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Messages - Placelord

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Ya finally gone and done it...
 on: May 14, 2019, 12:13:46 AM 
God speed. I do not blame you one bit.

You heard em. Shut it down, the game is fine. The player base is strong and growing. There is most certainly not a forum full of vetaran and/or paying players complaining about unresolved gameplay issues. It's all in our imagination.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Points for ‘Survival’
 on: May 10, 2019, 10:21:58 PM 
Survival is the phase when your team has lost all its lives and the timer starts to run, if you never reach that stage (because you didn't loose all you lives) you will not be credited for that stage, it's a bit wierd, but that's how it works I think!? It should be the other way around, getting credited for not reaching this stage, right!?

It's the same wierd thing like having to play multiplayer games to unlock the training mode, very strange decisions?

Not just having to play multiplayer to unlock training; but having to achieve an above average score to unlock training.

Strange indeed...

Gameplay Feedback / Re: High Concentration of Antags
 on: May 10, 2019, 09:44:37 PM 
What a fucking surprise it's not like anyone could predict this would happen lmao. Well let me make another prediction... The antag queue times will start to get even longer as more raiders quit and everyone is trying to antag for high scores.

I know, it's almost as if MSE just says they're listening to feedback the ignore it all and do a bunch of dumb shit noone asked for

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why aleph drops cripple the game
 on: May 10, 2019, 03:27:54 AM 
Exactly. Keep everything else. Just revert the aleph system.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
 on: May 10, 2019, 03:19:14 AM 
Wow, this makes enemy within nearly unplayable. Just wow.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why aleph drops cripple the game
 on: May 10, 2019, 01:16:19 AM 
So right! The game feel was great. It was immediate, visceral and communicated your resource level without taking you out of the action. I liked how it held you in place for a beat so that you could adjust your camera to assess your surroundings.

I don't know if this is objectively bad or just bad compared to what we're used to. Like, if the game launched this way would it be problem?

I think so because of the way it breaks flow. People might not have gotten as hooked under these circumstances. As I've stated, the game flow was the primary reason I stuck with this game.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why aleph drops cripple the game
 on: May 09, 2019, 10:24:15 PM 
I assume they have to have tested it at least. Being a former hobbyist designer I can understand how being so immersed in the design kind of gives you blinders. They probably were so focused on making it "work" that they couldn't conceive of how a player is going to actually experience it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why aleph drops cripple the game
 on: May 09, 2019, 05:39:41 PM 
Oh Jesus I hadn't even considered how server latency will effect this. Damn

I don't think it would be prejudice to allow people to choose what mode they want to play. I'm beginning to think that forcing people into situations they don't want for a chance at getting into situations they do want is the only hook they think they have.

You can't choose what weapons or perks you get. You functionally can't choose what stages you play(if you have less than 4 players). You can't choose the difficulty setting. You functionally can't choose to skip cutscenes. You functionally can't choose to end a match once it's gone for too long and you know you're not going to get anything out of it.

Holy crap, this game's whole oeuvre is "you're going to take what you're given and if you don't like it GTFO". So much so that the forum is filled with discussions where people are either telling others just that, or complaining that they were told that when trying to give feedback.

Crash said it best, "I've never seen a developer crew so against the idea of catering to more players". Well, I've never seen a game with so much incredible and unique potential where the devs are dedicated on burying it beneath layers of superfluous chaff.

The like it or GTFO, while anecdotally valid, is not a practical stance to take if you're going to get into the Games as Service arena. You are literally turning away willing customers at this point

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Why aleph drops cripple the game
 on: May 08, 2019, 10:33:15 PM 
Or maybe combine the old system with the new one. Make the aleph/ammo drop only if the person that killed is at max. If the person that kills the elite/ant isn't at 5 stacks/full ammo it automatically gets picked up like with old system.

If you cannot get aleph at 5 stacks that means no full heal. If I'm wrong, and cqc kills on elites/antags still grant health even if the raiders cannot pick up the aleph; then I will be glad to know that. But as far as I know aleph = full heal and 5 stacks cannot pick up aleph.

Therefore changing the system to only drop excess aleph will still result in 5 stacks not healing from elite kills. IE if I have a 5 stack I am not motivated to go balls deep because I don't have the safety net of tagging an elite for heals.

Its still going to fuck the system as I outlined out in point 4 under "health checkpoints". I'm not hating, I thought it was a good compromise until I actually stopped to think about it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
 on: May 08, 2019, 10:43:31 AM 
Yes. Before they could get aleph and full health even at 5 stacks from a cqc kill on elites. Now you canot get aleph at 5 stacks which means no full heal. If I'm wrong, and cqc kills on elites/antags still grant health even if the raiders cannot pick up the aleph; then I will be glad to know that. But as far as I know aleph = heal and 5 stacks cannot pick up aleph.

