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Messages - Whatever

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: The MVP
 on: May 09, 2019, 09:58:45 AM 
Obviously I don’t want to get rid of the character, I want to condense the endgame readouts to one page.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why aleph drops cripple the game
 on: May 08, 2019, 03:16:07 PM 

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
 on: May 08, 2019, 05:42:35 AM 
I don’t want to appear stubborn here as I’m very much on board with the change and think the idea as a whole is great.

However I don’t think in its current incarnation it adds to the game. Having to whip around and look for the location of the drops, like I’ve had to do with Ansekas batteries isn’t great and doesn’t make the game flow better.

There is also the argument that I’ve not really given this enough of a chance - fair as it’s only been out for a short while - but my initial reaction to the implementation, not the idea, is that it’s not going to make the game more fun.

Gameplay Feedback / The MVP
 on: May 08, 2019, 05:26:59 AM 

I quite like the new MVP thing and how it factors into my overall score, this is a great idea, thank you.

If possible can we be told how it’s calculated? Is it purely on kills? Do all kills carry the same weight? If not then how is it broken down?

It would be good to see how scores compare between the raiders though, for a sense of perspective.

Also, can we please just cut Cortez? I’ve seen him so so many times and now all I want is just a one pager with the info and scores, I don’t need to get his opinion nor watch things tally as I’ve seen them thousands of times already.

I appreciate others may enjoy that so I’d only ask for the option to turn it off.


Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
 on: May 08, 2019, 05:07:15 AM 
The more I play with this mechanic the more annoying it is. There is a really good idea here but the implementation is not good in its current state.

Auto pick up of things you need, or even a wider collection radius is probably a better option.

Gameplay Feedback / Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
 on: May 08, 2019, 03:32:29 AM 
It should be automatically collected, like before, but with the excess left for others to pick up.

Leaving excess is helpful, leaving it all is annoying.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: INSANE Difficulty!
 on: May 08, 2019, 02:34:43 AM 
The difficulty gets changed by the devs on a weekly basis and coupled with MMR and (in solo queue) randoms or new players means I never have any idea as to how difficult it’s going to be. :(

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ammo and Aleph Drops
 on: May 08, 2019, 02:32:15 AM 
The dropping is a good concept -esp for newbies who spam I need ammo -  but only for when you don’t need it, as in you’re full. If you auto collected what you need (50 rounds or whatever) and left the rest that’s a good mechanic.

Having the Aleph drop is not a good mechanic at all.

I don't really mind them seeing what I'm using, sharing that isn't a big deal I think.

The MVP thing, I can see it potentially making people less focused on the objective I think we should wait to see how it's implemented first.

I do however, completely agree on the floating ammo/batteries/aleph thing and they should all be automatically collected unless at full/90%ish of total, aleph not withstanding.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Elite Grapple VS Player Grapple
 on: April 27, 2019, 07:01:50 AM 
Honestly, this is likely due to lag.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: This game is BROKEN
 on: March 23, 2019, 04:22:35 AM 
I would be happy with the first two. That’s all that’s needed to make this a totally different game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: This game is BROKEN
 on: March 22, 2019, 08:38:50 PM 
There’s a link at the top with the info. It wasn’t you.

I am open minded and I’m level 370 so I have given this game a really good try but enough is enough. I want to have fun playing games, like the commenter above said, and this game seems to go out it’s way via consistently  inconsistent difficulty, antags and a multitude of other paper cuts to not be fun.

Gameplay Feedback / This game is BROKEN
 on: March 22, 2019, 09:19:27 AM

My MMR is 46. That is not high.

The others on the team are two fours and a five. They're not great. They're reasonably new.

There are ELEVEN MOOKS on this level here AND A TIER ONE ANTAG. At the spawning point. Honestly though, WTF? What kind of balance is this?

Why do you think this is fun? Let me answer that for you. This. Is. NOT. Fun.

Why do I, and the other people on the team have to sacrifice any enjoyment we get out of the game so that someone else can troll players on an unbalanced game?

I feel I have tried really hard with this game, given it a solid shot but it is utterly disrespectful of my time. Why would I buy skins for a game that actively goes out of its way to stop me from having fun? Why would I spend money on something that doesn't care a jot about my time as a player?

I'm told that the difficulty is tweaked weekly. Now, I'm no game developer but even I can see that whatever you're serving now needs to go back to the kitchen because it's f'ing inedible. You try and swallow this and see how well it goes down.

I want to play this game for fun; yet fun is the one thing that this game seems to try its level best to not be.

I need a breather from this game. It's not fun. This is the saddest part of it all, the waste of potential.

Suggestions / Antags. There must be a happy middle ground
 on: March 21, 2019, 05:47:05 AM 
Antags aren't going anywhere, for whatever reason, but there must be some way to mitigate the annoyance factor a little with them surely?

I've played 9 games today and there was an antag in 7 of them. I'm not totally against antags but that ratio is just a little bit much and feels a touch like I'm sacrificing my enjoyment of the game for someone elses which isn't very fair.

What about a scale, that we choose ourselves so we get input, as to how often we're happy to have an antag invade the match? Say every match scaling to one in five or one in ten? It also mitigates getting a run of them as I experienced earlier.

Or like MMR scales so does the likelihood of getting an antag? That way those who operate at higher levels and should technically be better equipped to deal with them are more likely to do so. I don't think this is the best solution but at least it would give the new members time to get up to speed.

Or, you only get an antag once you've won XXX games, the same mechanic as the rare guns? Or only when you're in a team as solo queuing and getting an antag is probably the worst.

Or not having an antag whose level is higher than the average level of all players? Or the top two players?

Or just have some reward at the end, say 5000 gold/Faction when you lose to an antag, tied to RNG like the BP's? That way you're not guaranteed to get anything but there's a chance you'll get something making a loss more palatable.

As far as I can tell only the people who antag a lot like antags (understandable) but the feeling of pointlessness you get when your loss as a raider is driven by someone trolling "checking their skill" that's what needs work.


Suggestions / Re: Hi Karen - Please read this
 on: March 15, 2019, 03:18:52 PM 
Mate. I have made this point several times and in an attempt to acknowledge that fact and make fun of it I said what I said.

I sincerely apologise that my efforts at bringing attention to this were either too high brow or too low brow for you to appreciate.

I shall of course endeavour to be 100% pragmatic and prosaic in every comment I leave going forward to avoid any unfortunate misunderstandings. Thank you so much for bringing my shortcomings to my attention.

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