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Messages - ArnoldCat

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Spacelords’ Advice / Re: New Players Please...
 on: June 25, 2018, 04:12:18 AM 
I still love when baby Harecs run and "karate chop" everything, even Dr. Kuzmann...
And start spamming the "heal me" emote.
If the voice chat or text chat is implemented, also implement a mute button, so i dont hear "heal me you fu..... noob" every 30 seconds.

 on: June 21, 2018, 12:46:35 AM 
Probably worth noting, the Russian sub-forum was added and I don't ever recall seeing a post requesting it. I'd send them an email asking it be added, that's probably the better route.
Also i don't see a lot of french people supporting your post.
Something like "yeah, i am french and i want a french sub-forum"
If there are "a lot of French players now" they should show themselves, so their voices can be heard.

Fan Corner / Re: Question...
 on: June 01, 2018, 11:38:41 PM 
I am too.
Gotta make money to spend on the games i like, this included, just waiting a Iune skin (even now that i dont play anymore i want a skin for her, hoping i will use it on the future).

i am not breaking  job policy if there are no clients watching me  ;)

Gameplay Feedback / Re: So, Ginebra Nerfs...Discuss.
 on: May 30, 2018, 11:55:21 AM 
Pve continues to suffer because of pvp, MS just separate the modes and give the pvp ppl a ginebra with a 5sec timer on catform, maybe even reduce catform hp further, how about 10hp, sounds nice? heck nerf all weapons, cut that dps in half whatever they want but at the same time give pve ppl their own mode balanced differently where we don’t have to deal with this unnecessary changes that were not an issue against the ai.

I agree. Every game gets infested and ruined with antagonists. They are ruining this game for me to be honest. When it was one out of every 3 or 4 games I could handle it. But now it's every fucking game and I'm honestly not having any more fun.

I already stop playing this game, at least for now.
So many antagonist that is no more fun to play for me.
I will look at updates and the forum everyday, waiting for some update that make me return.
I still like the game, the visuals, the idea, i want to spend money on Iune skins (when they arrive).
But right now is just not funny anymore.
My only hope is that, with all the new players that got  the game for free, the game will be "alive" for more time, hopefully enought to see a patch that make the game well balanced in a way that pvpers and pvers are happy.

Español (foro general) / Re: !!!!MI ARMA DESAPARECIDA!!!
 on: May 20, 2018, 05:15:41 AM 
A ver si entendí.
Tu jugando como raider te salio un blueprint que solo sale en modo Antagonista, lo seleccionaste y supongo que lo ganaste, luego fuiste a buscarlo y no estaba.
¿No será que te confundiste? ¿Que el blueprint era de otra arma?
Veo muy difícil si no es que imposible que te haya salido un blueprint de Antagonista jugando como Raider.
Sin captura de pantalla ni pruebas no creo que te vallan a dar el blueprint.
Además, para mi esa historia suena muy inverosímil.

Me gustaría que alguien me explicase por que paso esto que me diesen el diseño.
Suerte con eso.

Yeah, that isn't something the game can track very well.  You can track kills, but kills aren't the objective.  You can track objective damage, but dps isn't not dying.  You can track how much aleph was put in the objective....

I mean, if I play Shae on No Reservation and put down all the fives, but everyone picks up that aleph for the's a team effort.  When you see those little words that say "VICTORY" it means "YOU GUYS DID IT...TOGETHER!"  You don't need to suck your own dick by undervaluing everyone else.  (I have a bad habbit of this auto-fellatio upon initial reaction, but I'm trying to get better.  Haha)  And if someone almost made you lose...well, they're em out.


Gameplay Feedback / Re: Vortex isn't critting?
 on: May 01, 2018, 09:09:51 AM 
First, sorry for my bad english

Hi. I, just wanna do a follow up to this post.

I have to say i never had problems with the crit, and with only 4% crit chance (the weapon base crit i think) my weapon crit fairly often (as i show on my screenshot above, second reply of the post).

Ok, so, y rebuilt the weapon last night and raise the critic chance to 10% and as i espected i do more critical shots.

In this video you can see i do a total of  28 critical hits in 16 min.

I use this cards who i roll and lock before the last major update.

Estoicismo "stoicism (google translated)".


So, i guess what is left is wait for the people affected of the "no crit bug" to try this cards (if they can) and see if they can crit, if not, well that may mean the problem is located on theirs accounts.

Or maybe not. Maybe they have see the problem solved but just dont tell the devs the problem is solved.
Or everyone know the problem is now patched and i don't know it because was announced on discord and i, who dont use it, dont notice it.  :'(

Oh, TheBrentWoody, here is a screenshot of a double crit i mention before:

Actually you can see two double crit hit on minute 13:48 and 13:50 of the video.

Either way i hope this response is helpfull for someone :)

Spacelords Universe / Re: Red Ribbon/Bow?
 on: April 27, 2018, 06:11:58 AM 
Free mission of the week.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Max Forge
 on: April 26, 2018, 09:13:14 AM 
Ok, thanks  ;D

Suggestions / Re: Too Many Antagonist Now
 on: April 15, 2018, 02:58:57 AM 
We should be telling people to stay, not discourage them telling that "the game is not for you". I don't think MercurySteam wants to send that kind of message.


Suggestions / Re: Too Many Antagonist Now
 on: April 14, 2018, 05:01:42 AM 
Well, i haven't played since yesterday... now i don't know if i want to login.

Tell me, Level9Drow, will you play antagonist on a daily basis now that is more "atractive"?

I know i wont, because i dont like that mode.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Vortex isn't critting?
 on: April 11, 2018, 02:08:02 AM 
What circumstances does it crit?

I don't do anything special, just use it normally.

Also i haven't spent a point on critical chance.

I have to say the critic shoots appear fairly frequent, i even have a double critic, i mean one after another on one single unload.

I think i have it on video, i gonna search for it once i finish working and go to my home, maybe 5 hours from now.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Vortex isn't critting?
 on: April 10, 2018, 10:09:11 AM 
Yes it does:

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Is the O.Tsiklon UV9 OP?
 on: April 08, 2018, 05:34:20 AM 
I just played a game as an antag against a Konstantin with one, and it killed me at a ludicrously fast rate. To be fair, he was a higher level than me, but my goodness that thing has high dps. I don't have one myself due to this games terrible blueprint system, so I don't know if it has some kind of downside or not. It certainly seems way better than his other guns.

Probably was upgraded to do a lot of damage and some other upgrades.

You say he was higher level than you, so i think that was the case.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Exterminator for Antagonists?
 on: April 07, 2018, 03:30:37 AM 
Why would weapons with Exterminator upgrade be on weapons that can only be upgraded by players with antagonists affinity? Why would an antagonists need to be better at killing mooks?

This is so vexing, as I was looking forward to getting weapons that kill mooks as a Raider. I was really looking forward to Exterminator. :(

And i think i see a weapon that the blueprint is obtainable by playing as antagonist, but you need raider affinity to built it.....

I don't remember what weapon, probably from Shae, Iune or Harec, because i play with them.

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