Author Topic: Stop mentor games with antagonists  (Read 2141 times)


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Stop mentor games with antagonists
on: February 21, 2019, 12:12:48 PM
It's unfair enough if you play with 2 rankless people and adding antagonists makes it's quite impossible to win rankless people die anyway all the time wasting 16 life's in 5 minutes or even less

Derrin Errow

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Re: Stop mentor games with antagonists
Reply #1 on: February 21, 2019, 04:27:14 PM
I just tried to get a friend into the game, his first an only match, we had a tier 5 shae antag running the asi dagun.  She always was focusing on him and he was hating it ( not to mention he didn't like some of the unusual mechanics like stress and melee), he never wanted to play another match after that, but boy was he elated when he got his hands on her and went for the beatdown.
I now understand why people like the idea of opting to be invaded by antags, but personally I think it should only be allowed for very low level people, so that they can see if the game is fun without the fear of a high lvl antag ruining their first impressions of the game.