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Messages - Marcus4471

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Spacelords Universe / Re: A little rant.
 on: July 03, 2019, 05:59:53 PM 
I love the "help" of my 10 easy to mow down adds when I am playing antagonist. What the fuck am I gonna do to a stalk spamming heric, rak, an alicia player with the smoking daisy one shotting me , and a Hans? I know what to do. Get fucking bullied by the hans, alicia and rak in cqc while the bots are doing fuck all to the raiders, leave the game, and lower my MMR so I can bully some noobs. 

So MSE when we say fix the game we don't mean add a new way to pay for the game we mean improve this game, or its gonna die.

MSE would know the problems with the game if they actually played it. (I highly doubt it).
There are some raiders who are downright nasty to play against. Yes, Alicia with her smoking daisy weapon (worse is her Rock & Roll), which by the time she's on you, jumping all over the place you're pretty much dead. I do think a nerf on her special ability is needed. To be able to constantly spam her double jump isn't really fair and in some maps , with plenty of walls and obstacles to jump off, she's unbeatable.
Harec, can be very hard, especially when you don't know where he is and he's just waiting for you.
Hans, with a CQC card equipped can pretty much kill you in one, especially if he has an added bonus card of more damage after using jetpack.
Rak, he can be incredibly difficult, especially if he disables you first with his weapon..

However, there are ways to beat them and it's just through practice. Doldren, in my opinion will take out all of them incredibly easy, especially with CSC card equipped. With his machine gun equipped, you can soften them up easily for a CQC kill. Shae, with her last rare weapon (Sa'Dhu?) can one shot an enemy, especially with weapon bonus damage cards equipped.
I don't play Harec much, but again, finding a good spot to snipe can destroy the enemy, especially with a good weapon equipped that does one hit kills.
I haven't played Iune yet so can't speak for her.

You could save up for Loaht who, when he takes Beast form will slice through Antagonists like a hot knife through butter, one hitting them all. If he gets in amongst a pack of raiders, it's hasta la vista raiders.

You could get your own Rak, equip some Cqc and Pushka card bonuses and cause havoc.

You could buy a Hive, equip some CQC cards and utilize your special ability, increase pool health and drop some health stealing bombs on the floor (Grenade launcher 2nd weapon) of where you fight to quickly dispatch of the enemy.

The thing about this game is simply to play and understand your enemy.

Don't get me wrong though. There will be times you'll come up against a team you simply won't beat, that is who'll run around as a team and take you out if you come in close to attack. That is unless you're Loaht, who loves teams like this.
Personally, I like using Shae. I like to Bewitch them and then snipe them, killing them in one shot, especially with her first weapon. Even better, use her Sa'Dhu weapon, a CQC card and the card that removes 75% of pressure after a CQC kill (100% with Aleph superboost) and you can kill incredibly quickly. A burst of 6 shots from this weapon is a kill on most and if not, will drop them into wounded for an easy finish.

Again though, it depends on the team. If you're up against a team with two Antagonist killers, or even a good one (Doldren) then you're going to have a really hard time surviving, especially when all one of them does is simply stalk you throughout, waiting for you to appear and then on you. It's just the way it is unfortunately.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Doldren is still too powerful
 on: July 03, 2019, 05:17:47 PM 
just take a doldren to chase him too, or a hive with plague or spore, or a konstantin or anything capable of chasing/repulse him.

i have a video where a hans and i are destroying an antag doldren again and again.
wanna see if he is too powerfull ? =)

everyone, stop crying for your own failure goddamit.
and i totally agree with you angeles.
It all really depends on whether you're in a team with a Doldren of your own or a Shae to hunt them down. Remember, you choose your team before the Antagonist appears.
I played a game yesterday, as Doldren and wiped out the enemy. They had a Hive and a Kon. Heck they even had a Doldren but I simply appeared behind them, having taken out Doldren and it was easy pickings. My weapon was the default one with no upgrade. I also didn't even have any CQC cards equipped.

Doldren is, by far the deadliest Antagonist in the game due to being able to float, invisible all over the place at run speed.

Any team, without someone to combat him is dead. A high level Doldren will wipe out most teams easily. 

My sentiments exactly and they've already been expressed in numerous postings.

They have literally told the serious gamers to get lost. Stupidly they fail to see they're keeping the game alive. When the serious players leave, game wait is going to increase and WORSE players aren't just going to see one Huey in their team but a Luey as well! Playing a game, with a high ranking player, with you a low one and two bots means you lose. Added to that an Antagonist and you may as well quit the minute the game starts, as bots are utterly useless.

