Author Topic: Patch-notes Thoughts  (Read 5467 times)


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Patch-notes Thoughts
on: December 15, 2018, 11:17:23 PM

If I’m going to be honest this update gave some fresh air to the game for me, It gave me some goals and brought a bit of a new feel to the game. So I’d like to note the things that stuck out to me that I liked allot and then things I’d like to see implemented in the game.

                                                                                 THE PLUSES

Right off the bat upon starting a mission, what amazed me (even though it was a small addition) was the special effect that occurred when you collect Aleph from Elites. I’m pretty sure I said something along the lines of “Oh, what!? that was awesome!” and I think that every time I see it (The shock factor is dumming down for me but I still appreciate it. Adding a variation of that to all the Elites could be a good idea as well.

At this point I kind of felt like a kid in a candy store in the sense that I wanted to try or see all the new changes that was mentioned in the Patch-Notes (honestly, I glossed over allot of information to rush to the bits I was really interested.) That’s when I noticed the new addition of the alternate firing modes for certain rare weapons, of which I loved all of them. Lycus’s in specific was fun to go crazy with.

Now this I can’t confirm if it came from this patch or a previous one but I’ll mention it here anyway. The fix for Valeria’s gun The Whip was another unexpected surprise. I always remembered that gun’s beam firing so erratically, to the point of it not making sense. Now It feels like it got the fix it needed that god. It now has a certain amount of precision when firing for the first few seconds before it spreads, as it should.

This next one was a physics change which was nice and very subtle. When carrying objects like a bomb and you jumped, you used to leap freely as though you hadn’t had a bomb in your hands in the first place. Now you have a very weighted jump that sends you right back down, similar to the physics change that was added to Loaths beast form when ever it jumped. Nice.

The map Reworks brought a nice spin and difficulty to those that were changed. personally, as far as Hanging by a thread was concerned I wished it could’ve had a little of both the new and the old. Once you reach the end of the 2nd half you could call the elevator and then the gun ship arrived with some Wardog grunts. I cant say how it feels like for new players but for me, a veteran player, its a cake walk.

Here’s a funny, unexpected and yet very important change, The Super Cortez Bros. These guys don’t give you an advantage when a player leaves but they don’t give you a disadvantage either which is great. They don’t use up Aleph, they draw Aggro and give a little bit of cover fire. Cant ask for much more with these bad asses.

I’m all for the new player experience, I’m past that point now but I want it all the same. That being said a Small but helpful amount of information like those found on the Hideout (Roster) section is very nice indeed. It gives a very general idea of what each faction offers that the others don’t. I noticed it on accident when I was moving the cursor about the page. Perhaps highlighting them a little would draw your attention to it a bit more on purpose.

When looking over the things I mentioned above, a friend of mine who was playing at the exact same time mention that theirs a trailer for Konstantin. That confused and intrigued me, so when I found it in the Character Viewer I was excited to see it along with the Tutorial video specifically for him and the link of his that lead to the Universe section. I knew my boy Konstantine wasn't getting the spotlight alone and I was right, allot of the other characters have it too while others do not. I get it, things take time. This was a big thumbs up.

When the Spacelords Roadmap came out one of the things I personally was looking forward to was The Guilds (along with the store) and that remains true. That being said I want to lay out my thoughts on it.


Player Status - I’d like to see the status of the players in our Guild like, are they in a mission, the main menu, or are they currently being attacked by an Antagonist. Also to see how long has it been since they’ve been active.

Guild Notifications - On the Communications Panel you could see what the members have been up to. If they Leveled up, Upgraded a weapon, or succeeded in a mission with an Antagonist you’d see a notification.

Guild Exclusive Bounties - The Idea here is when an Antagonist attacks and causes a Guild member to lose the mission, a Bounty can be placed on them if the player who lost chooses so.
*The option to set a bounty has to be unlocked by reaching a certain level.
*The reward on the Bounty is dependant on the offenders level.
*Only 3 attempts can be made on the offender before the bounty is dropped.
*Accepting a Bounty will cost you gold in order to send a clone to attack them during there mission.
*When the Offender starts the mission they will get a notification stating that they are being hunted.
*Your clone will be Randomly selected from from the raiders you have available.

Frankly I haven’t thought of how to make a clone stand a chance against four Raiders who all can be revived. Perhaps Like Kuzmann or Valeria they can have increase stats (Armor, Resistance, Brute force & Grapple immunity) at the cost of not being revived at all.

Guild Emblem - Adding an option to put the Guild Emblem onto other things like weapons, on the Raider themselves or perhaps on Cortez’s Beluga.

- The one thing that bothered me was that you can’t mirror flip some of the images, well that and there wasn’t as much space to continue customizing.

What do you guy's think of my ideas, Meh??


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #1 on: December 16, 2018, 08:27:47 AM
They are cool ideas. Unfortunately, the guilds are so whacked out right now I doubt they are gonna get around to implementing anything like bounties, advanced guild communication or guild events.

