Author Topic: Alicia Players...  (Read 45234 times)


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #75 on: July 14, 2018, 09:55:43 PM
It's been a while and a a few post "bug fix" R&R so I've had time to feel the pain of it. Just bumpin the post again. Wanted to state the R&R still needs a nerf. Too much range and damage to high, you are wounded before she even lands. Again I suggest giving it some falloff damage to make her actually have to take a risk like everyone else. As long as I keep getting cheezed by them I don't think I'm gonna let this one go. I'll never let it rest.

Back to plan one, surrender when you see it's an R&R. It's a waste of my time. No fun, no weakness, no cons, no chance.


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #76 on: July 14, 2018, 10:41:34 PM
Alicia is always going to be a hard character to balance because of her mobility making her hard to hit. Which means she will always be good at PvP but without strong weapons will be not great at PvE. When you fix for one side you break the other.

 I am dreading the reveal of her new gun with the power creep we have seen on some of the more recent guns!


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #77 on: July 14, 2018, 11:03:07 PM
nope, with the glitch fixed this thread should die.... You can't just keep screaming to appease yourself to see everything you personally dislike nerfed.

We fought an Alicia last night with 3 players (4th was baby Harec who was just worthless) and R&R was brutal, but we also didn't have the right team setup for Breath of Hope. Rak's Sheppard is awful at hitting airborne Alicia (I shoulda brought DPY :( Or Kuzmann), as is the Daisy, and R&R goes through Lycus Shield. Interaction with shields should be adjusted, but the weapon doesn't need to be weakened, or shortened, etc. Play R&R yourself at high level MMR and you'll agree it doesn't feel all that strong.

for the billionth time, stop asking for nerfs because you get beat in pvp by something. No one has gotten high into the difficulty yet and you just keep asking to make raiders weaker and weaker with every topic of the day :|


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #78 on: July 15, 2018, 01:54:14 AM
I can only replay with the same thing: Back to plan one, surrender when you see it's an R&R. It's a waste of my time. No fun, no weakness, no cons, no chance.


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #79 on: July 15, 2018, 01:20:40 PM
I'm absolutely with Draco and Deathprize here... As you knew I would be Drow... Lol.  Sorry you still can't beat her and that you find losing to be a waste of your time rather than a learning experience but yeah. This was over a while ago and here you still are crying "make the game easier for ME!". You do realize if it's easier for you it's easier for every one else right? They can't possibly tailor the game just for you. Idk... Maybe stop playing this game and go elsewhere before your constant whining ruins it for everyone else. And for the rest of you who listen to Drow... All lies and manipulation.

He said previously in this thread...

"Well I figured you'd appreciate out of the box PvP. They can beat me through the game, but what if I can beat them by changing the game? That would be an even more epic and permanent win. Where's your competitive spirit?"-Level9Drow

How is changing the game itself anywhere close to being competitive? Basically saying if he makes the game impossible for Antags they'll cease to be a problem for him. That's not competition. Who wants to only fight NPC's ALL the time anyhow?? Gets so boring after a while. The Antag gives it a nice, albeit challenging breakup to the monotony. He wants more "peaceful" Antags so he doesn't have to ever lose. Lied about the rewards being higher for afk Antaging... Who is that dumb to believe that?? Of course the rewards are higher if you actually try at Antaging! It would make no sense to afk and get better rewards. 1500 is the gold you'll get w/out any weapon bonuses. Your score will always be 0.5 and you gain almost twice the xp for winning as the Antag. Currently to afk Tag I have to sit out 2 matches. Roughly 30-40mins depending on the Raiders. If I just put forth an effort and kill everyone... With Shae mind you... I only need to play one match and get my A affinity. Will you always win? F no!! But you will always get more rewards if you try. Don't listen to this Judas!! He just wants us all to sit down for ice cream and be share bares. As long as he gets the biggest share and no one challenges. This game is too much metal for you. Go play Minecraft or something more your speed. Stop manipulating people! This day and age it's too easy... Kinda like Tagging with the R&R used to be;)


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #80 on: July 16, 2018, 09:50:46 PM
Where's your competitive spirit Triggerman? someone takes opposition OUTSIDE your little box and you can't handle it? This is WAR, get your words out as weapons and fight. And the one with more mastery of language, etiquette, and reasonable argument will win. Deal with it and bring your words to the table in a better way than Hyperbole and Ad Homonym. But don't get mad when someone is combating is thinking outside the box to combat his opponents. One of the best strategies in life conflicts is to step outside your opponents game and beat them on another level outside the understood battlefield.

Now, for the argument against Alicia's gun Rock and Roll, I think they're fairly reasonable:
1. What I am about to say does not mean that I believe Alicia's other weapons are any good. I'm aware that Novera and Eager are very under-powered, and that Smoking Daisy is very niche. But that does not mean a character cannot have an overpowered weapon, try not to think in a linear, black and white fashion. Realize that it's possible for her to have both crappy AND overpowered weapons AT THE SAME TIME.

