Author Topic: Doldrens Paitient boy.....?  (Read 3311 times)


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Doldrens Paitient boy.....?
on: September 11, 2019, 08:17:11 PM
This gun ths gold blue print gun is scam. its a trick to waste gold on a expensive useless gun. The concept is awsome but the way it works is just plain foolish. A mine that only you can set off .....dose that make that even viable in the play style of this game.
Not only can the enemy blow them up (If you antagonist) it uses the same ammo.  SO by the time you reload they cleared them out or if you skip reload you can only cqc and the dmg is only good against low  low tier players. You basically kamikaze if you not in astral and and if your able to get the kill everyone is pig roasting you cause you had to rush in to get the kill with no reload. 5 mines sometimes dont kill a raider a whole clip.
 Next we have the shotgun aspec of it so again your forced to be up close in a 90% chance Ill die and a 10% chance ill get a kill with it.

Again 70k for that when the blues are cheaper and function better then it. What did they have no real idea and said "lets give him haracs easter egg  gun.. both are shotguns both use mines except let doldrens mines only explodes by doldren".

But 70k is worth that no bonus to to elites or players just hope for crit. Its like they slapped the gun together in hopes of selling the skin when they both came out together.   


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Re: Doldrens Paitient boy.....?
Reply #1 on: September 13, 2019, 04:56:13 PM
there are bad guns, they improved some. Patient boy was improved, but it's still crappy, you are right.
I've never seen anyone use it.

Let's hope it gets the hatchet treatment.