Author Topic: One Deck to Rule them All  (Read 15555 times)


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One Deck to Rule them All
on: January 19, 2021, 03:29:54 AM
So hear me about this. Could the game work with one deck per division? So when you make a card from the Hades division all the characters from Hades share it. Would it make it easier to manage cards and keep a note of what is being crafted? There would be micromanagement for the loadout of your character also.

And following this thought, could we have more flexible customization while in the character selection screen? Allowing us to change cards while waiting for the mission? Hear me out in this.

You find a mission. You see what you're team is picking and there is no talk about "building the team" if you're playing solo. You have your loadouts but find it would be better to change one card after seeing what your team has picked and then you do it. Loadouts would still be useful for skin, weapons , etc. And mostly for having a few default choices by your taste.

This could maybe show a lot of improvement for gameplay :)

Also, the players first lock the characters, they have a few minutes to change cards if they want, cards are locked and THEM they are informed if there is or isn't an antagonist in the game. Since I don't think knowing while changes cards would be fair.



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Re: One Deck to Rule them All
Reply #1 on: January 19, 2021, 04:12:11 PM
It would also help organize and validate the time/investment pursuing some cards.

That said, being able to mark the route and the card you're going for would be a great improvement. I'm always losing track of what I'm doing.


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Re: One Deck to Rule them All
Reply #2 on: January 20, 2021, 12:10:10 PM
Hello there, dehking!
Wow, nice feedback. I think the idea of a shared deck is quite interesting. I'll send it to the team so they can give it a thought!
BTW, loved the title of the publication.


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Re: One Deck to Rule them All
Reply #3 on: January 20, 2021, 01:13:12 PM
Hello there, dehking!
Wow, nice feedback. I think the idea of a shared deck is quite interesting. I'll send it to the team so they can give it a thought!
BTW, loved the title of the publication.

Thank you @MSE_Laura! You know what they say, it's not the product. It's how you sell it (I'm kidding, though I enjoy having fun with titles).

I'm more than happy for them to give some tough :)
But don't consider only me, if it sounds interesting and they like it do some polls with the players to see how they fell as well.

And if it happens to not be interesting at all, take into consideration working on some sort of visual tracker for the card route the players are taking. Like a line connecting the cards and a small number showing the order (maybe when you have the cursor over the card since we already have a highlight doing that).

Good day 2 you :)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 04:14:04 PM by dehking »