Author Topic: Why is this still an issue?  (Read 10066 times)


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Why is this still an issue?
on: December 01, 2019, 03:28:10 PM
Can we please just kill engineers? Why am I still seeing max tier players struggle with this concept? Defend terminals, kill the guys glowing blue through the walls. Otherwise the mission is just going to be prolonged unnecessarily, lowering your end score.

Double Agent still gives me headaches over this. I've seen this mission failed so many times or just taken an hour and a half because players simply ignore the engineers and have to backtrack to terminals perpetually. I don't know why my suggestion gets shot down so swiftly: Just have the four raiders follow schnieder and split off at each terminal. No more hacking. I believe generally we all can handle ourselves against a couple soldiers, and with players standing by terminals, and subsequently the spawn gates, it would reduce the amount of adds those still escorting schnieder would have to deal with significantly.

I understand that there are other ways to do things and that this isn't the only method. I understand that it's possible to accomplish the objecting by running around randomly and uncoordinated. But there is a way that gets things done efficiently and swiftly as well and we could all be better off for it. I would like this to catch on, but whatever. I'll just keep standing by the first terminal preventing a loss when everything else gets locked.


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Re: Why is this still an issue?
Reply #1 on: December 01, 2019, 03:30:13 PM
Double Agent is the biggest headache, but there are other missions that come to mind as well. Hanging by a Thread and A Low Blow for example. Engineers won't screw with you as much here but I still see experienced players ignoring these guys. What's up with this?