Author Topic: Last Wish is Overpowered  (Read 7098 times)


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Last Wish is Overpowered
on: September 15, 2019, 05:41:53 AM
That gun is overpowered or the cards being used with the gun make it nearly impossible to fight against. It has a rapid fire rate and I honestly have yet to see anyone using it miss shots aimed at myself or teammates, even with latency. I can tell by the way Iune players move with the gun they have no trouble aiming it, shooting it super accurately, reloading, and repeating this cycle very expediently. Usually healers in games don't double as assasins, or function better than pure damage dealers. The hard truth is that if you're not playing Doldren against her and leave the cover of a wall, you're dead. All I can really do in these matches is hide and bawk at her damage output.

I have never used the gun, so would be willing to hear the other side of this. Why should it NOT be nerfed?


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Re: Last Wish is Overpowered
Reply #1 on: September 15, 2019, 04:31:36 PM
Personally, I feel like it’s only a little overpowered with the Mercy card that lets it fire at a high fire rate for the whole magazine. Combined with that instant kill headshots you can literally just spray towards the head and get an instant kill everytime.

I think if anything nerf related should happen to last wish, it shouldn’t necessarily be damage or fire rate. But possibly a nerf to the Mercy card. Or remove the ability to instant kill on headshot and save that for her slower firing guns such as Wisdom.


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Re: Last Wish is Overpowered
Reply #2 on: September 16, 2019, 03:26:42 AM
I think if anything nerf related should happen to last wish, it shouldn’t necessarily be damage or fire rate. But possibly a nerf to the Mercy card. Or remove the ability to instant kill on headshot and save that for her slower firing guns such as Wisdom.

I'd be fine with a less extreme change to her gun if her cards are that powerful. I know locals are supposed to be glass cannons, so I wouldn't want any of them to lose that capability entirely but it doesn't feel right getting lasered by someone who barely has to try.

As an aside, Shae's Sah-du is overpowered with her automatic lock-on capability, so hopefully those kinds of mechanics will be adjusted to be less easy to use too.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 03:38:38 AM by immortanjoe »


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Re: Last Wish is Overpowered
Reply #3 on: September 16, 2019, 12:37:18 PM
each characters, especially locals, have an extremely powerfull pvp weapon.
last wish is no more OP than another
a good iune is really dangerous, but it not seems unstopable to me (on the contrary, harec or alicia can be.)


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Re: Last Wish is Overpowered
Reply #4 on: September 17, 2019, 04:12:03 AM
Iune has no defensive ability, if you get close to her, she only has her 60 hp and CQC to rely on. Once Last Wish's pressure builds up, it becomes useless, headshots and the Mercy card is literally everything she has, the rest is just positioning and patience for the part of the player.

She's extremely weak against Harec, Alicia, Lycus, and Doldren.


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Re: Last Wish is Overpowered
Reply #5 on: September 17, 2019, 12:33:45 PM
Iune has no defensive ability, if you get close to her, she only has her 60 hp and CQC to rely on.

It's true that if someone gets close enough with a higher health pool, Iune should be at a disadvantage, but in my encounters with Iune it's the opposite. For example, I attempted to engage an Iune up close with Rak and his hatchet at forge level 8 (another gun that feels a bit overpowered) and got melted easily. Although, I will admit that the other player's positioning was definitely better in certain moments during that match.

For whatever reason, Iune last wish players may raise their gun at the same moment another player does, but will likely put out more damage faster based on what I've seen. From what I've heard from you guys, having the right cards would be critical to this being effective.

The only trouble with fighting Iune in melee is if they're higher level. When this happens, I get wrecked of course, but based on your recommendations of characters I will at least try using Harec and Doldren against her more and see if I can use stealth as an advantage.

Here's a proposal to MSE. Since headshots and mercy are her biggest strengths maybe Iune should get adjustments to her other cards so she can damage people more consistently with various builds, and be able use body shots reliably. Also, perhaps she could be rewarded a damage bonus for fighting at long range over short if not already.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 01:39:14 PM by immortanjoe »


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Re: Last Wish is Overpowered
Reply #6 on: September 17, 2019, 05:55:04 PM
It's true that if someone gets close enough with a higher health pool, Iune should be at a disadvantage, but in my encounters with Iune it's the opposite. For example, I attempted to engage an Iune up close with Rak and his hatchet at forge level 8 (another gun that feels a bit overpowered) and got melted easily. Although, I will admit that the other player's positioning was definitely better in certain moments during that match.

Rak can be seen through walls, they just waited you to get out of cover and shot in the moment they had the chance. It isn't an Iune problem, if you tried that against Shae, Harec, or even Doldren, it wouldn't end pretty.

For whatever reason, Iune last wish players may raise their gun at the same moment another player does, but will likely put out more damage faster based on what I've seen. From what I've heard from you guys, having the right cards would be critical to this being effective.

That's what you think, not what really happens, what happen is that since Iune is a local, she will stay on cover and see the location of all players, when she knows where they are, she'll wait for a moment where they're either idle or moving slowly, then she'll draw her gun and shoot their head off. If the Iune is good, when you think about drawing your gun she already is ready to shoot, but there's a problem, if for whatever reason she doesn't hit you on the head in the first 1~2 seconds burst, her weapon will build pressure and become borderline useless, and her location will be revealed with no stalking ability or invisibility to help. That's where Mercy card comes to play, she'll try to heal the closest grunt(if needed), reseting the gun's pressure and stopping it from building for a short time, but Mercy's depends on the heal cooldown, which is like 40 seconds, so she can't just spam it endlessly.


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Re: Last Wish is Overpowered
Reply #7 on: September 19, 2019, 02:37:33 PM
Oh ok, I see what you're saying. Well in that case, this issue relates to matchmaking too. No one wants to be matched against some Iune antag that is damn near perfect with all their maneuvers and shooting. The game needs to recognize when a certain player is having a more than average amount of success and match them against those of their skill level.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 02:53:40 PM by immortanjoe »