Therefore changing the system to only drop excess aleph will still result in 5 stacks not healing from elite kills. IE if I have a 5 stack I am not motivated to go balls deep because I don't have the safety net of tagging an elite for heals.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: The MVP
 on: May 08, 2019, 09:47:28 AM 
Indeed, I'm liking the potential rewards ladder.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Aleph & Ammo Auto Collect
 on: May 08, 2019, 09:46:06 AM 
Yes absolutely. The 'drop excess' compromise is going to de incentivize 5 stacks from taking risks. Why would you go I after that elite surrounded by ads if you know they're going to cap your ass as soon as you're done? The k/d ratio is not good when your ability to chain is gone.

Also, the main complaint I'm seeing here is that it breaks flow. IMO this game's main appeal is it's flow, kind of like Mario 64. When you get into the zone it's just insane the shit you can pull off.

The flow is why I come back, why I stayed. Take away the flow and this game is just grind and overlong transitions. I mean since they decided against leaning into tactical coordination.

Gameplay Feedback / Why aleph drops cripple the game
 on: May 08, 2019, 09:31:25 AM 
The aleph drop mechanic needs to be reverted (not altered, reverted). However biased, I'm going to try to show why this isn't just resistance to change. Though, before I criticize this mechanic I'd like to give credit where it is due.

This should curtail aleph hogs, making it so that people who have a full stack are contributing rather than flushing away important resources. It allows raiders the agency to choose to give something up for the benefit of their teammates. It dynamically adds a point of contention to any encounter.

It's a good idea, in theory. Now, here's where it breaks down.

1. It hampers momentum.
I think this is the most apparent problem, but it bears analysis. Put simply, everytime you defeat an opponent you must stop, reorient yourself to specific angle and proceed in essentially the opposite direction for a specific distance.

While I can concede practice can alleviate the setback, it will remain cumbersome. With as hectic as the game can be this simple manuever is likely to have you doubling back because you're trying to be quick and missed, leaving you distracted and vulnerable.

Since the drops are behind you and to your side, they are more likely than not going to be off camera. Until you get a sense of the drop position relative to the direction you were facing when you entered the grapple, you will have to reorient the camera up to 360 degrees just to locate it.

2. Picking up a drop is not nearly as game-feely as before.

The time between touching the drop and seeing the aleph indicator on your HUD is too long. With all of the particles, sound effects and force feedback in combat, the sound and shine of picking up aleph often flies under the radar of my senses. Before, you never had to take you head out of the action to know you have aleph.

Between these aspects and the positioning of the drop relative to my FoV, I'm I usually not sure if I made the pick up before it becomes a hassle. I didn't realize how much I took for granted how snappy and kenestetic the old way was.

3. Elites/antags picking up aleph is a recipe for disaster.

This one is a doozy, because it amplifies a few existing bugbears. There really is a massive amount of ways this can destroy balance. Instead, I hope this hypothetical is enough to get your imagination brewing.

You are engaging an Elite ahead with an ad or two approaching from the sides. You're going to sponge the ad fire until you can close the gap and grapple the Elite. The ads are cutting pretty deep but you know you're back to full health if you can just take the Elite out.

As you go in for the kill, a gate to your left spawns an ad and Elite B. Elite B rushes, but you've connected Elite A, so B bounces off. The animation concludes, a few frames pass and the aleph drops to your left.

That Elite you bounced is now closer to the aleph than you are. Remember, you're at low health because you tanked to get here. And, there are still 3 ads laying down fire.

Your I-frames wear off as you scramble for the aleph but its too late. The immediate frame after he picks it up, he goes invincible and that's lights out.  Or, the ads spray you down you as soon as your I-frames drop.

4. Aleph drop grinds against the core gameplay loop.

This game is constantly frantic. If you're going to beat back the hoards your gonna have to wade in and get dirty. Unfortunately, it seems like that calculated risks just aren't feasible anymore.

Not to say that this is Leeerooooy: the game, you've got to route your targets wisely. IMO there are two major 'links' that allow you to chain, extend, and survive long engagements. These links being: mobility options, and "health checkpoints" as I'm calling them.

Mobility is hampered greatly by the Aleph drop dictating the subsequent action. To keep up a kill chain after a finisher I usually roll, jump, stalk, teleport, climb, wall jump, punch, grapple ect. Now I have to stop,  then move backwards and to the left, every time, or else.

Health checkpoints; without these, long chains aren't possible. Like in a racing game, "if you can get to this point, you may continue". It feels rewarding to push the limit and squeeze through ready for another go.

Theoretically that sensation can still be attainable under this system. Unfortunately, you cannot collect aleph once full. A full stack raider isn't going to want to dive in knowing they have no safety net.

5. Think of the children.

Tonight I've seen noobs getting shredded like I've never imagined. Every game, we're in the survive spiral within the first few minutes. With an mmr in the 30s. I've played with tons of noobs, I was a noob, this is not this common.

It's fun to talk shit about baby Hareks, but how often do you actually lose mentor matches? It's not simple inexperience, the core loop is broken currently. This is a game where you're up against squads of dudes in which defeating any individual dude is statisticaly more damaging to your team.

Imagine trying to get into this game right now.

The aleph drop system is cumbersome, counterintuitive, distracting, and breaks the core loop without offering a viable substitute. Please revert this change.

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