2. A weapon or item doesn't exist in isolation, it's part of a greater package with the wielders capabilities and opponents. And this is what makes something complete, incomplete, underpowered or overpowered. In the case of the R&R it has good range and fairly nice spread, so it's not hard to miss, and it does a lot of damage with a high RoF. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't in combination with Hero Killer and a character who basically flies making it hard to hit her but, since you have to be blind to miss with the spread of R&R, she can usually hit you, over and over and over whilst in the air. This means she can fly over a whole party without running the risk of getting into CQC. She has a high powered gun, with range further than she can jump and is hard to miss with, she risks nothing as other characters in the game who ALSO have good weapons.
   Kuzman has Lichbogun but is slow and lumbering and has no mobility. Great weapon balanced by the characters limitations. Same for Konstantin, he has Tolchock, which is a great weapon, but he is also slow and has no mobility. If you are overwhelmed you can, at least, run away from him and heal up. Also ranged characters can hit him since he is so immobile, he has weaknesses which means there is risk. Ginebra has Schleuder and, as we saw, this gun was nerfed and her health in Cougar form was reduced, because it was a powerful combination that was nearly unbeatable. She could wound you, wun up, transform and get your aleph. Now she can't do that as easily because she can die in transformation with only 60 health. She has to risk now, weaknesses as well as strengths. All three of these are examples of characters with strong weapons that are VERY good but have weaknesses and limitations as well that balance their whole "package" out. Compared to other characters in the game Alicia's kit coupled with the R&R is vastly more superior than them and she has very little weaknesses.

3. Numbers, numbers, numbers. The reason the nerfed Ginebra was only partially due to player feedback. You don't REALLY think developers make their decisions based solely on players complaining do you? No, it's also in conjunction with their internal data they record. Now we've all been playing this game for quite a while now. And I see more Alicias now than Ginebras pre nerf. Regardless of your opinions, the data will not lie. Now I'm only guessing here, but I have a feeling that a whole shit ton of Antagonists games are won with Alicia using R&R, more so than Alicia's without R&R (of course because her first two guns are horrible, and no one wants to use SD anymore even though it takes finesse to be badass with it) and also more than ANY other character as antagonists. This is what I've seen in my limitid experience with the game. I'm guessing many of you have, if you're honest, seen the same thing.
  To add to this, I'm willing to bet their data will show a disproportionate amount of won games with the R&R, again, more so than any other character in the game. This has weight, whether you like it or not, or whether you agree with it or not. There is a REASON this data will be this way, and as developers they must look to see what this reason is. And it's fairly obvious as I've  thoroughly described in point 2 above.

4. Solo Queue and coordination. Much of the arguments against nerfing R&R are, "Well if you can coordinate you have a chance to beat her." Don't be silly, no ones making the argument that she is IMPOSSIBLE to defeat, she's not a constantly glowing yellow indestructible one shotting force. This is hyperbolic. She is overpowerewd, as in most things in gaming, it means that, despite being possible to overcome, she has things stacked in her favor to the point that makes it less likely to beat. But there's something to be said if one character in the game takes the entire concerted effort of a team to beat and absolutely none of the others necessarily do. If that's your argument then how do you explain all the other characters who don't? And then there's the solo queue issue, wherein it's hard to coordinate with the three other players if you are in randoms. Hard to get coordinated against the only character that it takes whole team to beat when you are in randoms. It's also hard to communicate with those randoms when there is no built in chat function, only "come with me", "Need Ammo", "Help" and "ok".

5. "You don't like losing", who does? While I admit I dislike PvP, there is a distinct difference to losing to other characters in this game over losing to R&R. Other characters are actually balanced (now for the most part), so you can form a strategy other then, "She's too powerful let's all zerg her and maybe we'll get a kill.". With other characters you can have two characters on mission duties, one character on adds and another on antag duty, heck maybe two characters on antag duty if the player is good, three is stretching it and four means the character is broken. Other characters I lose to I know why I lost, and it may be because I overextended, didn't play to my strengths, and to the weaknesses of the enemy character, or maybe we had a baby Harec and I should have been more aggressive, maybe the enemy wasn't so skilled but we didn't have enough add control. But with Alicia using R&R, there is nothing I can think of. Just a superior weapon flying in the air dishing out more damage than I can do to her, more accurate because she has spread, and any weapon I would have that also has spread is guaranteed to do less damage or a weapon that cannot reach her (I.E. like Rak's primary weapon). The weapon goes through shields, bounces off walls, there really is little you can do with such a high damage yielding weapon from this high mobility target with a weapon that has little aim skill necessary. So when you lose, you lose because you chose a crappier character, meaning EVERY other character aside from Alicia with R&R. You lose because the character has very little weaknesses, risk very little in order to secure kills and can do so practically uncontested, because R&R along with flying is overpowered, again for the reasons adequately pointed out to in point 2.