MercuryStream simply were incapable of looking at the immediate effects to the player pool by telling the serious players to get lost.
I was putting in 7 hours a day, as I'm a freelance writer and work from home. Why would I go back to playing when I'm limited to 4 games of XP and after that half the amount of gold and faction points?

I played 12 games or so yesterday and my treasure pot was 1000 xp, 9000 gold and 4000 faction points. I would have got the XP in one game and the gold and faction points in three or so.

This update is going to kill their player base and they're simply too stupid to realize this. I shook my head in disbelief when it came out. No blueprints, limited XP, no gold, faction point bonus missions and chances to win XP multipliers (along with poor gold and faction point rewards) effectively means that the Bounty Hunter, Treasure Hunter and Affinity perks for weapons now become completely obsolete.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Vote to Kick Feature
 on: July 03, 2019, 05:01:50 PM 
I agree with a vote kicking option, but trust me, this new patch will push the serious gamers away from Spacelords, as there's no incentive to play anymore than 4 games.

Anyway, back to the topic.

I'm with you. I played a game, can't remember the name, but it's the capture Schneider mission. Anyway, as soon as the option came up to quit the game this player Time of Rape, (Time of ****) a PC Player, immediately called for a match abandon. We all refused. We'd cleared out the first area and were waiting for the key to unlock the forcefield. He then picked it up and started hopping in the opposite direction. There was no way to make him drop it. The game timer eventually ran down and we lost the game. Worse, there was only about 20 mins left before all bonuses refreshed and this match was for a rare blueprint. It meant that if I lost it, there was no way I was going to be able to win another 2 games to get the chance of winning it again. He screwed it up for everyone.

I hate kicking people in games because there are going to be some teams who are just toxic and will start abusing this.
However, I've been in games where someone's chosen to quit, we've refused and they've just started killing themselves on purpose to bring about the no respawn countdown timer and with 2 patches back, sudden death.

I'm all for it now, that was, before this update, which has killed the game.

They don't need to rollback, they just need to increase the rewards. The patch was a good idea because it reduces the queue time, but with bad rewards there's no reason to play too much.
But, that's the thing, it HASN'T reduced the queue time whatsoever!
I was waiting, on average about 3-4 mins for a game. More so, when that game did start, everyone there was a bot as a team mate. This simply means that there are not enough players in the player pool.
The game has now been deliberately geared towards people who play 3-4 games a day. They've simply stuck their middle finger up at the hardcore gamers, whom they fail to realize are keeping this game alive through making the player pool large.

How on earth, you can create an update which stops all XP gain after 4 matches is completely beyond me. More so, reduce the XP gain for those 4 matches?


This latest patch is nothing but shear insanity and in releasing it your company is killing itself.
What is wrong with the latest patch? What is right about it should be the question!
You have essentially, in this one patch told serious players, that is the people who play the most on your game, to get lost. You did not need to implement the treasure chest. It's a complete and utter waste of time. In about 12 games played, I've amassed 1,000 XP, 9,000 gold and about 4,000 faction points. I would have got the XP from one game, the faction points and gold from about 3.

However, I can't get that. Your quick play means that after 4 games, you STOP giving out XP - gone, kaput, zero, nada. Your games give out an average of around 1,750 gold and 800 faction half as much than before the update.
To me it seems the treasure chest is there solely to reward Antagonist losses, but when one realises that most people are playing Raider, you've chosen to side with the minority.

In essence, this new update has decided to support those who play 3 or 4 games, over those who'll play 30 or 40. You've made it incredibly hard for players to level up. You've dropped the amount of gold and faction points won. The treasure chest nowhere nears compensates this loss. It means that shuffling faction cards is going to be a nightmare, as averaging 800 faction points a game, means you'll need 6 wins to do so, compared to about 3 pre patch.

What on earth possessed you, to contemplate this insane patch, let alone release it? On the first day, I waited on average 3 minutes for a game. When I got those games there was a bot as one of my team mates. What does this mean? It means not enough players.
Now think about this why don't you? By limiting XP only to 4 matches, you are going to stop the serious players from playing more. If everyone just plays 4 matches, then it means you are literally going to have times when people will not only have to wait an age for a game, but in order to rectify that you'll have to put in two bots to stop them from quitting. 4 team mate games will turn into 2 player teams which will inevitably run dry, because it's a virtual impossibility playing some levels with 2 bots due to them being utterly useless.

