Author Topic: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?  (Read 7226 times)


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Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
on: January 19, 2019, 02:40:57 PM
Litterally as the title says, no player should be forced to carry people.
all of these games are horrible to play in most of the time, i just cant stand it. oh you got a rare bp on this map? heres 3 lower than level 10s, good luck getting 3 wins now...

so can we have an opt out option within the settings, i'll honestly wait an extra 30 mins for agame to not have to carry people.


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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #1 on: January 21, 2019, 09:02:01 AM
This is a frustrating this to have to deal with I know. Lately all I've been getting are players of a very very low levels, and in your situation (for now) just try to raise your MMR to a higher threshold where the more experienced players lye. That's just one recommendation.

If you feel like you shouldn't have to ,then continue making your voice heard, its not falling on deaf ears. In the mean time keep using the team commands as needed even if you get no immediate response  from them (or none at all).
You can't help everyone but by helping one Raider in need when they cross your path will help set an unspoken example. 

I'm not asking you to spread your self too thin or stress yourself out looking over your shoulder to babysit, there going to die. But no one ever got good at something by never failing.

Just be patient and you'll get the in-game rewards your looking for and at the same time you'll make new friends.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 09:04:01 AM by Angeles2099 »


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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #2 on: January 21, 2019, 03:35:36 PM
This is a frustrating this to have to deal with I know. Lately all I've been getting are players of a very very low levels, and in your situation (for now) just try to raise your MMR to a higher threshold where the more experienced players lye. That's just one recommendation.

If you feel like you shouldn't have to ,then continue making your voice heard, its not falling on deaf ears. In the mean time keep using the team commands as needed even if you get no immediate response  from them (or none at all).
You can't help everyone but by helping one Raider in need when they cross your path will help set an unspoken example. 

I'm not asking you to spread your self too thin or stress yourself out looking over your shoulder to babysit, there going to die. But no one ever got good at something by never failing.

Just be patient and you'll get the in-game rewards your looking for and at the same time you'll make new friends.

im level 54, 55% MMR. the higher my MMR goes, the worse the mentor matches get. New players are having fun with the game for the most part, they dont care for what team mates are pinging heck they dont even understand the ping system. So far i havent made a single friend. you know why? coz i cant talk to anyone, hard to make friends when everyones a mute. tried spaceguilds but nope not even successful there. i joined the community discord, posted several times over several days and not one single person has wanted to group up, i kept an eye on it, seems to be same people over and over grouping with the same people. what even is the point.

Another point, how do you not get stressed? 3 mins into most games either they've left or its you on your onesome wiht a 120 sec survival, only to surpass that into a 6-7 mins mark of another 120 sec survival, the problem with these games is although they can be beat, it takes the upmost patience for absolutely no rewards, 20% for a team that have 0 idea how to play, is no where near good enough, i just want the option to get out of it. its bad enough that when the rewards changed to 12 hour resets i lost half of the rewards there was before that, now its an actual chore to grind gold and thats without the mentor games. with them, i get 1-2 mentor games in and i'm done for the day, at this rate maybe the week.

its getting to me too much these days, i've started playing less and less already, the desertions are just becoming too much.


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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #3 on: January 22, 2019, 12:14:50 AM
For the longest time I was against the opt out antag/mentor movement, but after having a lot more experience I say give us the choice. It is so infuriating to get dealt an unvinnable match when you have a rare on the line. When you have to go for a 3round streak and you haven't seen a rare on your board for days and now you have to carry a lv 20 and 2 cortezes. Unacceptable.


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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #4 on: January 22, 2019, 06:29:12 AM
For the longest time I was against the opt out antag/mentor movement, but after having a lot more experience I say give us the choice. It is so infuriating to get dealt an unvinnable match when you have a rare on the line. When you have to go for a 3round streak and you haven't seen a rare on your board for days and now you have to carry a lv 20 and 2 cortezes. Unacceptable.

Exactly my point, im not against having antags in games, only problem with antags for me, is some maps favour raiders heavily, other maps favour antags, cant do this if pvp is involved. it has to be fair in my eyes


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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #5 on: January 22, 2019, 07:43:21 AM
Im pretty sure when the maps were made the Antagonist were an afterthought and then they finessed them into the maps.

Uh, ok.

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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #6 on: January 22, 2019, 11:44:14 AM
i think it would be asking a lot to get anything like what this thread is suggesting placed into the game

in fact, nothing anyone has suggested has ever for any reason made it into the game, it blows my mind that you all think the developers and producers of the game would totally switch up their time schedule to prioritize a new feature that a couple guys came up with on the forums

it just doesn't work like that, sorry dudes, no lead for any department is going to take the suggestions from a handful of fans and then risk their career on it

now take these crappy weapon reworks, useless radar and broken guild system and spend more money


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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #7 on: January 22, 2019, 03:28:20 PM
i think it would be asking a lot to get anything like what this thread is suggesting placed into the game

in fact, nothing anyone has suggested has ever for any reason made it into the game, it blows my mind that you all think the developers and producers of the game would totally switch up their time schedule to prioritize a new feature that a couple guys came up with on the forums

it just doesn't work like that, sorry dudes, no lead for any department is going to take the suggestions from a handful of fans and then risk their career on it

now take these crappy weapon reworks, useless radar and broken guild system and spend more money
hi you must be new here


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Re: Can we have an Opt-Out of Mentor games?
Reply #8 on: January 22, 2019, 04:26:21 PM
i think it would be asking a lot to get anything like what this thread is suggesting placed into the game

in fact, nothing anyone has suggested has ever for any reason made it into the game, it blows my mind that you all think the developers and producers of the game would totally switch up their time schedule to prioritize a new feature that a couple guys came up with on the forums

it just doesn't work like that, sorry dudes, no lead for any department is going to take the suggestions from a handful of fans and then risk their career on it

now take these crappy weapon reworks, useless radar and broken guild system and spend more money
hi you must be new here

Nah, just a secondary account to respond to a rage post on another post, as the other guy made another account, you would think people would just use their main accounts if they want to heard.