Author Topic: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown  (Read 34494 times)


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #15 on: July 31, 2019, 01:35:34 AM
Schneider doesn't really have a cooldown either. Same with Aneska. Alicia isn't overpowered at all. Just because you loose to someone doesn't make that character overpowerd
As Tekato states, if Schneider loses his turret it's gone for 25 seconds, with your pistol doing 8 damage. That's his cooldown. On higher MMR, you can't leave your turret up for more than a couple of seconds. Enemies all home in instantly. It's the same with Aneska's mech. If it's destroyed, you have to collect energy cells to use it again. That's a cooldown. As for Alicia, a good Alicia is incredibly hard to hit. They don't hover for the duration but jump and shoot. The only real defense you have is to try and hide and guess where she's going to land, initiating a grapple animation before she does. She needs a cooldown....badly. 


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #16 on: July 31, 2019, 02:25:26 AM
If they really don't want to give her a small cooldown then they should think of a way to limit her ability. Like her health could stop regenerating while she's floating.


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #17 on: August 14, 2019, 11:14:54 PM
yup, i bring that up, because, i encounter lot of smoking daisy these days.
and problem is, no character, except shae, can counter alicia (maybe valeria and konst too, without certainty).

i'm rendered to a point where i'm taking shae in missions where she is utterly not recommended, just to prevent an alicia intrusion...

i know that few antag will take alicia if there is a shae and so i'll be useless, but i'd rather be "useless" in a mission than seeing the whole team whiped by smoking daisy.

because that's always how it end without shae.
the entire team is whiped in no time, pure and simple.

the damn gun OS EVERYTHING in AOE in its range, even under cover (not long range ok, but far sufficient...) while alicia is mostly untouchable in the sky.

it's simple, i have never seen a smoking daisy alicia antag who lost a match if there is no shae in the team to try and counter her.

i'm not a nerf guy, and maybe that's just me and all the people i was teamed with each time who don't know how to fight her.
but right now, it really seems that alicia + smoking daisy has no real counter except shae.
and it seems a little to few imo...

I now understand why novera was so weak, because you can't fight someone untouchable who OS you in the same time.

so maybe tekato and marcus were right in the end.
maybe a cooldown would be the solution, since giving her underpowered guns to counter her ability will probably seems unfair when you see everyone weapons (except maybe loath weapons, i don't like loath weapons...)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 11:42:35 PM by sonofoz »


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #18 on: August 14, 2019, 11:43:00 PM
i'm rendered to a point where i'm taking shae in missions where she is utterly not recommended, just to prevent an alicia intrusion...

Yes, and that's why the matchmaking system is dumb.  If there are hard counters in the game you should be able to switch characters between spawns.  I realize that is a buff to raider, but nerf them in another way.  Reduce the life pool, reduce the alephs around, whatever, get creative.  But this random matchmaking system is just horrible.  I'll repeat this for the 4th time, but my favorite character was Iune but I would never play her because I never knew if I was going to get a tier 1 invasion, a tier 6 invasion, or no invasion at all.  I don't understand why everything has to be so random.


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #19 on: August 14, 2019, 11:48:20 PM
Yes, and that's why the matchmaking system is dumb.  If there are hard counters in the game you should be able to switch characters between spawns.
it will drastically change the game, since antag and raiders will pass their time changing their character during respawn to counter each others. XD

but... maybe it would be a good solution...


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #20 on: August 15, 2019, 12:00:19 AM
Yes, and that's why the matchmaking system is dumb.  If there are hard counters in the game you should be able to switch characters between spawns.
it will drastically change the game, since antag and raiders will pass their time changing their character during respawn to counter each others. XD

but... maybe it would be a good solution...

maybe, but lots of people just play who they want to play, they don't flex

 I think someone being skilled playing lots of different characters and understanding counters should help them win.  Right now, it doesn't help the raiders at all.


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #21 on: August 15, 2019, 06:17:50 AM
.hans has high health, ginebra can escape punches and has damage reduction, rak can overheal...the only thing going for alicia is her jump...that's her "defensive" ability...that's her whole gimmick...she's nothing without a 2 seconds cooldown is extremely detrimental to her character...and basically making her a useless wardog that can be seen a mile away and has no advantage in ranged encouters...a shae can already snipe an airborne imagine one that doesn't have her ability active

it's weird that you want alicia( a wardog character that can be seen a mile away) nerfed but completely fine with harec's intant stalk from everywhere and anytime
really shows how bad you are at understanding the game


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #22 on: August 15, 2019, 07:25:56 AM
Ok, I'll bite why iune is bad for invasion or bad pick im general? With last wish she one of strongest raiders around. Also a perfect counter to Alicia btw. Pop go the head.