MSE was 100% about the guilds and when they released it was a maelstrom of bugs and nonsense that, as far as I know, hasn't even been acknowledged by the developers.

They promoted the idea of a private aequilibrium but it is super broken.

They promoted the idea of banners and claiming your supremacy in a mission, I might be missing something but as far as I can tell the banner is just for the main menu. They mentioned something about planting a flag awhile back but..I don't see any flags.

If you are in a guild you cannot even see the guild list anymore. It makes it strangely..claustrophobic. A small quibble but I'd like to be able to see what other people came up with even if I have my own guild.

Not to mention all the bugs and crashes that came with the patch, dunno if they fixed it, it is very poor presentation.

As it stands, guilds are a huge letdown to me. I was expecting them to be basic MMO affairs but they are even less than that.

What is worse is that they seem to believe we should all be stoked about them. I mean..seriously; has anyone at MSE ever been in a guild for any game ever? I don't think so. I have played no-name Korean games with better guild systems.

If their intent was to build off this patch with more then..they should have just waited for the more to be ready. There is literally no point to having a guild. I know that your ideas are about adding more to the feature but..a lot of that type of stuff should have already been on the plate when I downloaded the patch.

They have a huge amount of problems to fix and seeing how long it took them to add a solution to duplicates I wouldn't hold my breath for any additional features.

And, you're right, they did add stuff. But it is stuff that has been wanted for a LONG time and, frankly, should have been added months ago. Instead they were still fixing their MMR system which has been in the game for like..ever, as far as I know. They still haven't fixed it though.

I just..bleh..I expected very little and I got less than that from MSE.

Cool ideas though.

Just like..a totally side thing but they finally fixed HIVE's nityat skin lore and I'm like..holy shit. They removed the word "human" from it and..just, MSE clearly just doesn't give a shit. Why was it ever about a human general in the first place? What the fuck? Now it is clearly saying that Shamash and HIVE have some type of history together.

There is a huge difference between having a cryptic non-story and not knowing what the fuck the story is. Eh. Not really surprised by the mediocrity anymore.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2018, 08:38:24 AM by PohtHehd »


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #2 on: December 16, 2018, 05:31:29 PM
@Pothehd, they are going to continue to roll out things for the guilds. It is a little buggy right now, and I agree that I don't like not being able to look up other guilds and stuff just because I have one. There is no way their master plan for guilds was to group players together, give them their own aequilibrium and that's it. They will be doing 4v4 arenas that will obviously utilize the guild system in the future.
   On a different subject the Cortez Bros. Are so hilariously inept at everything except drawing s tiny bit of fire off of you and not draining your pool of lives. On Low Blow one of those idiots were shooting that other gate that would allow the enemy to pour after you at the elevator and I literally almost passed out laughing. I wonder if they are even on our side.
   So, Pothehd I understand your frustrations about some of the things but for those of us that have been around a long time we know that it might take Mercurysteam awhile and they may be dead set on implementing new things that they "think" everyone wants or have been asking for when it's really just their idea, *cough* radar *cough* they will continue to tirelessly work to support their baby and add new content so let's try to be patient.


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #3 on: December 16, 2018, 07:29:08 PM
Well Rome wasn't built in a day and there "ambitious" goals are going to take some time. I think your expecting too much too soon.

On another note, The Radar. I don't mind it at all. I actually want it in a way, but. i'm being serous, the fact that it's on the left hand side really bothers me. perhaps cause i'm right handed, or what but when ever I want to know where my enemies are I hate having to look to my left when my right (For reasons unknown to me) would be so much more preferred.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2018, 07:30:45 PM by Angeles2099 »


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #4 on: December 16, 2018, 07:56:25 PM
You're right, Jabberwockie and Angeles. It just sucks to get hyped and make a guild then make a banner and..nothing. Just same ol' same ol'. Just kinda feels as though the rug is being pulled from under my feet, you know?

Also, yeah the left side is pretty heavy on the HUD. HUD scaling would fix that..haha, yeah I know.

I don't mind the Raid-ar either. I am usually playing so quickly that it becomes rather superfluous compared to just looking straight ahead. I also noticed that it randomly turns itself off in-between phases of missions and doesn't come back. Dunno what that is about.

The few times I remember it is there though I noticed that it has an incredibly short range. Like 20 pace range from the center.

And again, I know no one is really hard up on the lore but..the implications of HIVE being even semi-connected to Shamash introduces a massive amount of plot-holes. Not the least of which being she would know what the Legacy did and could very easily warn Harec and the rest about what is going to happen.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 07:12:13 PM by PohtHehd »


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #5 on: December 17, 2018, 05:26:21 AM
Overall, I like the SpaceGuild update.
I like:
- the raiders' trailers video appear when you click on a purchasable raiders.
- that I can invite friends even when searching for a game.
- you made Harec the leader again for the first time. (now he can spam powerful shots without delay.)

