Author Topic: Aleph Bomb Idea  (Read 15285 times)


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Aleph Bomb Idea
on: September 25, 2020, 01:40:04 AM
I noticed sometimes Raiders abuse or waste alephs in cqc, as an antag is a pain that 3 or 4 raiders cqc 1st hit then aleph bomb you. Aleph bombs in my perspective should be to use in case of emergency, when a lot of grunts surround you and you drop 1 aleph to get rid of them but people use alephs in a very bad and abusive way.

My idea is that you can drop 1 aleph as a bomb every 1 minute, so people can't spam or abuse the aleph system, i would say 3 minutes but oh well i hope mse consider this in the future.


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Re: Aleph Bomb Idea
Reply #1 on: September 25, 2020, 09:26:34 AM
Hello Segaslah!
How are you? Aleph bombs have their own penalization, as by wasting it, you decrease the benefits you obtain though the talent cards. Also, in missions such as Short Fused, you'd waste your chance to keep up with the mission's objective.

I get your point tho. As antag 4 people aleph bombing can be quite the challenge.  Harec, with the stalk ability is quite useful to avoid those kind of situations! Mikahwould be my personal choice to shift positions. Wait till their Aleph explodes and get you back to action as fast a possible. 


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Re: Aleph Bomb Idea
Reply #2 on: September 25, 2020, 03:50:39 PM
Hello Segaslah!
How are you? Aleph bombs have their own penalization, as by wasting it, you decrease the benefits you obtain though the talent cards. Also, in missions such as Short Fused, you'd waste your chance to keep up with the mission's objective.

I get your point tho. As antag 4 people aleph bombing can be quite the challenge.  Harec, with the stalk ability is quite useful to avoid those kind of situations! Mikahwould be my personal choice to shift positions. Wait till their Aleph explodes and get you back to action as fast a possible.

I don't understand what are you trying to prove? It doesn't work...Aleph bombing is the most toxic addition to the game
It serves no challenge, no one cares about the extra benefits from cards, we can still do the mission quite well without them, and if i'm out of aleph for the objective, it's very easy to get more while the antag is no threat anymore after i just bombarded them with aleph

This reply is the most depressing because it means that you don't know how bad it is or how broken aleph bombing is.

It literally makes any CQC encouter absolete, that if CQC wasn't the focus of the game already