victory or defeat makes no difference for me
after one or two weeks feeling the same, win or loose antag or not...i dont care anymore.
i have my fun with:
-the artstyle (main reason for new players like me)
-characters, the disign and voiceover (more or less)
-im interested on how the skills and weapons works (big thing to keep it on for longer)
-little things that make me smile like the farthing sound on a boss

there is a question i would ask: why are people joining alpha and beta tests if the game makes such huge changes on the technical side messy af, excuse me

hotfix/bugfix the shit out of the game or what is the point...
i know mse is reading posts sooner or later but where are the fixes we need. big silence in my downloads only shopupdates and skins, "lame" is the word i was looking with my bad english.
i´m sure thats not the way on how it works now days.
the updates are makeing such big changes it feels tested by 4 people at 3:00 in the morning. for an old player this hits right in the face and for a new one like me... its confused me more than it was before PriceGalore comes in, made for casual one's that are already back in overwatch or what kind of crap they playing (im a bit sad

Don't let it die like that, its a masterpiece of artstyle with less then 3
listen to your community and give the game the things that are really matter and test it with logic and some love, c'mon!