Author Topic: Actually change progression back for the better.  (Read 2960 times)


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Actually change progression back for the better.
on: July 09, 2019, 02:41:23 AM
Stopping the XP was a strange move that made many drop this. Myself? I stopped until I read more about it and looked at the game. I hit level 97 and actually saw the stop in xp and didnt feel like playing but did. I then saw that I can buy 4x 1k XP in the store. 16k gold for it. so if I pay 20 dollars I can do this 10 times. The progression is about the same as before so progression is not slowed ... if you spend gold . I do not like the change but you can still move at the same pace if you spend the gold, which we get a lot of. You guys essentially changed nothing xp wise. We just need to spend gold or pay to win by buying gold then buying xp 1k or more item in the shop then playing normally.  I was at level 99  and the 2900+  xp did about a 3rd of my progress bar.  So yeah... you actually sped up progession.


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Re: Actually change progression back for the better.
Reply #1 on: July 11, 2019, 03:30:58 AM
I also think this is strange. After about 4-6 matches your done for the day. For someone like me that just started it is taking me FOREVER to level up.(I am not buying bosters I'm saveing up to buy guns and more characters)