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Messages - NinMug

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Suggestions / Hive weapons changes suggestion.
 on: February 19, 2020, 10:35:17 PM 
Current arsenal of Hive is flawed and require some changes , so here is some ideas to make her guns better.
Lets start from current stats , my forge will be at the end.
Current DMG:
Leech: Normal 28 , Crit 112.
Projectile: Normal 9 , Crit 36.
Curently weakest Hive weapon , completely useless at range while having mediocre leech dmg , superior only in slight crit dmg from leech but crits very rare. Outshined by all her other weapons in utility.

Current DMG:
Leech: Normal 29 , Crit: 70.
Projectile: Normal 31 , Crit: 76.
Sniper rifle(DMR) with no projectile dmg , combine both very slow fire rate and dmg and you have very extremlely poor DPS. Decent leech dmg. Protective bubble is unreliable , sometimes it saves and sometimes its not.
Basically semi auto MM-6C with better projectile dmg , less crit dmg from leech and protective bubble.

Current DMG:
Leech: Normal 20 , Crit: 42.
Projectile: Normal 24 , Crit: 53.
Very subpar in both leech and projectile dmg , infection through object is very niche quirk,useful most of time to keep enemies stressed and possibly stop regen(impregnating with other weapons are easy,except MM-6C due limited projectile range,slow speed,poor accuracy). Extremely annoying and hated by community alt.mode(AKA fart mode),useful only PVP. Overall most controversial gun.


Short leech range (4-5m).
New DMG:
Leech: Normal 40-50 , Crit 150.
Projectile: Normal 1 , Crit 10.
Highly aggressive weapon with high damage output up close but useless in range combat , need DMG buff to be more viable and competitive choice.

Long leech range (8m).
New DMG:
Leech: Normal 10-15 , Crit 35-40.
Projectile: Normal 60-70 , Crit 150-160.
More safe and range oriented weapon , highest projectile DMG but weakest leech DMG but with good leech range.
Hybrid of MM-6C and Shy , jack of all trades weapon.
Moderate leech range (6-7m)
Reworked fire modes:
Normal fire mode: Full auto assault rifle , simmilar to MM-5B.
Clip: 20-30.
Fire rate: Simillar to MM-5B.
Spread: Simillar to MM-5B , require short bursts to be precise at longer ranges.
Alt. fire mode: Use all ammo in clip to fire one powerful projectile what deal 50 dmg with direct hit , explosion from it create cone of mist what penetrate scenery and enemies , possibly infecting them.
Leech: Normal 30 , Crit 90.
Projectile: Normal 20 , Crit 40.
Alt. Projectile: Normal 50 , wont crit
Balanced weapon , not needed any changes.

Need alt. fire mode , with first you charge her(leech mode) and with second (you need to switch manually to use it) use fully charged mode(shotgun mode).
Some sort of buff for Antag Hive , right now Wasp is worst weapon for it.
Maybe ability to leech fellow AI but it will kill them.

In the end we have:
Two weapons for aggresive playstyle (MM-6C and Wasp)
Two weapons for defensive playstyle (Raceme and Shy)
One jack of all trades weapon (Plague).

My current forge stats:

Suggestions / HIVE desperately need buff
 on: December 12, 2019, 10:17:09 AM 
I think we can all agree Hive is in very bad spot now. With recent leech nerf and because CQC is very inconsistent , buggy , ping depended mess she is become extremely weak and overall just a bad pick. So here is few ideas what can make her better and useful character.                                                     

1)Increase her base excess health(overhealth) to 500 points. Her current  amount of  excess health is not enough to be reliable tank both in high mmr PVE and PVP. With this change she will be more effective at tanking and distract enemy for longer time , giving other team members a window for attack and movement without getting punished.                                                                 

2)Increase leech to 6m at all her guns. Current leech range is too short , even with rare explorers. Its a very bad for her because leech is her main source of damage and for its high risk it have very low dmg and long time to kill , even if you go full dmg build(maelstrom and corrosive enzymes). Not to mention you cant wound elite snipers with aleph because leech range is too short , you will trigger her teleport. It also limit her defence potential because you need to get really close to charge her excess health and it require significant amount of time and risk to fully charge it. With leech range buff she will get more effective in offence and defence but it wont make her overpowered.                             

3) Increase projectile (bullet) damage on Shy and Plague. Hive have one of worst range damage in game , only Raceme have decent dmg output at range. Both Shy and Plague is semi auto rifles with slow rate of fire and require skill to be precise at longer ranges , so it would be logical and rewarding if projectile dmg will do good amount of damage with direct hits. This buff will allow Hive be more versatile in situations when she cant get close  and at bosses. Range focused characters still will outperform but Hive at least will have some chances and wont be completely defensles in range combat.