6. Solutions. Well we can all agree the first thing would be to buff her other three weapons, although I would say not to the point of R&R. We've already talked about what could be buffed about them. I would like to point out what the problem of R&R is. High damage from good distance from the sky. My suggestion would be either to add a steeper falloff so that she has to come closer and take a risk like all other characters, to have a weakness like the rest of us. If she wants to fire from a distance she can, but the damage will be low, in the 20's and 30's at the far end and maybe 40's and 50's at the medium range and then the big damage up to the closer third, the 90's we all see. Keep in mind she's safe in the air and can reach you very easily with little need for accuracy AND it bounces.
  Konstantin can, if he wants, shoot at you from across the map, but it doesn't do much damage, I know because I have a maxed out Tolchock. Harec get's one bullet and has 60 health and is stuck in his perch until he comes back down. Blah blah, etc... other characters have weakness and risk. To balance R&R I say falloff.

7. Final point. The whole, "She finally is good in the game don't nerf her gun!". To that I say that she was good before to. She had Smoking Daisy, and also the other guns need to be buffed instead.
   There's also another point of absurdity to that statement. You would be willing to sacrifice the rest for the sake of the one? I would think nerfing her over invalidating all other characters would be a solution, if anything, over the other. You could have one character who needs to be looked at because she had an OP weapon that had to be nerfed, and although it sucks for that ONE character, it will eventually be fixed and re-balanced. OR, in a more absurd option, you could have ONE weapon that reins over them all and all the rest of the character have a high chance of losing against that ONE weapon. Sacrifice the man on the rails or the people on the train? Which one is the rational choice? Both are not great, but at least in the situation of the R&R and Alicia, the "man can be resurrected at a later date."

Now, please respond addressing the 6 points. Try not to avoid one, as it is a sign is a disingenuous argument due to the fact that they are tied together. And if you agree with me, please let MSE know. If you agree and have another solution please share it.

And try and be a good sport.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 10:10:50 PM by Level9Drow »


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #81 on: July 17, 2018, 02:26:21 PM
I got a #8 argument you can add to your scrubby list, it's called GIT GUD.  ;D ;D


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #82 on: July 17, 2018, 04:42:44 PM
Who wants to only fight NPC's ALL the time anyhow?? Gets so boring after a while. The Antag gives it a nice, albeit challenging breakup to the monotony. He wants more "peaceful" Antags so he doesn't have to ever lose. Lied about the rewards being higher for afk Antaging... Who is that dumb to believe that?? Of course the rewards are higher if you actually try at Antaging! It would make no sense to afk and get better rewards. 1500 is the gold you'll get w/out any weapon bonuses. Your score will always be 0.5 and you gain almost twice the xp for winning as the Antag. Currently to afk Tag I have to sit out 2 matches. Roughly 30-40mins depending on the Raiders. If I just put forth an effort and kill everyone... With Shae mind you... I only need to play one match and get my A affinity. Will you always win? F no!! But you will always get more rewards if you try. Don't listen to this Judas!! He just wants us all to sit down for ice cream and be share bares. As long as he gets the biggest share and no one challenges. This game is too much metal for you. Go play Minecraft or something more your speed. Stop manipulating people! This day and age it's too easy... Kinda like Tagging with the R&R used to be;)

There’s plenty of ppl that want to fight npcs ONLY, me included, if others are interested in pvp that’s fine and they should be free to do their thing but I see no reason why I or anyone not interested, should be wasting their time on the monkey show that is this games pvp/antagonist system.

I disagree with Level9Drow’s constant cries for nerfs (interestingly for all strong characters but Konstantin) but lmfao at those crying git gud… this games pvp is the definition of scrub, if you can’t “git gud” at skill based pvp, then this is the game to be at, go on “skillfully” get that last punch on that raider that got downed by the ai, grapple that raider from behind while he is in cqc with the ai, get that laggy grapple from stealth that was so laggy it didn’t even get the audio to trigger or the audio only started once it had connected, snipe that raider from behind while he’s depositing aleph or busy with some mobs, win that rock/paper/lag cqc, not to mention the complete unbalance in the mmr system, the maps and between the raiders themselves, etc the list could go on… smh git gud and go play a pvp game where you actually have to face your opponent and that at least has some halfway decent netcode…


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #83 on: July 17, 2018, 06:32:38 PM
I got a #8 argument you can add to your scrubby list, it's called GIT GUD.  ;D ;D

I need people like you to come onto these forums and say the things you do. I want the developers and everyone else to see how weak the arguments of the other side is, how toxic the other side is. People like you bring me great pleasure because you make the opponents to what I say look so SO bad. When people look at both sides of the argument they will see what the "care bear" PvEers wrote, pointint out all the reason, their arguments, examples, comparisons, etc... and then when they see the counter argument they will see, "GIT GUD!"

