Author Topic: Suggestions for the game as a whole VOD  (Read 12769 times)


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Suggestions for the game as a whole VOD
on: October 24, 2020, 03:54:37 PM

A presentation of ideas for the game as a whole. Sorry for how long it is, but this was the best way for me to gather my thoughts. I will also post the bulletin points below for a quick glance that was discussed in detail and the "why" behind it the Video.


1. This VOD is for discussion and constructive criticism

2. All the thing that SPACELORDS does well will be in a different VOD

3. The points that are presented in this VOD well be listed from most to least importance

4. The focus of this video is how to improve on player engagement with the game as a whole,
also minor core game-play changes to improve player interaction and involvement.
NOT game balance Nerfs. Buffs, etc.


1. Separate the Raider and Antagonist MMR

2. Monthly rewards for MMR score

3. End of round rewards bonus for MMR

4. Redefining “Winning” for Antagonist MMR gain/loss
I.E. Not simply have the Raiders “just fail” but more
of a Joker “watch the world burn” by how much the Antagonist Engaged in the game


1. Show more detailed individual score

2. Accurately show in end game how your MMR change in post match

Game Balance

1. Give the Antagonist instant kill grapples

2. Allow the Antagonist to spawn enemy's

3. Change the Respawn animation for Antagonist


1. Making Prestige Points more useful

2. Buying Event Skins with Prestige Points

3. A censor mode