I can suggest more buff ideas but this changes are easiest to implement and wont make her overpowered.
And one more thing: Harec can deal more than 400 dmg in CQC with right build AND can annihilate everything from any range with his Ignis Fugit. But for some reason Hive get more and more nerfs.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hive Nerf
 on: October 20, 2019, 05:12:45 PM 
Just increasing projectile dmg and nerfing leech dmg for example would be fair trade

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hive Nerf
 on: October 20, 2019, 05:09:21 PM 
We can argue for eternity about it. But saying Hive is having Tolchok levels of abuse is just ridiculous.Only thing she can abuse is leeching through walls. Plague started all this frustrations , no one was saying Hive is OP before it. Btw i was never in this "meta" thing because i always prefer Raceme and Wasp , not Plague. I always try to find a way by differnt builds and playstyle. I dont even ask to win , she cant even survive most of time when she Antag. I played vs Mac with Wasp , he cant do anything to us. Same with other players i encountered. For 1300h i NEVER seen a good Hive what was real threat. I think it tells something , no?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hive Nerf
 on: October 15, 2019, 05:53:41 AM 
Hans and Alicia was nerfed? I know only her rare gun was nerfed (mines dmg nerf) , dont know anything about else

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hive Nerf
 on: October 15, 2019, 05:51:31 AM 
I'm going to be as blunt as possible. Hive is fine, she still gets kills. Hive players are just not very good at not getting killed before they fully siphon so it can be jarring to actually have to fight a bit before you inevitably win. She is an incredibly easy character to learn and succeed with and there are so many ways the game panders you that you shouldn't be bothered about getting closer with a character that excels in close range.

Also, so you know Alicia and Hans have received nerfs before so...
She still can get kills , yes. But why bother and pick her when you can have Pheromone Rak what can be deadly as she in CQC and can speed up , heal and even increase dmg with his ability and cards? She one of easiest chars to counter , dont allow her to get close and she cant do anything to you. If you want Hive be useful , you have one path now , support build with Raceme , Stroma , Tribal healing. If you want to clear ads then is better to pick someone else , she can do it but she is not good at it as before.

Gameplay Feedback / Hive Feedback
 on: October 09, 2019, 05:59:46 PM 
Hello and first of all i want to thank for reading this.I hope this feedback will be useful.
Im started playing back in ROTBP times , when Wardog campaign released.I instantly like this game but when i saw Hive...I just fell in love.
She is my main reason i keep playing this game and why i write this.
Steam says have 1330 hours and around 900 was on Hive only.My MMR varied between 60 and 80, until recent MMR hell.
I cant say im "pro" player but i think because of my long and vast experience with Hive, i can give constructive feedback.
I dont want Hive be "OP". Only fun,unique,useful and challenging in good way.
Lets start from her role and place in our game.
- Question to MSE: What MSE vision of her? When balanced , is she considered more as cqc specialist or tank?(Sometime ago , main site said she is a tank,now changed)
- Because of her effectiveness in cqc, she is good in elite hunting(if they dont have Aleph) and thanks to good leech(not anymore) decent grunt clear.
- On bosses, she is one of weakest Raiders , because of worst range(projectile) damage. Only on Kuzzman and Schneider bosses she is somewhat useful.
- Her ability allows her to tank some damage but in high difficulty matches and PVP its not enough, useful more for escaping than tanking.
- She is Wardog , means she always visible to enemy and have constant regen.
- She is definitely Raider oriented character , as Antagonist vs decent players she is weak. Her Wardog nature,one of weakest range(projectile)damage and cqc orientation(1vs1) makes her underdog in most situations.
Overall: Grunt-Elite clearing CQC oriented character with mediocre tank ability and extremely weak range(projectile) damage.

Now to her problems:
- Lack of options.One of biggest flaws what she extremely one dimensional character. No matter how you build or play her, she is effective in one way ,CQC.
She cant be true tank or be good enough in range fight(Raceme). For example, Locals are very deadly in range combat but if you want, you can use right cards(Patient and others) making them also extremely deadly in CQC.
- Easy to counter and predictable.Every character can counter her with just one simple thing, dont allow her to get close. If its a success, she cant do anything.
Enemy always know where are Hive and can ambush or just track and prepare, again , limiting her options.
- CQC problems. CQC is a bad spot now , its very buggy,inconsistent and ping dependent. This drags Hive at bottom ,again,because of no good options available.Before CQC was rewarding , giving you ammo and aleph,
Now there is no reason to go in CQC,again,only Hive need to use it because she dont have anything else.
- Leech. It was her trump card(IMHO) before but even then its not guarantee a victory in CQC , i have many situation when i infect, go in CQC and lose just because i dont have enough damage or health to kill enemy or countered by CQC builded chars.
By nerfing her leech, you reduced both her offensive and defensive capabilities,its much harder now to fill essence bar.
- Over health. Its very good in low mission difficulty matches, you can be true tank. But on high difficulty and in PVP its not enough at all.It wont help you to break the distance or tank,you will be easily gunned down. Its good only as escape or to survive some hazards. Most of Raiders will deplete your full over health in few shots.
Overall: Because of her one dimensional playstyle,lack of options,very ping depended,CQC limited nature,mediocre tank ability,extremely weak range damage and now leech nerf she is compplete underdog. There is no reason to pick her,other characters can be more useful. Rak with Pheromone can replace her and will be more useful because of his ability and cards(speed up,healing,increasing damage)
Before i can rate her 6.5/10 and now 4/10.

