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Messages - Righteous Flame

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: February 03, 2019, 07:31:45 PM 
Easiest method to fix all this is as follows:

1) Reverse the training mode.  Training mode will now have two stars.  Each star can be removed by beating it in training mode on any difficulty  The first star will unlock PVE mode and the second star will unlock PVP mode.  By doing this, new Raiders will have SOME idea of what they're supposed to be doing on a map.

2) Create two modes of online play.  The first will be PVE mode.  In this mode, there are no antagonists BUT there are no extra rewards (This means no blueprints, exp boosts, or extra gold/faction) and the normal rewards are halved.  The second will be PVP mode.  Rewards are at full with all extra rewards enabled but antagonists are also enabled.  This allows people to have the option of antag-free matchs while still creating a high incentive for people to play against antags.

3) Dump the "multiple match" win requirement for rare blueprints.  I don't intentionally go for blueprints myself but I can see that as really annoying.  Instead, for both XP boosts and rares, place a score requirement of 8 or 9 to get the blueprint.


Also, a tip for both raiders and antags.

Raiders:  I just got 9.0 as Antag Alicia on the Marmalade mission.  At various points, I was practically shouting at the screen "COVER EACH OTHER!!!"  If you see one of your teammates limping, race over to them and cover.  If an antag is on the loose, buddy system.  Unless you're playing against an anti-cluster antag like Kuzmann, you should stick close.  1 antag vs 2-4 raiders = antag punching bag.

Antags: Up until recently, I haven't played that much antag but I've come to the conclusion that suicide is a strategy.  If they're trying to load a Lyre Sphere/generator/etc with aleph, then don't let yourself get a full 5-count.  As soon as you do, cliff jump.  It removes the aleph from play and forces them to gather it again.  (Alternatively, Huey doesn't seem to understand that killing an aleph-filled antag both wastes the aleph and endangers the raiders.)  Suicide Loaht is also an excellent strategy for maps where the raiders have to cluster.

Are you blind, dude?

Literally in the post you quote the reason for the game being the way it is now is explained to you. It is not a line. They are telling you directly why it is this way.

Which is the same thing EA does when they tell the community "here's why things are the way they are."

They want people to learn the game in this fashion. So what if a level 2 is hoarding Aleph? Are you not good enough at the game that one person holding on to 5 Aleph is the deciding factor between whether you win or lose?

When the engine is running out of Aleph and someone is just sitting on 5 aleph because they don't know what they're supposed to do, that is actually a problem.  If the person had gone through the map once or twice on their own, they would know "charge the engine".  (People would also not kill elites but that's a common complaint that's been done to death.)

Have you considered that maybe you lost that match because you're just not good at the game?

Deflecting critiques by disparaging my abilities does not actually invalidate my argument.

Also, the fuck does EA have to do with any of this?

There are many many many online only games made by many many different developers.

This shit is nonsense, bro.

Because the Spacelords update did the exact thing that EA used to do back in the days of C & C 4 when they were pushing the "always online" idea.

It was a failure then too.

Hi everyone!

Our intention when we created this new system was being honest with the player. We want to first show him or her the nature of Spacelords. That means cooperate together using all your resources to complete a mission and defeating the Antagonist.

Once the player understands the mechanics, he/she can enjoy the training mode and practice to improve his/her stats. I know we have said this many times, but the core of Spacelords is the Antagonist feature and we would love for all the players to experience it, at least once.

Sorry Karen (and Herman) but no.  This is an inaccurate statement to the point of just feeding us a line.

Tuesday night, while I was playing a PVE (no antag) on No Reservations, we got all the way to the end....and then lost because a Level 2 Alicia was sitting on 5 Aleph instead of powering the engine.  I can't even get pissed about this because, at level 2, they've probably never played this map.  They have no idea what they're doing because Mercurysteam has intentionally locked them out of being able to learn the map before coming online.

If anything, the Star system should be reversed to where the player has to successfully complete the particular map once on training mode before they can play it online.  This way, even on Easy mode, they will learn the basics of the map before they come online.  The current system does not help anyone learn the mechanics.  In fact, it accomplishes the opposite because, as has been mentioned (a few thousand times) on the forums, people would rather suicide than play with someone who has no idea what they're doing. 

This isn't enhancing the experience.  It's just Mercurysteam cribbing off EA's ill-fated attempts to have an always online experience with their games.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Stubborn on the PvP Issue...
 on: September 23, 2018, 08:51:57 PM 
I'm not going to be any help on this.  When I do play, the pattern is:

Queue for gold missions as raider for roughly 90-120 seconds.
Queue for all missions as raider for roughly 90-120 seconds.
Queue for all missions as raider/antag for 60 seconds.
Go play offline.

Person that I pick as raider/antag is determined by a D30.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Tired of babysitting
 on: September 23, 2018, 04:29:44 AM 
With the new F2P model we have welcomed tens of thousands of new players. These new users are very important for the future of game, and in time they will develop their skills and become really good players.

We implemented the mentor matches to support to reward veterans who give a helping hand to the rookies. We are aware that the system is not 100% fine-tuned, and we are thinking about ways to improve it, including increasing the rewards for the mentors.

Also we are addressing the disconnections issue, and we have devised a solution we think you will like and that will come out in the near future ;-)

Y'know, the Mentor issue would be greatly alleviated if you brought back offline mode and removed the star requirements.  This way, players could actually use training mode (Why's it called training mode if you can't train in it) BEFORE they join an online match.  There would still be some "running around with heads cut off" but, at least, they'd have an idea of the goals of the map and what to expect from the map.