You are essentially about to see a player walkout en mass, all because of the madness of releasing this update.

"If it aint broke, don't fix it" as the saying goes and most of the previous update was just fine. The things people wanted changed were minor things, not a total overhaul as you've done.

This game is a relaunch of a the previous game that failed 'somehow'. I wonder why? Could it be that you decided to create a free 2 play game and then quickly turn it into a pay to win game?
There's no doubt about it. The graphics, the animation, the storyline, the modeling, the acting is excellent. The gameplay is a very enjoyable multiplayer, but with this update it seems you are adamant to tell your serious gamers to **** off and look after people who spend very little time, if any playing.

I strongly and I mean STRONGLY advise that you throw this update into the bin and rollback to the previous update.
By limiting XP collection and drastically reducing XP, gold and faction rewards, you are going to lose your player base. When this happens you can kiss goodbye to SpaceLords because trust, me, the next relaunch WON'T be a third time lucky, because everyone will know why you failed twice before. They will realise that you have nothing but contempt and disdain for your fan base.

I have absolutely no incentive to play Spacelords anymore. To level up from level 144 to 145 will take me 1-2 days. That's about 8 games of XP collection.
And the drastic reduction of gold and faction points has just killed it. The treasure chest is just a waste of time, a gimmick that's not going to work.

I am seriously just shaking my head in disbelief at such an utterly crazy act in releasing this insane update. Listen to your community. See what they have to say and let gamers decide what's best for the game, not some moron, who is clearly the individual behind this update. Are you taking advice from Anita Sarkeesian? You seem intent on committing company suicide.

I can safely state that I won't be touching this game until you rollback to the previous update. Expect a loss in your player base. Expect a big one.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Limited XP is bad design
 on: July 03, 2019, 01:46:11 AM 
Been playing games for 40 years. Never have I encountered an update that effectively is saying "**** you Spacelord players!" If ever a company wanted to commit suicide, they have with this patch. They are now the 'Gillette' of the gaming industry. Lol
I really have no incentive to play now. I work from home and put in 7 hours a day at least. But not anymore. Won't be touching the game until they scrap this update completely and rollback to the previous one.
I wonder if they've been employing Anita Sarkeesian for gaming advice?

Fan Corner / Re: Valeria for Mortal Kombat 11?
 on: July 02, 2019, 11:02:18 PM 
I reckon that seeing as MK is a 2D beat 'em up, then her Einstein Rosen Bridge move will just blow the hell out of anyone in the MK universe, She'll just fire and hasta la vista. They can't jump over it, dodge it, so they'll just eat it. Yup, she'd be great.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Limited XP is bad design
 on: July 02, 2019, 10:49:50 PM 

I just put up a post on the other forum and couldn't agree more.

This new patch has destroyed the game for me. I played one match, got a 9.2 score, had 40% card bonus and 40% Aquilibrium bonus both for XP gain and received a total of about 980 XP. I should have had over 3,000. Added to that I only got about 1,300 gold, even with Bounty Hunter on 22%. I should have had close to 3,000 if not more as well. I received about 800 faction points as well.

No blueprints. No faction bonuses. No rotations, just an 18hour wait or so (well that's what I was on). Then the server crashes after about 7mins of no play.

They've destroyed the game for me. I really loved it and had nothing but praise for it, but it looks to me that the corporate money men are getting involved and want their 'pound of flesh'.
They have a video up, with a Spanish woman (who's very hard to understand) speaking about "your average player plays 3 games a day" crap. They've catered to the casual gamer and literally flipped the bird at the serious gamers who put in 4hours +.

I've just deleted the game from my PS4. I won't be going back unless they delete this patch and go back to pre patch. They're absolutely insane and they're going to lose a lot of their player base, meaning far longer waits for matches, resulting in more people not playing.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Utterly broken matchmaking !
 on: July 02, 2019, 07:09:36 PM 
.........I am willing to wait 5 more minutes for a match that I will enjoy than to play with a match that will make me hate the game.
What? Yes, but how would you know who's in your team? The minute you join a game and see you're in with high ranking players, if you quit out then you don't just suffer a 5 minute game penalty, you have to wait until the game is finished (10-20 mins) before the matchmaking penalty is applied. Well, it's like that on the PS4. You don't get a choice. When you log back in, if the game is still in play you're given the option to reconnect or cancel. If you cancel, you're still logged back into the game you left. You simply have to wait for the 20 mins or so, reconnect and get the 5 minute penalty.

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