What can be done:
-Rollback leech nerf.
-As trade off to leech nerf,increasing projectile damage, allowing her be not completly useless in range fight.
-As trade off to leech nerf,increasing her tanking potential, for exampple increasing her over health to 450-500hp.
Thank you for reading this. I hope this feedback is constructive and reasonable.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hive Nerf
 on: October 05, 2019, 03:41:24 PM 
Hi everyone!

We know that this is a hot topic right now, so we want to speak about this decission on our next streaming this friday at 5 PM CEST!

You can watch it here:
Can you please give more specifics why she was nerfed? Data not always is good source of balance , you need to talk with community about this ( especially veterans and high lvl players). NOBODY asked for nerfing all guns , only Plague was issue.  :'(

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hive Nerf
 on: October 04, 2019, 05:47:46 PM 
So nerf is because of collected data? I have about 900 hours on her , tested so many builds , played as Antag Hive and versus Hive. And she was absolutely FINE. Not OP , not trash. Just fine. Any nerf would make her weak and you done it. She is now useless except support build with stroma and Raceme. This nerf need to be reversed. Plague changes can stay

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Hive Nerf
 on: October 03, 2019, 09:50:33 AM 
Against good players with good comp(Hans,Kon,Harec,Schneider) she is just free frag , Hive was very mediocre as Antag , now she is pretty much useless pick.

Gameplay Feedback / Hive Nerf
 on: October 01, 2019, 02:17:57 PM 
One question: WHY? Im sorry but im done with this game. I was able to tolerate bugs,ping,MMR problems,etc. But this is final nail in the coffin for me. I know this maybe sounds silly and stupid but Hive is main reason why i play this game. Good luck to you MSE and fellow Spacelords...

Bug report & Technical Support / Plague drop chance
 on: March 23, 2019, 02:59:25 PM 
I think its something wrong with drop chance of Plague, everyone keeps getting MM6 and Raceme, no sights of Plague at all. Only Draco get his. It feels like Patient Boy bug on his release, his drop chance was so low what nobody can get it. Please look into it  :(

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Wardogs usefulness in high MMR matches
 on: March 09, 2019, 01:26:23 PM 
I forgot to mention Rak, he is only good pick, he can speed up, heal and damage from a far with his DPY. He is definitely most usefull Wardog now.

Gameplay Feedback / Wardogs usefulness in high MMR matches
 on: March 09, 2019, 01:21:53 PM 
Just my thoughts about current state of Wardogs in high difficulty matches.
In current state Wardogs are weakest faction in high difficulty matches(starting from 70).
They just dont have enough survivability and damage to be frontline shock troops. High MMR matches dictate more passive-ranged playstyle, going to cqc or trying to be agressive is death sentence when common grunt wound you with 4 bullets.
Regen is good on low-mid MMR matches but on high MMR it wont save you. Permanent stress is huge flaw in PVP, it gives big advantage to enemy players.
There is no point to pick them, in high difficulty matches they not offer any advantage. Even the opposite, they can make mission harder because most of time they just easy frag and waste a lot of lifes.
They just too high risk - low reward to play.
Most of time i feel like Local with permanent stress and low range guns.
I love Wardogs, they are my favorite faction,  i think i have 700-800hr on them. But they just unable to cope with their role. You can win with them surely, but you will have far more good and easy time with any other faction. For me its more easy to play on Locals than on Wardogs.
I have two buff options:
1) let them have 120 hp
2) reduce wound time by 10-20%
And other option is to add more mid-long range guns to all Wardog characters, like DPY and Bubble Gum.
Other factions have better time on high MMR, Wardogs are only in dire situation right now.
Again its about high difficulty matches, on low-mid (before 70) they are good.

Bug report & Technical Support / list of Hive bugs
 on: March 07, 2019, 06:30:42 PM 
Here list of Hive bugs i found:
1) Hive leech doesn't damage mines.
2) Hive have problem with ribs clipping. She have this problem with every skin she have.

3) Hive has problem with her Nityat skin

4) Hive have issue with Destiny Bride skin, some of her teeth abnormally bright or just change color to blue. Its probably a lighting issue and happens on many maps.


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