Author Topic: Hive Antagonist Tips  (Read 4113 times)


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Hive Antagonist Tips
on: February 04, 2019, 11:00:17 PM
I've been playing Hive Antagonist for a few days and I've had some success and honestly a lot of fun. With Shy being nerfed into the ground over and over I have decided to use the Raceme th great effect.  You can take out locals I'm one shot even of they're under cover with this weapon in my hands there is no such thing as cover and my ads love it. I've learned not to engage but focus on harassing the raiders and bait them into running through my smoke let the ads finish them or smoke them while trying to evade the raiders them chasing you is time they're not focused on add clearing or the objective.  If you drain the raiders life pool now is the time to pressure the raiders at 1 life target the easiest raider for you to kill at 0 lives now you want to strike your highest threat if they die your odds of ending on 45 seconds improve a ton bu this time the easy kill should have respawned take the free kill and focus the last 2 raiders down this is the only time in the match you show all out agression and it comes in clutch. I'm rambling though  anyone else have anything that could help me? I'm level 85 with 55% mmr