Author Topic: New toxic scheme  (Read 6502 times)


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New toxic scheme
on: February 12, 2020, 07:20:28 PM
   I wouldn't write about this if it hadn't appened twice to me, and the first time has been one of the worst game I had. Both games were in the mission "Low Blow", both times I had a low level (tier five) Kostantin antag with an O.shtorm (not shure on the weapon), and in both cases the rest of my teams were two puprle rank and a native raider (the first time rank four the next rank one like me).
   The first game was orrible, the kostantin was quite tough to fight since he could down a rider incredibly fast. We were able to contain it, but the problem was that nobody was kiling engineers so we got stuck in the fisrt pressure segment. The whole time I saw the Doldren sitting behind cover near a spawn, there was no astral projection around and his aleph reciver was off for the entirety of the match. There was no extra healing and my stress meter was on the entire time (played as Loath). He wasn't clearly helping and initially tought that was scared from the antagonist. Toward the end I walked to him and when he noticed I was watching him he slowly walked into action, while I was shadowing his steps. He played a little and did pretty well, we almost got the fisrt segment while he was playing. After he died he returned behind cover doing nothing and we lost at the start of the mission.
    The second match started in almost the exact same manner, the only difference that was an Harec instead of a Doldren. This time I didn't let him do nothing so I followe herc trought the first section this time. The rest of the game was quite fun, I played again as Loath. After the first section Harec was often behind and died a lot, but only the first section having a slaker is game ending so.

  It's not the first time that I see this kind of behaviour, but in "Low Blow" the first section require at bare minimum that everybody kill ads. So watch out if you play that mission.


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Re: New toxic scheme
Reply #1 on: February 12, 2020, 07:35:52 PM
I understand what happened to you, unfortunately when you play with randoms especially noobs, this could happen a lot. I recommend using Sooma (Redeemer) which you can shoot her red bubbles in the floor close to the relays and the stay there and kill the engineers, in maps like low blow, hanging by thread, fistful of sand or others required killing engineers she is queen at it, you can use Kuzzman (Lichtbogen), Loath (Cookie), Konstantin (O.Tolchok) and look for strategic points on where the relays are and you can cover 2 relays if they are close, in case you have a team inappropriate for the mission. Sometimes people use the character they like and not the characters appropriate for the mission. Some characters are way better in certain missions then others, even if you know how to use them properly.  My advice here is: better to use many characters then just 1 or 2.


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Re: New toxic scheme
Reply #2 on: February 13, 2020, 09:53:16 AM
    The problem isn't team composition, I can do the mission and could the rest of my team. The problem was that one of our teamate was basically afk, and we couldn't pull his weight to, especially because the antag had a perfect positioning. We were overrun by ads, and we had to let slip something so it was the thing that didn't immediatly kill us. I actually think that the antagonist and the afk natve were the same guy, using the vision of one to get the upper hand on the rest of the team.

    Also I don't like to use the redemeer this way, because then I have a limited number of times I can miss a shot before I have to redo the setup. We hadn't the time to breathe, this strategly would have been way to convoluted.


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Re: New toxic scheme
Reply #3 on: February 13, 2020, 01:52:19 PM
Hello there, CaimZheit!
Do you remember what were these two guys nicks so ye can check their profiles out?