By the way, I cannot mute team members individually anymore. Is this my oversight? can someone tell me how to mute a member in a team?


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #6 on: December 18, 2018, 06:54:18 PM
Hi guys! I just saw this thread and I thought I come shed some light into some of the topics being discussed. :)

They are cool ideas. Unfortunately, the guilds are so whacked out right now I doubt they are gonna get around to implementing anything like bounties, advanced guild communication or guild events.

MSE was 100% about the guilds and when they released it was a maelstrom of bugs and nonsense that, as far as I know, hasn't even been acknowledged by the developers.

They promoted the idea of a private aequilibrium but it is super broken.

As you said, there are indeed some guild-related bugs in the last update. That's why we re-patched the game a few days after the release of the guilds.
We totally acknowledge the system is far from perfect, and we're working hard on improving it while fixing its bugs. :)

They promoted the idea of banners and claiming your supremacy in a mission, I might be missing something but as far as I can tell the banner is just for the main menu. They mentioned something about planting a flag awhile back but..I don't see any flags.

As we stated in the roadmap we released a while ago (, the following patches will keep expanding the guilds' options. The one you mention (planting flags and such) will be released as part of The Great Clash update.
When it comes to banner flags there are also other new features in development which I’d rather not speak about at this point. ;)

If you are in a guild you cannot even see the guild list anymore. It makes it strangely..claustrophobic. A small quibble but I'd like to be able to see what other people came up with even if I have my own guild

That's an interesting point of view, thank you for pointing that out! :)

If their intent was to build off this patch with more then..they should have just waited for the more to be ready. There is literally no point to having a guild. I know that your ideas are about adding more to the feature but..a lot of that type of stuff should have already been on the plate when I downloaded the patch.

Guilds are a huge amount of work when it comes to development, especially because of the multiplatform and cross-platform nature of the game. I won’t go into details, but let’s say it takes way more effort than developing more “common” playable features. That's why we decided to add them to the game as soon as possible, so that we could polish them and add new features overtime.

And, you're right, they did add stuff. But it is stuff that has been wanted for a LONG time and, frankly, should have been added months ago. Instead they were still fixing their MMR system which has been in the game for like..ever, as far as I know. They still haven't fixed it though.

I just wanted to point out that MMR is a matter in which we keep working on in a daily basis, and it’s unlikely we’ll ever stop working on it.
That's the reason why people in charge tweaking MMR-related stuff aren't necessarily the same people responsible for implementing new playable features in the game. So it's not like the whole Spacelors team has ever been stuck with MMR-related development instead of focusing on other matters. There’s a lot of work being done in parallel! :)

Just like..a totally side thing but they finally fixed HIVE's nityat skin lore and I'm like..holy shit. They removed the word "human" from it and..just, MSE clearly just doesn't give a shit. Why was it ever about a human general in the first place? What the fuck? Now it is clearly saying that Shamash and HIVE have some type of history together.

I'd like to apologize for that change in HIVE’s text. When it comes to lore, we have had a few placeholder texts slip into the game a couple of times in the past, and that’s one of them. Whenever we detect one of them (which is not an easy task, since they aren't actual bugs) we try to fix it as soon as possible, sorry for the inconvenience!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 06:57:54 PM by MSE_Ojuel »


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #7 on: December 18, 2018, 06:58:12 PM
MSE_Ojuel, you are awesome. Thank you so much for coming in here and updating us. I'm really excited about the roadmap. Amd despite some criticism the  recent patch brought a lot of needed QoL improvements. Duplicates feel so good now.

EDIT: Psst...Ginebra needs a new weapon. :P
Can't wait for Sooma.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 07:01:38 PM by Level9Drow »


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #8 on: December 18, 2018, 08:09:24 PM

Can't wait for Sooma.

Now you make me remember that i have to grind more gold to be ready for buying her.
The little i read about her origins makes me think i gonna like her play style.


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #9 on: December 18, 2018, 08:15:55 PM

Can't wait for Sooma.

Now you make me remember that i have to grind more gold to be ready for buying her.
The little i read about her origins makes me think i gonna like her play style.

LordDracoCat, I have realized I like a LOT of the characters and the trick is finding the right weapon and cards that support your play style. so I have no doubts that Sooma will be awesome.

I have enough to get a new character and never go below 200k. But, I have grinded about 80k Wardog Faction and am slowly grinding more in preparations for her.


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #10 on: December 18, 2018, 09:38:31 PM
Same, I'm saving up for Sooma as well but more so for Aneska even though she won't be showing up any time soon.


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Re: Patch-notes Thoughts
Reply #11 on: December 18, 2018, 11:13:02 PM
Hey, alright. I shall await the flags then.

And since you didn't hit up on my interpretation about HIVE's lore then I am going to blindly assume that a lot more things are going to be Shamash/Ancient Local focused in the near future. Sooma comes to mind.