This game has 17 UNIQUE missions
yeah, so ? still ONLY 17 missions you can finish in two day without lvl cap (probably one day if you make long gaming session...) and after that you just start doing always the same things.
which is already more than Warframe
- tenno defense missions
- tenno extermination missions
- tenno flag missions
- survival missions
- infiltration missions
- excavation missions
- archwing defense missions
- archwing extermination missions
- archwing flag missions
- search missions
- all the special campaign missions
- capture missions
- rescue missions
- nightmare missions
- also a type of unique and long missions harder than nightmare wich i forgot the name
- pvp arena
- all the craft, not mission but part of the game possibilities.
- all new missions on openworlds planets.
and i did not play warframe for months, so i certainly forgot lot of things and they take places in tons on differents maps...
so come again and tel me that "no, warframe has less thing to do, you will end it quicker than spacelords !"
men... people who never want to admit they are saying bullshit are the more boring...
that combined with the more competent Ai
guess you're talking in WF, cause i have never seen a so utterly stupid cheating AI than in spacelords... so, please...

variety of raiders and weapons come together to provide a much better and more varied experience than Warframe
if you don't like warframe it's your right, but stop trying bullshiting me please, i played warframe...
right now there is something like 40 warframes with each their own gameplay.
(i do not count primes in that)
and weapons are countless and a lot offer also different gameplay...
Basically this claim is entirely false because of how subjective it is, you get bored without antags, well I get bored with them
and yet you are still here.
in a pvp game.
playing the same 17 exact missions you have already finished, again and again, while you have absolutly nothing more to gain or improve. and with mean antagonist who always kill you and make you cry about your lost time (if you don't want to lose time don't play video game by the may)
while there is true pve games, far more rich in content... =)
so excuse me if all this babling is not really convincing me.

Good luck with that, I would really like to see a person finish this game in 2 days…
well, me. if there had no level cap...
and yes i'm referring to mission, as i already said.
the rest is grinding to get differents character/weapon. (exactly like in WF... except you won't finish even all the campaign mission of warframe in two days.)

well my opinion is, in pvp games, pvp, create a challenge who make us stay because we want to win.
that's why it's no use to make long games with tons of options in pvp games. because fighting each other IS the game itself. (that's why i'm pestering about all the fighting bugs who happens again and again in this game.
pvp games HAVE TO BE reliable to be really fun.
this one is not : 1/4 of times your character do random weird things in fights who make you fail.
and another 1/4 AI is openly cheating.
so there is nothing fun in that 2/4 of the fights.
anyway, if you think, no, this game could survive without pvp, good for you.
maybe you're right, maybe not, no-one cares and no one will never knows.