Author Topic: Hosts bad ping ruins antagonist matches  (Read 2460 times)


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Hosts bad ping ruins antagonist matches
on: December 05, 2018, 05:51:23 AM
Please sort this out and stop making the host the person with a really bad connection speed.
My internet is fine, & my ping is always between 19 and 24 whenever i test it. However, I keep losing antagonist matches because I can't reload weapons due t being unable to win any melee fight at all, as you keep making the host the person with slow internet, which is dropping my ping to anywhere between 160 and 450.
As a result, it makes no difference at all how i fight, even noobs of level 2 are getting the better of me, every single time, when this happens & when you're level 120 it makes them think they're awesome & i'm rubbish.
It really needs sorting so that this kind of disadvantage stops happening as it's started to spoil the fun. I can hold my own against any level whenever the connection is fine, but this is getting old now. Please get it sorted, it shouldn't be happening.