How splendid, please more of this. Tell me more about what we should do. I honestly want you to. Hopefully the devs will see as well.


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #84 on: July 17, 2018, 07:47:26 PM
ok here's what you have to do. take some lessons about how to be a man and stop bitching about everything you dislike; Seems to me you're spending too much time with your snowflake friends and that's why you think everything will be solved the more you cry about it and lastly but not least G I T  G U D.


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #85 on: July 17, 2018, 08:17:59 PM
ok here's what you have to do. take some lessons about how to be a man and stop bitching about everything you dislike; Seems to me you're spending too much time with your snowflake friends and that's why you think everything will be solved the more you cry about it and lastly but not least G I T  G U D.

Perfect, my friend. Thank you. Just what I imagined you would say. Such low hanging fruit.

And there you go folks. There's the "refutation" of all the points I laid out. I think this just about encapsulates the R&R situation quite well. I really don't need to respond to his/her statement, there isn't much to respond to.


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #86 on: July 17, 2018, 10:06:42 PM
I can't take people who use "GIT GUD" seriously in an argument, they come off as a meme, and i'm sure they hardly take the situation seriously themselves.
Level9Drow does a lot of talking in these threads and quite a lot can come off as or simply is "bitching" but once he takes his rage dump he makes good points for a good, civil, and cohesive ground for debate and I respect his dedication, but most people would write this off as "just a game" and see his passion as childish but that's wrong.
People need to speak up about issues to cause an effect or just get a better understanding of the problems. That's how it was found out that R&R was a bug right? It doesn't effect the world or even your own health but as long as someone approach it as a civilized and as a reasonable human being (realize it is only a game and not "blow up" about it) then I say approach in kind.
Memes and Jokes are fine but have something to back it up with in an actual argument less you come off as an idiot with no actual thought or real opinion. Just a meme.   
With that said, Drow isn't "bitching" or being a "care bear". The R&R and is more reasonable now but still worth looking at. I recently got it and you feel practically unstoppable  against other players with not just the weapon but the character in general (her flying ability), but I do believe tweaking her will not be an easy task since having really good mobility isn't the only thing a character needs. She needs a good gun.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 10:09:15 PM by gearedbeast »


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #87 on: July 17, 2018, 10:25:29 PM
fwiw I don't care to "refute" or debate points when there was a dissertation written. Wall of text was tl;dr, I've said my peace and checked out of the thread, bros. Someone responding "git gud" is just trolling, but it seems appropriate when we have a thesis to complain about why everyone who plays this game needs to be weaker to appease a minority.

Been playing Alicia for our crazy mad dash to 100% MMR and lemme tell ya, R&R TICKLES enemies on 71% Destroyer of Worlds. I am only using her for her Sassy card to get from wherever I am on the map, to the refuel point.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 10:31:37 PM by LordDraco3 »


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #88 on: July 17, 2018, 10:35:04 PM
fwiw I don't care to "refute" or debate points when there was a dissertation written. Wall of text was tl;dr, I've said my peace and checked out of the thread, bros. Someone responding "git gud" is just trolling, but it seems appropriate when we have a thesis to complain about why everyone who plays this game needs to be weaker to appease a minority.

Been playing Alicia for our crazy mad dash to 100% MMR and lemme tell ya, R&R TICKLES enemies on 71% Destroyer of Worlds.
I know you checked out so feel free not to respond but you sure people are asking others to be weaker? I haven't actually looked at all of pages (this thread has freaking 9, wow!) but did anyone ask to "weaken" a character. a reduce in say distance don't sound horrible, and I'd consider knowing when to fly when fighting AI would be a strategic thing.   


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Re: Alicia Players...
Reply #89 on: July 17, 2018, 10:41:37 PM
The argument is that R&R is "too good" and needs a nerf of some kind, be it damage, range, fire rate, whatever. Any negative change would instantly translate to less power at a player's hands.

I already can't kill a rocket soldier with a full mag dump at 71% difficulty, and at 60% a mag dump only does like 1/3rd of a Hades elite's health. Reload speed is already kinda slow with max dynamic, losing fire rate, damage, range, etc. would make it even harder to fight with Alicia at high difficulty. She will just gather dust, like Hans, who is phenomenal at pvp, but terrible at high level pve because he just can't deal the damage.

The longest threads on this forum are all "nerf this" threads. It gets mentally exhausting to argue the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 10:43:53 PM by LordDraco3 »