Author Topic: Reminder of other issues  (Read 4646 times)


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Reminder of other issues
on: January 24, 2018, 04:41:11 PM
the topic of microtransactions has cooled down a bit so I'd like to take the opportunity to discuss and remind people of other issues that we may have forgotten about or not discuss enough. I think this should be good since after the next character releases we have the next campaign to look forward to, and issues we should expect fixed. Disclaimer: this thread isn't to bash the developers but rather just to remember other problems that should be solved in the next dlc.

Loudouts: I am honestly surprised by how little this gets mentioned, which is why I doing it first. This is technically a economy issue, something I didn't want to talk too much about, but different enough I feel to mention it. The issue is that we have to pay mercury points for character's gameplay variety mid mission select. It's not the biggest issue but does make a big difference when you have to select all missions in the hope of decreasing wait time while at the same time wanting to play as a specific character.
An example would be wanting to play as Shae but getting put into a mission she isn't recommended for. Even though she shouldn't be chosen, there are faction/character cards that can help her be reliable in non-favorable situations. If you have a card that shortens the detection radius when someone's bewitched she can be useful in close quarters, but you have to be prepared for that unfavorable outcome and you can't do that if you don't at least a second loadout for it.
In conclusion, don't have us pay for loadouts so we can more gameplay variety, or at least not pay with such an unlucrative currency.
(this is was a bit longer and a tad messier than planned. I'll do better with others)

Antagonist: A issue explored but not fixed. We Now get at least something even though we lose; that's a great start but for a game made specifically 4v1 this game mode doesn't encourage constant play. If this sohuld play out as a 4v1 then the system should keep players, who want to be, in that game mode by providing the rewards that raider receive (gold, MP, weapon blueprints, character/faction points). It should be treated as almost a separate thing.
On the other than, Raiders should get Antagonist rewards or rather something similar (not calling them stigmas). This'll help keep the two modes separated and players not being forced to play something they don't want to, and don't worry about not having enough Antags there are plenty of assholes willing to ruin people's games.
In conclusion: make Antagonist more rewarding and separate it from thw Raiders game mode

Invitations: Later last year we got invitations; A good system to help with matchmaking but still needs some work. I believe we need a ingame system to invite other people that we played with.
I'm a PS4 only player so I don't know about other consoles but as a PS4 player I have to go to someone's account and friend them before I can even invite them to play raiders ingame. I usual do this after a match to increase the chance of someone accepting instantly and beginning another session but this doesn't always work.
There should be a way to click on players' name and have an option to invite them to play with you with having to go out of a game. Honestly I don't have a lot knowledge on how this system work so I'm going to leave it to other raiders to discuss it.

Those are a few issues that I can remember and think should be or should have been looked at and worked on by the time the next campaign releases. There are things I know I missed, forgot about, or just messed up so feel free to discuss any and everything related to this topic. ( I had a better ending paragraph but forgot it, sorry.)


The Wanderlust

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Re: Reminder of other issues
Reply #1 on: January 24, 2018, 05:33:28 PM
Good post, Beast. It's true that the microtransaction topic was a bit overshadowing. Here's to continuing improvement!


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Re: Reminder of other issues
Reply #2 on: January 25, 2018, 09:37:19 AM
Invitations are indeed *incredibly* clunky as a console player. I have an extreme dislike for adding random players that I have 1 game with and have never met before, but that is exactly what must be done to find team mates or even get to use the invitations in Raiders. Additionally, this prevents same-console-but-different-region invites from being possible. It would be good to look at an avenue of in-game message systems so that in-game invites would be possible. I have never played another game that actually encourages player interaction but prevents any in-game way of doing so. This isn't Dark Souls where everyone is supposed to be silent phantoms.

My assumption is this is how the game is able to check and see if a player has paid for a DLC pack so the invite knows how to function, but again.... surely that can be put into the game client itself? I don't know the logistics but all I keep hearing from the dev side is that multi-platform or even multi-region invites are impossible, but matchmaking works, and that response feels like a "it's never gonna change" but put into different words.  :-\

Also seconded about loadouts, the current "pay MS points for them" is rather absurd. It's crazy especially because there's no real logistical reason to have loadouts in this game AT ALL. We have a couple of options to change up, at best, on each character. We just need to pick a faction card, character card, maybe a weapon if we have any, and maybe a skin if we have any. That's it. And no matter if 3,000,000 cards are added into the game, there's only 5 on the table at any given time. We're not drowning in character customization to where we need a quick-select loadout. Character select timer is already very long, just let us pick our stuff in that time and be done with the "loadout" concept.


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Re: Reminder of other issues
Reply #3 on: January 25, 2018, 03:13:54 PM
Character select timer is already very long, just let us pick our stuff in that time and be done with the "loadout" concept.
It took mean a second to understand where you were going here because it sounded like the spot to choose loadouts but I get it; There's no need to have loadouts in a spot that gives enough time to pick from 2 (faction/character cards) to possibly 4( skins and guns) options. So they probably should go with that. Just give us all options during character selection, because even though cards are nothing but a numbers game they still make a difference in giving a bit of a upper hand, and guns give you something else to play with even though tactically the variety is a bit useless.
I also though of another issue regarding cards and there aleph boost. Aleph boost are kinda useless when A lot of missions require you to get rid of aleph. Either future missions need to be structured differently or aleph should be distributed differently and amount you can hold increase. Less we continue to have the occasional selfish players holding on to there supply.


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Re: Reminder of other issues
Reply #4 on: January 26, 2018, 05:58:53 AM
Currently the Max Boost helps antagonists way more than raiders, for sure. I agree with what you're saying though, it's annoying that any situation where aleph is supplied, the game demands to use it for an objective.... and then you have players that hog their aleph and never progress the objective because they don't want to loose their boost :(


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Re: Reminder of other issues
Reply #5 on: January 26, 2018, 07:20:03 PM
That could be easily mitigated if the Antagonist could 'spend' their Aleph when maxed on something. Though, if such a thing happens it should alert the Raiders when it does since it would be a game changer. Most obvious, might be to summon a few Elites but other uses might be 'sabotaging' key objectives such as the turrets on Hanging By A Thread by temporarily disabling them.

As for loadouts... I think the original idea might have been sound but it's simply a feature no one either does or wants to use. Thus, it'd make sense to replace it with something people might actually use. However, some rare individuals have likely sunk some Mercury into them and it would be a loss for them should it be removed entirely without some sort of refund.