Hornet, granny, last wish, ingrid, jav, ionizer, ignis, hatchet, jk5 there probably more, but that just from top of my head. Some will be harder if she using sassy.


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #23 on: August 15, 2019, 11:44:35 AM
Ok, I'll bite why iune is bad for invasion or bad pick im general? With last wish she one of strongest raiders around. Also a perfect counter to Alicia btw. Pop go the head.

Hornet, granny, last wish, ingrid, jav, ionizer, ignis, hatchet, jk5 there probably more, but that just from top of my head. Some will be harder if she using sassy.

 I won't bite.  It's a subjective experience I am relaying and not worthy of debate.  I can't play my favorite raider because I am much better in PvP with other raiders, and I don't want to be dead most of the match.  If it's happening to me, it's happening to other people as well.

Spacelords can be very fun and strategy/skill is a factor, but there's a reason some games have big international tournaments with big cash prizes and spacelords doesn't have any tournaments for any money.  Stop pretending it's balanced, unbroken, and non-random.  "Git Gud" is not a substantive argument in this particular situation.  Get over it.     
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 11:52:50 AM by ScimitarSlice »


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #24 on: August 15, 2019, 02:14:07 PM
...bro, seriously, how many people can HS alicia while she is flying around ?
i'm not saying no-one can, i'm sure that there is some badass who can, but how many...?

and that's pretty the same with all weapons you mentionned. take hatchet for example. ok it can melt someone pretty quickly.
but not with 1 bullet.
you'll have to unload the majority of your clip, wich can be pretty hard, as you mentionned, and if she is at close range that's already too late, you're dead.

Some will be harder if she using sassy.
and she is most of the time if i consider how quick she always can fly the map to a point from another ; and when she's not using this one she has reduced damage when flying anyway.


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #25 on: August 15, 2019, 03:19:10 PM
Why do you need to got for HS with ignis? Charged bodyshot with cards and she down. All other guns have a very high dps. And she only have 100 hp, hornet just melt wardogs, same with ingrid, last wish.
If you dont wanna go for ignis use ferox thats a good option too.
I mean she wardog you can see her all the time, if she that close to you.... well tough luck, see how she get there and dont let her do it again.


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #26 on: August 15, 2019, 04:09:47 PM
Charged bodyshot with cards and she down.
i believe you i barely do not play harec

I mean she wardog you can see her all the time
meaning you can see her doesn't mean you can shoot her...

first most weapons you enumerate like hatchet or even ingrid have small range too. so you'll have no other choice than letting her come...
ok, i'd say they have more range than smoking daisy (i'm not affirmative, i barely not use alicia. i know i'll have to learn her, but i also know i'll be a burden during my learning time, so...) but anyway their range is not that longer than hers and she can close the distance beetwin your range and hers in no time, so you'r still at disavantadge.

and second, you know that good alicia are just jumping everywhere, so good luck aiming her without spray shot.
and finally, yes she only has 100hp. 100hp she's recovering permanently, so if you don't take her down with one bullet, consider you shot her for nothing since she will certainly had recovered the time you aim her correctly again (if she did not just interupt her jump and jump back to lost you wich will see her full health before you shot her again, and you'll be dead before that by the way)

but well maybe you're right, maybe each time none in the team had characters able to stop her, or we were too bad/inexperienced.
that's not the feeling i have right know.
the only times she lost a match there was a shae (me by the way) and a valeria (if you read this, valeria who beat smoking daisy alicia on beast lair yesterday night, i don't know who you are, but you have all my respect and congratulations bro).

ALL others match she just atomised every character without a sweat.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 04:58:42 PM by sonofoz »


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #27 on: August 27, 2019, 01:04:19 AM
Stop asking for unwanted nerfs just because you're annoyed
Alicia is the easiest raider to counter...she's literally a flying disk

You should know if alicia is without her ability , she's just a normal wardog unit that can get oneshotted easily


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #28 on: August 27, 2019, 01:40:02 AM
and with smoking daisy she is unstoppable except by 2 or 3 characters.


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Re: Alicia's double jump needs a cooldown
Reply #29 on: August 27, 2019, 04:09:54 AM
I really hope MSE doesn't listen to you
I really do
Nerfs are what made ginebra garbage
And what made Schneider terrible and more unusable
Just stop