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Messages - zMalevolencEz

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Bad things in a game
 on: June 15, 2018, 07:43:20 PM 
I agree with Brent and the others... I've only paid attention to as of late because I'm running into more Alicia antagonist. I find that higher ping games and spikes I tend to be left mmore confused on how I got melted VS optimal ping games. Alicia has plenty of counters and teamwork is 90% the reason you win or lose against her.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Bad things in a game
 on: June 14, 2018, 08:29:34 AM 
I mean he has cards when he shadow stalkers back and he does 250-500% more melee damage. Also depending on the gun there isn't a charge time... Most likely you faced JHerin he is a narley herac antagonist.

I think you were the antagonist in my match when my friends beast ode glitched out and he was stuck and couldn't get out of it. Hilarious to watch but in the end he couldn't escape the level and couldn't die to correct it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Bad things in a game
 on: June 13, 2018, 09:44:17 PM 
Harec is fine however paired with certain cards he is a pain but not immortal. Skilled Harec players are rare and it really is a skill gap on his character.

Alicia I 100% agree takes no skill to blast someone with rocknroll. I'd rather have smoking daisy mags drop on my head and the player would get more respect due to the fact they stray from the current meta.

The biggest issue for the Raiders with antagonist system is the high mmr Raiders VS low mmr antagonist. I can deal with a skilled player what I can't do is deal with bots who are terminators dealing more damage than the antagonist themselves. I am level 136 and when this occurs I am melted by bots and can't properly deal with objective and antagonist as the map is doing all the work for them. This is beyond frustrating and with the current bug it makes it worse.

This is the polar opposite when I play antagonist bots act like stormtroopers and when a raider walkers by they just fall over forcing me to be some type of walking God. I have to play antagonist like everyone else to build weapons and role cards I want so making the playing field level for both Raiders and antagonist needs to be a key concern.

I like having antagonist as it's a personal challenge but right now I'm scared to play either because of the balancing plus tolchok/rocknroll spawning trolls whos only plan is to ruin game play for all level players. We as a community all get frustrated with this and we've all voiced our opinions and I'm confident MercurySteam is listening it's just a matter to time.

While it is doubtful that there will ever be a separation between pve and PVP. They just recently widen the range to help speed up antagonist matchmaking so the encounters are more frequent than they used to be.

At the point it would more beneficial to the Raiders and antagonist to increase xp and the reward system for both parties. Raider rewards decrease with the encounter and if the antagonist gets jumped everytime they spawn they don't get anything either.

While I can't speak for what MercurySteam end goal for the long run is I do know that separation of the two would split your player base resulting in long matchmaking que times.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: what were they thinking?
 on: May 31, 2018, 05:38:12 PM 
Both of these concerns are manageable with a little teamwork and coordination. Even if your playing with blueberries this can still be done. I have yet to figure out everyone's issue with this.

Yes Konstantin and Ginebra push ability is annoying at best but it can be overcome. The needs were soft and barely noticed but swinging the balance of antagonist and Raiders isn't needed which is what most people are purposing.

All I do to avoid most of this is to just shoot them or bait and make a Konstantin panic bubble and once shoot him. Ginebra is all about closing the gap and forcing melee they might run they might not.

Playing smart and watching your health constantly and not being a hero will defeat these two no matter the level. Win some lose some all part of the game.

I agree with this. Regardless of level anyone can be taken down. Might take one person might take 4 but it can be done. No sense in punishing someone for playing the game and achieving that kind of rank. 100+ players are meant to be a challenge.

Following this... Camera flipping as antagonist would make me happu

Gameplay Feedback / Re: aim assist and cross platform
 on: May 25, 2018, 04:47:33 PM 
Mouse and keyboard will always have a faster reaction time to a controller. Play a game like R6s on pc with a controller and my point will be proven. On a game like this though I notice the difference slightly with a skilled player only with high recoil guns. Other than that the cross platform part makes no difference and the aim assist doesn't play a role.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: O. Tolchok E10 is REALLY good
 on: May 25, 2018, 04:42:20 PM 
I will admit it being an annoyance but as well it should be. However, closing the gap on an antagonist using the weapon and a little teamwork will take someone down using weapon. The only problem that gets me is spawning with the bubble everytime they die with no cool down.

The gun itself has a high overheat and a long spin up time. If you can force the user to do something else or distract them they are less likely to keep it spun it hence the teamwork.

Ginbera is a counter to this, harec, Shae, Mika another Konstantin all can counter an antagonist using the weapon as long as your paying attention.

Nerf maybe but overall not unbeatable or manageable. It's all about what stats you use on the gun.

I think they get confused watching some of us destroy the first extractor to stop the clock at the beginning of the encounter and afterwords think that's what needs to be done. An in game chat system could really remedy this. There are multiple missions where the objective is clearly written but new players just don't get the message. All we can do in the mean time is do the best we can to communicate with these people through platform messages which I have done in the past to help correct it.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Server Crashes PS4
 on: May 25, 2018, 05:07:03 AM 
Yea I've been dropped multiple times in the last couple hours even with a full squad.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Server Crashes PS4
 on: May 24, 2018, 11:32:31 PM 
Thanks you guys are awesome

Fan Corner / Streamers Unite
 on: May 24, 2018, 09:39:46 PM 
Since there isn't many of us that stream the game on the regular I propose that we all ban together and support each other in promoting the game as well as the community.

Most players are new to the game and want to know what it's all about or how to play certain characters etc. It's up to us to inform and play with everyone we can to grow this game.

With the free DLC on Steam and recent release on PSN and Xbox I feel it's almost necessary to help coach the community because as a whole this is the most non-toxic group of gamers I've ever encountered in an online game.

Raiders, Antagonists and Streamers unite.

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