkers), Elite Snipers or enemy players. You will know a target has Aleph if you can see a health bar above their head. Then you use it to do what the objective indicates.

6. Aleph is EXPLOSEVE!!! If you or someone else dies with an Aleph charge then the death will be an explosion. The explosion will damage any allies or enemies near you. If they're near enough, they will dies as well. BUT, don't be afraid, they give you a warning, when you kill an enemy and they fall to their knees screaming and squirming in agony as they begin to glow hotter and hotter with yellow Aleph energy, run away. Stop trying to punch the glowing dying person and run, or you will die next to them. They give you enough time to get out of there. What's out for Aleph explosion trains, one person does in en explosion, the person next to him dies in an explosion and then kills another ally next to them. This happens on elevators a lot. It IS funny though...


7. Invulnerability: When you, or en enemy player, first spawn you are glowing yellow. This means they are invulnerable to damage for a split second. When you, or an enemy player, or an elite AI do a finisher you are invulnerable while doing it. You will notice the same glowing yellow while a finisher is done. You cannot hit or shoot the target who is doing a finisher while they are in the middle of executing an enemy player or Elite AI. They are also invulnerable for a split second after the execution.
      SO, when a person is glowing yellow know that nothing you do hurts them. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but I don;t want to confuse you at this point. Just get away from them for a split second. It's this invulnerability that you saw when the enemy Lycus just jumped in the middle of you and proceeded to execute all of you, because you didn't all spread out when he was invulnerable do he just spammed the grab button while invulnerable which caused him to be invulnerable again and the rest is history.

8. Ammo: I see you level 1 spamming the out of ammo button. I can't give you any, there is no ammo packs either (I can just give you the thumbs up "ok" like everyone else in the group is doing). In order to get ammo you have to execute an enemy with melee combat. Think of it as mugging them and stealing what's in their pockets right when you execute them. You don't get more ammo on respawn. You have to punch people to get ammo. It will let you know you got ammo when you finish an enemy.

That's all I got for now. any of you veterans want to add to this? Please feel free.

EDIT: Let me add this vid as well from Hihasuke:

Spacelords Universe / These guys work so hard...
 on: July 28, 2018, 12:18:42 AM 
Look at them in the background behind Enric ploggin away. And I'm sitting here sipping tea on a silk chair complaining about R&R (I'm actually in a cubicle in front  of a computer doing FAR less interesting and creative work like them, but you get the idea). Talk about 1st world problems. These guys are an indie company but they're pros. I loved Castltvania  Lords of Shadows.

Space Lords it is!

EDIT: Guys STOP saying they don't listen to the community. Please!

Gameplay Feedback / Everlasting Beast Form...
 on: July 26, 2018, 05:21:32 AM 
Not sure if this is a bug, but I saw a Laoht yesterday when I was antag and he was ALWAYS in beast form and his health didn't seem to slowly decrease. He would just stand there on all fours and never die.

If this is not a bug, what the hell are his cards? Because I thought they nerfed this. Please tell me. Laoht's special is mostly useless as it is now and is hardly ever used or seen. It would be nice to know if there's a way to make it more useful and longer lasting.

Suggestions / Please Report the Spammers...
 on: July 26, 2018, 12:38:38 AM 
Many of you have noticed the constant spamming of Passports, Drivers Licences, etc...  I report them as much as I can for Spam/Solicitation. Help me report them when you see them. I can't stand this parasitic filth clogging up the forums.


Well, this was a big surprise for me. Mad respect for this dude. I know he's high enough to forge it to. I wonder why he didn't sellout like all the other Alicias.

Spacelords Universe / Excuse my dark humor, but...
 on: July 20, 2018, 02:11:17 AM light of recent events, does this mean Konstantin is an "American" citizen of the future? SORRY, sorry...sorry, I'll go now, that was bad. >__<'

Fan Corner / "White Noise" from Council Apocalypse
 on: July 13, 2018, 09:39:13 PM 
Have you guys seen this?!?!

Spacelords Universe / Did Mikah Just Get a New Ability? O_O!
 on: July 06, 2018, 02:52:30 AM 
Not sure if you guys saw this yet:

But she has a barrier shield now. I'm not sure if it's from the gun or a new ability she has altogether. Any idea?

New skin is cool, by the way.

EDIT: I found out! It's from the gun, I believe. If this is the case, this is the most sickest gun in the game because it gives a completely new ability. WOW, I hope the gun isn't too powerful to compensate for the added shield. She's basically Lycus and Mikah at the same time.

Suggestions / Forum Member "Rankings"...
 on: July 04, 2018, 02:15:22 AM 
How do you guys feel about the titles given to forum posters based on how often they post? ("Jr.Member", "Senior member", "Hero Member", etc...) I think it's kind of weird and is a bit of a liability. I would rather it be indiscriminate, or make it so everyone is the same and doesn't have a title. I think this because I think people single you out because of it. I think it facilitates the illusion of some weird hierarchy and that it would be better if everyone was "perceived" as the same.

