Author Topic: The trolls need to be stopped  (Read 12127 times)


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The trolls need to be stopped
on: July 11, 2019, 05:44:14 AM
Over the past few days I have been coming across an increasing number of “players” that seem to find it more fun to be on the Raiders team as an Antag than just queuing up as one.
Not 5 min before writing this post I had to “players” one on PC and one on Xbox (I play on Xbox) load in “The Beast’s Lair” (presently the hardest mission I have in my opinion {I’m level 37}). The Xbox player quits about a min. later comes back stands in spawn and repeatedly votes to surrender. The PC “player” just stands there dancing so me and the 4th player 2 man the whole first part. Then we get to the boss fight the two “players” in question proceed to repeatedly just spawn and RUN OFF THE SIDE OF THE MAP!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I did mean to yell there. But I have been encountering more people doing things like this and more like taking the sphere in “A weapon from the past” and chasing teammates around to kill them, using the bombs in “Short-Fused” to team kill, walking off the map on “”In Medias Res” with both the encoder and Schnider, and lets not forget team killing with the crystal drop system.
Most to all of this happens to me daily to the point that I cannot even complain about getting matched up with Antags that are so Overpowered in comparison to me that I vote to quit or leave and play a different game entirely. I mean is it at all fair to have a player that is over 50-100 levels above you attacking you. No no it is not. I had one of my friends invade on me (he’s level 150 at the time I was 25) and he was killing all of us in 3-5 bullets with Konstanin he just let us win after the ship left and we got more revives because and I quote “ It just isn’t any fun if they can’t even get a chance to shoot back”
So, to get to the point(s). vote to kick? That might not be a good idea instead how about a reporting option for finding and punishing “players” trolling, or making the player lives personal or putting s system in place that detects aberrant “players” and replaces them with a bot of the person they were using? I’ve seen things like that in other games.
And the badly mismatched Antags could be fixed if you nerf them or buff us to match them. There are some missions where if the Antag is playing “Valeria” for example you cannot win. Cough Cough “The Beast’s Lair” bridge part Cough Cough. So, I hope someone(s) sees this and considers some of the suggestions I or if other people add on to this theirs too.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #1 on: July 11, 2019, 12:21:59 PM
how is the ping.  if there's a bad conection i dont' blame people for throwing.  Also if there's an antag some people just don't want to play against antag so they throw.  That's why this forced PvP thing doesn't work. People will just throw.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #2 on: July 11, 2019, 08:34:12 PM
There are 2 scenarios where throwing a match (if voting for surrender failed) is justified, unplayable ping and antag invasions (since players can’t queue out of them).

Considering we now have the Cortez bros and they refuse to add a queue without antags, they should just remove the leaver penalty so ppl don’t get trapped in matches and have to resort to throwing.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #3 on: July 11, 2019, 09:35:19 PM
Spacelords already had the worst throwing problem of any game I ever played.  And then after the Identity update the antag frequency increased more, and throwing got even worse.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #4 on: July 12, 2019, 05:36:18 AM
I don’t believe throwing matches to be acceptable for any reason. I’d recommend recording evidence and sending it to mercury steam via email.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #5 on: July 12, 2019, 11:08:11 AM
I haven't had that problem for quite a while, but I encountered it too.
To all the people thinking that throwing (willfully loosing) a match is acceptable, I ask: why not leave?
If my ping is way too bad (or I don't have fun for another reason), I offer a surrender, if it's not accepted, I leave and take a 20 min. break or something.

Leaving is not nice and may make it extremely difficult, if not impossible to win, but throwing a match is rude, which is worse in my opinion.

