Author Topic: Issue with the playerbase: No teamwork anymore  (Read 8420 times)


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Issue with the playerbase: No teamwork anymore
on: November 15, 2019, 12:18:57 PM
So I uninstalled the game and decided to come back to it recently because I truly love the game despite its flaws. Hell, I have even made a character concept for it which I have NEVER done. That being said, the MVP or featured player or whatever you wanna call it was, for the most part, a welcome addition. However, In the current state I have found that lately I have been teamed up with more and more aleph hungry kill teams. They gather aleph to get a 5 stack and just go on a mass killing spree and never help with the objects. Why? so they can get featured player and get their monthly reward up. Now don't get me wrong, I am known to hog my aleph every now and again but I also focus on the objective and know when I should use mine. Also I don't mind them getting featured player. I have every current character and gun, I don't need it. But I am getting slightly tired of doing everything while they get featured player and then them acting like they just carried the team. There is no team work anymore. Just kill hungry aleph hogs


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Re: Issue with the playerbase: No teamwork anymore
Reply #1 on: November 15, 2019, 01:11:46 PM
But I am getting slightly tired of doing everything while they get featured player and then them acting like they just carried the team. There is no team work anymore. Just kill hungry aleph hogs
A question. How do they act like they carried the team?
For all i know the group disbands after the game and there is no chat.


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Re: Issue with the playerbase: No teamwork anymore
Reply #2 on: November 16, 2019, 01:27:50 AM
But I am getting slightly tired of doing everything while they get featured player and then them acting like they just carried the team. There is no team work anymore. Just kill hungry aleph hogs
A question. How do they act like they carried the team?
For all i know the group disbands after the game and there is no chat.

The last game I had a had the player who was just killing everything message me and say "Good job on doing absolutely nothing, You shouldn't be a purple tier 1 *laughing crying face*"


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Re: Issue with the playerbase: No teamwork anymore
Reply #3 on: December 18, 2019, 01:49:34 AM
I know what you mean player of the game is the one who kills the most enemies not the one doing the missions what makes it even worse is the bad ping you get from someone with a terribly bad connection as your trying to solo the mission which is 90% of this game now

Righteous Flame

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Re: Issue with the playerbase: No teamwork anymore
Reply #4 on: December 22, 2019, 06:19:12 PM
They probably should balance it out with objective scoring as well but that would be complicated to balance (how many points should you get for throwing a switch?) and it really makes little difference on who gets top player.

As for getting sent the message, that wouldn't bother me as I play this on Xbox so I'd just report the message.  As reporting the message institutes an auto-ignore, you wouldn't have to play with that person more than once.  I understand Steam has a similar system but I have not used that much so I can't say how it works.