Author Topic: Can we just appreciate how over the top cheesy writing of this game is?  (Read 24312 times)


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Harec - straight out of the Dirty Harry, he would probably only be cooler if he used revolvers instead of sniper rifle.

Shae - the first time you hear her talking... she is legit angry grandmother. Goes really weird with how Harec visualizes her :}

Lucys - well you positivley can't get more bad-ass then Lucys. I feel like he was inspired big time by Hanma Yujiro:
And this is not bad thing.

Hans - pls, oh pls give him mustache on base model like he has on his cook skin. So far we only heard single line from him, but the cook skin - magnificent XD

Alice - well... I think she is trying too hard to be jack-ass to her teammates. She was calling Lucys "crazy son of thouthand dingos"... but when she alcually got to see his "dingo" (IYKWIM) that lustfull expression on her face is priceless XD. Her rivalry with Konstantine is also kinda cute - "WAAAT? Emotionally vapid cyborg didn't want crazy me on his team? What an asshole!". Its even more funny that Konstantine is trying to play it cool and get over - but Alice just never stops trying to insult him.

Konstantine - its nice to have a level headed character in this circus for a change. His stoic reaction on insults is priceless - just small tilt in his face ala "One more word... and I will "brake" you".

And our beloved pilot - what a champ. Always here to cheer you up and has some amazing skills for every occasion. Almost a shame we dont know his name XD

Dr. Thunderpants - well he is so creepy and hammy, cant wait to play as him.


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The important thing is they are all badasses. This game is a nice break from cartoony cheery hoity-toity characters from so many video games out there.


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I would like more facial expressions though rather than constant GRRRR


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Also - is there any in-universe reason why everyone is speaking eanglish?
Why locals speak perfect eanglish for example and even know swearing, but dont know what dance music is?

Doctor Thunderpants is clearly cartonishly crazy german - what the reason for him to speak butchered eanglish during interrogation, so eanglish speaking Shae would understand him?

Or lets just roll with usual Hollywood logic that Universal language is eanglish (hell Mass Effect Andromeda pulled that thing too). And lets just roll with the idea that currently peaceful locals dont know what is music or dancing, but know what kissing and "screwed" is.

So far Shae and Harec basicly are no different from humans aside of their funky symbio-suits - I would really appreciate some "alien" spice in them -  again Doctor Thunderpants can't stay 2 seconds without going into "shaize" and "mein liben". Locals should have their own speach quirks IMO.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 07:34:44 PM by Derclaw »