Anyway, yes, please record, report and hope for them to get week-long bans.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #6 on: July 12, 2019, 12:45:50 PM
 Week long bans, as if MSE is going to bother with looking through reports.  Shrink the tiny player pool even more.  Of course don't fix the improper match making that is causing the throwing.  Or the weak 2nd protector dev admitted brokenness causing the throwing.  And no dedicated servers with 3rd world potato internet hosts.  Spend the whole fiscal year budget on an actress likeness instead.  I don't know how anyone cannot see this, but they are just trying to squeeze out as much money as fast as they can before they move onto the next project.  Having a robust community of players in 3 years in not something they are working towards.  look at actions, not words.  They think capping farmers is going to cause them to buy gold and exp boost, but it will just cause them to play another game.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #7 on: July 12, 2019, 01:21:25 PM
Over the past few days I have been coming across an increasing number of “players” that seem to find it more fun to be on the Raiders team as an Antag than just queuing up as one.
Not 5 min before writing this post I had to “players” one on PC and one on Xbox (I play on Xbox) load in “The Beast’s Lair” (presently the hardest mission I have in my opinion {I’m level 37}). The Xbox player quits about a min. later comes back stands in spawn and repeatedly votes to surrender. The PC “player” just stands there dancing so me and the 4th player 2 man the whole first part. Then we get to the boss fight the two “players” in question proceed to repeatedly just spawn and RUN OFF THE SIDE OF THE MAP!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I did mean to yell there. But I have been encountering more people doing things like this and more like taking the sphere in “A weapon from the past” and chasing teammates around to kill them, using the bombs in “Short-Fused” to team kill, walking off the map on “”In Medias Res” with both the encoder and Schnider, and lets not forget team killing with the crystal drop system.
Most to all of this happens to me daily to the point that I cannot even complain about getting matched up with Antags that are so Overpowered in comparison to me that I vote to quit or leave and play a different game entirely. I mean is it at all fair to have a player that is over 50-100 levels above you attacking you. No no it is not. I had one of my friends invade on me (he’s level 150 at the time I was 25) and he was killing all of us in 3-5 bullets with Konstanin he just let us win after the ship left and we got more revives because and I quote “ It just isn’t any fun if they can’t even get a chance to shoot back”
So, to get to the point(s). vote to kick? That might not be a good idea instead how about a reporting option for finding and punishing “players” trolling, or making the player lives personal or putting s system in place that detects aberrant “players” and replaces them with a bot of the person they were using? I’ve seen things like that in other games.
And the badly mismatched Antags could be fixed if you nerf them or buff us to match them. There are some missions where if the Antag is playing “Valeria” for example you cannot win. Cough Cough “The Beast’s Lair” bridge part Cough Cough. So, I hope someone(s) sees this and considers some of the suggestions I or if other people add on to this theirs too.

Hi there! :)

Some other others behaviours are more difficult to detect, but we do have a system that analyzes matches, looking for "excessively" suicidal behaviours. The system punishes this kind of players by banning them temporally.

When it comes to Aleph Drops, team killing shouldn't be a thing, since a gem can't harm people from the same team that initially ignited it. If you ever saw an Aleph Gem that that you (or your allies) ignited performing damage to you (or to your allies), please let us know, since it'd be a bug for us to fix. :)


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #8 on: July 12, 2019, 01:38:28 PM
To all the people thinking that throwing (willfully loosing) a match is acceptable, I ask: why not leave?
If my ping is way too bad (or I don't have fun for another reason), I offer a surrender, if it's not accepted, I leave and take a 20 min. break or something.
Because of the leaver penalty, matches that merit throwing occur way to often for leaving and taking a 20 min break to be feasible, making throwing the only option if you want to get back into a good match in a timely manner (if surrendering failed ofc).

Week long bans, as if MSE is going to bother with looking through reports.  Shrink the tiny player pool even more.  Of course don't fix the improper match making that is causing the throwing.  Or the weak 2nd protector dev admitted brokenness causing the throwing.  And no dedicated servers with 3rd world potato internet hosts.  Spend the whole fiscal year budget on an actress likeness instead.  I don't know how anyone cannot see this, but they are just trying to squeeze out as much money as fast as they can before they move onto the next project.  Having a robust community of players in 3 years in not something they are working towards.  look at actions, not words.  They think capping farmers is going to cause them to buy gold and exp boost, but it will just cause them to play another game.
Pretty well summed up, it doesn’t seem like there’s much interest in solving issues that cause ppl to throw matches. The hardest issue to tackle would be lag, setting up servers doesn’t seem to be an option considering the low player base (even though the low population is probably because of their stubbornness in certain features to begin with…), even so, private matches could alleviate the issue of bad ping for some, since it would allow premade groups of 2-3 players that know they have a good enough connection between each other, to start matches right away and have some relatively lag free matches, filling unused spots with Cortez bros. All other issues not related to lag that cause throwing could be easily fixed though, so not much excuse there.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #9 on: July 12, 2019, 05:44:06 PM
1. With the new rewards system, why would anyone want to sink a mission? You only get 5 chances a day to get rewards so by losing there goes a chance to get gains. Dunno why, probly just trolling, the worst kind.

