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Messages - Chiki40

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Spacelords’ Advice / Re: What is "Reaction"?
 on: February 08, 2019, 09:48:48 AM 
Hello guys,

I'll post here the general info about reaction, as I explained in the discord server a while ago:

- Reaction is kind of an invisible meter which AI has. When it fills up, the character launches a hit animation, so he stops shooting for a while and then this meter restarts.

- Each weapon causes a different base reaction.

- Players don't react

- Talents which increase reaction make the meter fill faster.

Hola Raiders:
Soy un viciado del modo Antagonista con el Doctor Kuzmann, y a día de hoy ya puedo decir que muchos raiders que jugamos a este modo nos alegramos Y MUCHO por habernos librado por fin del bug de Loath que le convertía en Bestia casi de forma indefinida durante toda la partida.
Pues bien, ahora mismo hay otro personaje que se puede considerar roto y es Doldren. Aunque hay que matizar esto que digo: Un contador a Doldren le vendría muy bien, al igual que a Loath con su habilidad, para que NO PUEDA SER UNA ESFERA DE FORMA INDEFINIDA. O al menos que tenga una distancia máxima que recorrer porque yo creo que está desiquilibrando muchas partidas.
Dicho esto, ahora mismo casi ningún Doldren me pinta la cara porque he descubierto un truquillo que seguro que muchos ya se habrán dado cuenta pero que por si acaso voy a comentar aquí. La estrategia de Doldren como raider es clara: Quedarse en el respawn medianamente protegido por una pared escondido y salir a pasear su esfera por todo el escenario en busca del pobre antagonista. Doldren casi siempre intentará materializarse a la espalda de su víctima. Pues bien, el truco es el siguiente: MUTEAD LA MÚSICA, es decir, BAJAD EL VOLUMEN DE LA MÚSICA A TOPE y será muy fácil escuchar un "acorde fantasmal" a modo de frase melódica típica de las pelis de terror justo antes de materializarse nuestro simpático amigo. En cuanto oigáis este sonido darle rápido a la X para bloquear su agarre. A muchos Doldren se les habrá quedado cara de pasmarotes al intentar agarrarme una y otra vez, y no conseguirlo. Sí que es verdad que hay jugadores muy pillos que con Doldren aprovecharán cuando estás luchando contra otro miembro del equipo para materializarse en ese instante, y en ese caso ya no hay nada que hacer; o por ejemplo aprovecharan cuando estás herido pero se lo tendrán que currar al menos un poco más para ponerte fuera de combate:-)

Efectivamente, la esencia de Doldren reproduce un sonido por proximidad que sólo es escuchado por los jugadores enemigos a modo de pequeño aviso. ¡Bien visto! La IA no reacciona ante esto. También hay que tener en cuenta que el cuerpo abandonado de Doldren siempre tiene el estrés a tope, por lo que la IA suele cargar contra él.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Difficulty Score?
 on: September 30, 2017, 08:52:17 PM 
Your ELO keeps increasing as long as you win matches, and drops if you lose. Match difficulty depends on every player ELO

You can't build weapons until you buy the game, but you have the blueprint althought that menu does not show it. If you find the blueprint again you will see you can't select it

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Let's gather together.
 on: September 23, 2017, 10:45:51 AM 
Unofficial discord server is here:

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Alicia Full Aleph bug
 on: September 23, 2017, 02:03:15 AM 
That's intended and happens to every characters from Umbra Wardogs faction. On the other hand, Alicia is always regenerating health, which with other characters only happens with an empty Aleph meter.

Hay también españoles, pero suelen hablar en inglés para que todo el mundo les entienda. Al fin y al cabo, es un canal no oficial creado por fans.

Hay un servidor no oficial de discord, si te interesa:

Español (foro general) / Re: El nuevo trailer
 on: August 20, 2017, 08:24:43 PM 
Hola Makoki,
El primer episodio saldrá el 22 de Septiembre a 9.99€ en PC, Ps4 y Xbox One.


Gameplay Feedback / Re: A few questions for the beta
 on: June 03, 2017, 11:31:38 AM 

If you got a key for previous betas, they will still work for you. However, there is no beta session this weekend. Stay tuned for future sessions

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Harec Sprint and scope
 on: May 21, 2017, 10:16:09 PM 
Your raider runs automatically, just holding the same direction. Pressing the stick it's to change "weapon mode", and not for running. However, we have planned to disable this functionality for Harec when he is not aiming.

Thank you!

Ship's Log / My overall point of view
 on: September 13, 2016, 03:46:45 PM 
Hi everyone!

It has been a pleasure to be part of this awesome beta. I will give my opinion in several fields of the game development, and then will write about what I liked the most and the least.

Beautiful. I didn't play on ultra settings, but still character textures and animations looked really good. The same with the scenario. People playing with me noticed that both female characters have the same animation, but it's more than understandable in this development stage.

Really good, too. I specially liked the audio feedback when you hit and kill an enemy, pretty accurate.

Video performance
I played with an Nvidia GTX670 and played smoothly. Didn't have any problem with my card.

The game itself
I found it original enough. I love cooperative games, but this game made me love even more been the frustrating antagonist.

Thinkgs I enjoyed the most
- Reward system. I liked the voting and sharing thing. I am not sure about weapons, but for exp and money it definitely works.
- Being the antagonist.
- The art.

Things I enjoyed the least
- Ammo recovering system. Specially fighting the boss you can literaly do nothing until more AI enemies appear.
- Insta-killing grabs.
- Players can recover lives indefinitely.

Things I would think about
- Skipping cinematics (during the whole beta I kept on 4/5 - 3/4 skip votes). I understand the map has to be loaded and the cinematics are great, but thinking of loyal and constand players, it will be boring and even frustrating, as it seems that some people never skips the cutscene although they have already seen it. Some random ideas: Don't need every positive vote to skip the scene, show only if there is a new player who has never seen it, a chat to encourage the last person to skip the cutscene (if a chat is on future plans).

- In my opinion, Shae is totally OP. I don't consider myself a bad player, but I am not as good as I seemed playing with her, finishing the whole team several times as antagonist. It's really easy to insta-kill any player who is not aware of your precense, and that's now hard considering Shae is not regulary seen through walls.

- I loved Alicia's jumping skills, but the beta scenario is not suitable for it. It just does not have the shape. I would think about this for future scenarios.

- This is not a priority but I think designing a good tutorial is important in this game, as the mele system and character skills have some "tricks" that may give you a great combat advantage.

- Adding a way of playing with your friends.

- A way of communicating with your team. If not a chat, at least some default sentences to give basic orders.

I hope you find this post useful. See you on the next beta!

Some friends and I experienced a game crash while fighting the final beta boss. In my particular case, he hit me when he was just about to die, and I could barely see my character falling through the ground before the crash occurred. Other friends didn't experienced the crash in the same way, but they did during this boss fight.

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