I get that it's supposed to be fun and encouraging, but it makes me feel like a loud mouth ("You are a F***ing loud mouth Drow"). And I may very well be a loud mouth, but I don't want a title implying I may be one. I think everyone should be able to post, regardless if they're frequent or infrequent, opinionated or reserved, on the forums without the feelings of implication. I just saw my "title" and I was like, "WTF? Hero?" then I got kind of embarrassed and felt I posted too much. But what if I didn't have that title? Then I wouldn't think twice to post opinions, suggestions or jokes. I would be free to just honestly post because I would feel the same as everyone else. "He's a 'hero member', means he has no life and post too damn much, don;t listen to him."

You may think I'm looking too much into this, but I just got a little criticized on another post based on how frequent I post, like I "OWN" something. I though, "Oh God, does he think I'm one of THOSE forum posters? Because I don't. And I wouldn't want him to think my opinion matters over anyone else." And it shouldn't, even if I am a bored forum patroller sitting at work in his cubicle. "Titles" shouldn't matter, don't let it, please.

If I could make a suggestion to MSE it would be either to remove titles OR, at least hide them.

Ok, back to insurance calls.

Suggestions / Alicia Players...
 on: June 27, 2018, 08:49:22 AM 
...I'm curious, do you actually think you have any skill using that broken ass weapon? You do realize they're nerfing the gun don't you? Devs already said they realize the issue and are planning on fixing it with R&R.

I strongly suggest they roll back your rewards from using R&R. And if not then at the very least refund all the victims who have been griefed by that weapon. Facing an R&R antagonists is basically cheap ass robbery.

The devs won't disable the gun while they fix it, and all the while it's causing players to leave. You should refund gold to all the players who DIDN'T use the gun as antagonists and exclude the players who did. That's my suggestion.

This gun is NEVER going to stop pissing people off. My other suggestion is to disable it before it does more damage to the community of gamers.

For all you Alicia R&R antagonists, you are despicable sleaze and deserve none of your earnings. You don't deserve any respect as a sportsman and I look forward to the R&Rs castration, I honestly hope it gets over nerfed and becomes useless. And know you have done so much damage to this game and have driven away so many players you are actually a liability to it. You actually reduce the quality of it.

You can report me for this thread if you wish. And if I get banned let it be a testament to the egregiousness of this horrible HORRIBLE weapon abuse and its affect on the Raiders community.

Spacelords’ Advice / New Players Please...
 on: June 24, 2018, 08:56:12 PM 
Stay AWAY from Harec. Don't play any character from the Native faction, you compromise the success of others and cost them time and rewards. Play Konstantin, Lycus or Hans, these Raiders are more forgiving and safe. You can move on to the Natives once you have more experience with the game. I'm so sick of level 1 to 10 Harecs feeding and costing me time and rewards.

Suggestions / When a Bad Host Holds You Hostage...
 on: June 24, 2018, 08:34:09 AM 
...You should be able to leave the game without penalty. I get these horrid hosts sometimes with TERRIBLE internet and the rest of us are rubberbanding, firing blanks due to lag, and getting killed. We attempt a surrender and 50% of the team are morons who wish to torture the rest of us. So then we suicide (We'd die anyways due to lag) then the host precedes to stay alive during the survive timer and does this FOUR F***ING times even though we're constantly asking him to surrender and suicding to enemies. BUT, if I leave this horrible laggy game, that is doomed to failure, then I get penalized. There needs to be a means to leave bad hosts, or to vote for a host change. It's a massive waste of my time when they hold the team hostage like this and I take GREAT offense to it.

Gameplay Feedback / Rock & Roll needs a nerf NOW!!!
 on: June 17, 2018, 01:11:09 AM 
This gun does WAAAAYY too much damage for it's rate of fire and range.

I'm tired of getting my games ruined by this gun. It is not balanced at all. I'm more than positives that you at MSE can see how much it is abused and used. I'm getting sick of it.

1. Lower the rate of fire.
2. Nerf the damage by half.
3. shorten the range to about 2/3rds its current.

I'm not saying ALL of these, but just one of these done in a significant way will make it more in line with other antagonist.

Until then, whenever I get an Alicia antag I am surrendering immediately, and if that doesn't work I'm feeding. I don't want to waste my time with this overpowered gun. It's more intelligent and pragmatic to end the game as fast as possible to get to the next game so as not to waste time on a game that is GUARANTEED to have reduced to little rewards. Am I angry? I sure am. And Rock & Roll made it so.

Suggestions / Cinematic Viewer
 on: June 14, 2018, 12:33:08 AM 
Can we get a way to have the cinematic parts of the games saved so we can view them at any time? I wouldn't mind earning it by having to complete the mission or even spend a reasonable amount of gold or faction on them.

I try to show others the story-line of the game and I have no easy way to do so.


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