2. Why do people always try to keep going after someone votes to surrender? People always complain how hard the match is when raiders aren't contributing, but they still choose to struggle with an unwinnable match. They can just take the hint and end it and get on to the next match with a different group.

If someone votes to surrender it's because they don't want to play the match for whatever reason. They have already expressed their intention to not play. If you decide to press on, especially when the odds to win are so low and it takes a half hour just to still lose, it's on you.

That being said, the system is broken. These things wouldn't happen if the matchmaking and balancing wasn't terrible.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2019, 07:59:33 PM by Placelord »


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #10 on: July 14, 2019, 04:22:44 PM
Week long bans, as if MSE is going to bother with looking through reports.  Shrink the tiny player pool even more.  Of course don't fix the improper match making that is causing the throwing.  Or the weak 2nd protector dev admitted brokenness causing the throwing.  And no dedicated servers with 3rd world potato internet hosts.  Spend the whole fiscal year budget on an actress likeness instead.  I don't know how anyone cannot see this, but they are just trying to squeeze out as much money as fast as they can before they move onto the next project.  Having a robust community of players in 3 years in not something they are working towards.  look at actions, not words.  They think capping farmers is going to cause them to buy gold and exp boost, but it will just cause them to play another game.
Good post and completely agree.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #11 on: July 14, 2019, 04:34:21 PM
Why would people throw a match? Well how about trying to get it through the thick heads of the players, LOSING THE GAME, that they can't win it, regardless?
I asked continually to throw a match. It was the rescue Shae mission (sorry I can't remember what it's called 'In Shock' maybe?). I'm a Tier 1, Rank 3 player, in a team of complete beginners, something like 2 rank 6's and no rank. We were up against a very good, Tier 1, rank 1, Ayana who was wrecking them with her super. The shuttle had already had to go back to get more Aleph and they'd only managed to take out two/three tentacles. We still had the moving Hydra, to deal with and of course Kuzman. There was no way we were going to survive that mission. I was, but they weren't and there was no way I was going to be able to take out the tentacles on my own, before the Antagonist had wiped the floor clean with suicidal, headless-chicken, team mates.

Then there's also the situation where you've got a 999 red bar rating, server connection. You know the one, watching team mates walk off the edge of a platform across and invisible bridge? And then of course taking 5 seconds to throw a punch.
I get it that people are probably playing for a BP and even worse, second and last chance playing for the BP in the pot award chance, but still, when a game's already lost/terrible connection, there's no point in continuing. This is something that MS have to sort out. Before the horrendous July 2nd update and its successor, blueprints stayed until you won them. Now, not only are you getting one BP opportunity a day, compared to at least 4 and a rare, there's a high chance of losing it completely.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #12 on: July 17, 2019, 04:53:47 AM
I have video evidence of someone pulling this same shit. And i know his ping was fine because he would just wait for the antag in one spot and grab when she came close enough. Im getting sick of being roped into PVP in a game not suited for it only to be punished for trying. I just want to play this stupid game. I dont want to PvP anyone. Wtf Mercury.


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #13 on: July 22, 2019, 01:07:56 PM
There are 2 scenarios where throwing a match (if voting for surrender failed) is justified

no, there is not.
exept for selfish useless players.
just quit if ping prevent you to play but people don't want to surrend.

I just want to play this stupid game. I dont want to PvP anyone.

 but this stupid game IS an asymetric pvp one...


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Re: The trolls need to be stopped
Reply #14 on: July 22, 2019, 01:37:31 PM
There are 2 scenarios where throwing a match (if voting for surrender failed) is justified

no, there is not.
exept for selfish useless players.
just quit if ping prevent you to play but people don't want to surrend.

Hold on a minute here.
Why should someone suffering from a terrible connection, for example, quit, lose MMR rating and be penalised, when the team could surrender? Why should someone, in a team, who's calling for a surrender because his team are dropping like flies and who hasn't died once, be penalised and again lose MMR rating?
When you're in a mission and on the first stage of three, with Cortez already having had to go back for more aleph, who's being selfish here - the crap team who are dieing or the player not dieing and calling for a surrender?

I think you have your priorities wrong her bud. Selfish players, in my opinion, are the ones who are ruining the game for other players, because they're incapable of surviving and dieing too much. Their deaths are actively contributing to sudden death play, meaning game over. And worse, they won't surrender, to quickly move on, but wait until everyone's died and the mission has failed.