Spacelords Universe / So didn't see that coming (Spoilers)
 on: September 09, 2018, 01:16:00 AM 
So, while I kinda figured that the Hulk-looking guy with the shield was bad news, I didn't quite see that as the legacy.  Figured that the legacy would be knowledge or something along those lines.  (I guess, with two medallions  in Shammash's hands, it still could be.)

Anyway, for those of you who got the ending, are we able to see the original "pre-ending" cutscenes still for earlier campaign or is it a case that, once you unlock the full ending, those endings go the way of Harec's original tutorial mission?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: PLEASE stop trying to punch the sniper elites!
 on: September 08, 2018, 05:36:35 PM 
*Shrug*  Perhaps it's me because I'm a slow learner but it did take me a few tries before I realized "Ok.  Shoot them until their bar is zeroed then punch/tackle".  Saying they're in their 40s doesn't really mean much when it's largely up in the air as to which match they're going to join.

Be prepared for it to get worse because, with that wonderful new star system that Wannabe-EA has put out, people won't even be able to solo the mission before having to play it online.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Still Too Many Antags...
 on: September 01, 2018, 02:11:53 AM 
Strikes me that SWTOR has the best system to deal with this.  If you put someone on an ignore list, the game will not match you up with them for flashpoints or operations (Don't know if it does it for straight-up PVP but I think it does.)

This strikes me as the best way to deal with both the antag issue and the troll player.  Somebody wrecks your option to get Blueprints?  Put them on the list and you won't be matched with them.  Troll throws the match? Put them on the list and you won't be matched with them.

This way, people can eliminate the players that bother them.  As those people (and hypersensitive people who overutilize the list) get squeezed out of online play due to having a diminishing base of players who will join a match with them, they will leave the game behind.  This will resolve the vast majority of issues everyone has with the playerbase.

The problem with that is, in my experience, most of the time, I don't want to blame antagonists: they're just playing their role.
I don't want to have to "ban" every antagonist player just so I can play PvE.

I (we ?) just want an option to be only 4 players PvE, no antogonist, when I (we ?) don't want to.

I don't have a problem with that.  However, I feel that, given the track record of games that have split the base with PVP/PVE servers, it'd be far more efficient to just kill the antag system altogether

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Still Too Many Antags...
 on: August 31, 2018, 07:02:25 AM 
Strikes me that SWTOR has the best system to deal with this.  If you put someone on an ignore list, the game will not match you up with them for flashpoints or operations (Don't know if it does it for straight-up PVP but I think it does.)

This strikes me as the best way to deal with both the antag issue and the troll player.  Somebody wrecks your option to get Blueprints?  Put them on the list and you won't be matched with them.  Troll throws the match? Put them on the list and you won't be matched with them.

This way, people can eliminate the players that bother them.  As those people (and hypersensitive people who overutilize the list) get squeezed out of online play due to having a diminishing base of players who will join a match with them, they will leave the game behind.  This will resolve the vast majority of issues everyone has with the playerbase.

Still no skins (Xbox) but the campaign is fixed and Valeria is available so this is more an informational post than anything else.

I know everyone's moans and cry are justified. As usual the new campaign update came with it's fair share of major hiccups, but come on, if we are still here sticking it out with all the flaws the least we can do is be grateful they tried!

Yes, Mercury steam makes very bad decisions. Almost all the ideas we give them gets messed up some kinda way but at least they are trying! Did we forget that no other developer would work with their community like MS is? There is so much to be annoyed with but also plenty be grateful for!

All of this can apply to EA as well.

How would you feel if you were a noob just now coming into the offical forums and so everyone talk about how 'this and that' sucks? Think about how deterring it is for the developers to see their community constantly upset?

That's more just a reason to avoid game forums altogether.  They're all crap.

And, yes, this argument could also apply to EA.

They are not EA they deserve a little respect. 

Aren't they? 

Command and Conquer 4
EA: Let's force people to have an online connection even for the single player.

(Years Later)

MercurySteam:  Let's force people to have an online connection even for the single player.

Sounds pretty much like a wannabe-EA to me.

I could deal with the hiccups.  As I've said before, they've managed to botch the launch for every campaign so I was expecting the same thing.  Maybe not to the extent that this one has had the ball dropped but they're well beyond the point that they should have BETA TEST tattooed onto the inside of their eyelids.  Still, given their history, it would just be another "eyeroll" moment.

However, taking away offline mode (and locking the "training mode" behind a 5 star requirement as well as level requirements) is a deliberate "screw you" to the playerbase.  As such, they deserve as much venom thrown at them as EA has gotten for their consumer-unfriendly decisions.

And you can't say that they didn't know this would be unpopular because this was not mentioned even once in their "Inside Raiders" videos.  They knew that this would be unpopular so they just skipped over any mention of this change which is ALSO the standard EA tactic for consumer-unfriendly changes.  Force the changes through without warning and then just ride out any criticism.

Bug report & Technical Support / Re: Online Play Optional No More?
 on: August 24, 2018, 02:29:07 PM 
Well, I would suggest doing what I'm going to do.

Not a penny will be spent on this game until they restore offline mode.  Yeah, they may have got me for what I already spent (which is sad because I was largely buying the skins to support what I thought was a flawed but well-meaning developer) but this is where I draw the line.

I'm no longer going to grind for Schneider.  I'm probably just going to go back to playing this at a casual rate of my mix of online/training until I've beaten all 3.25-4 (depending on if they ever fix the Xbone version) with all my current characters.  And I'm not spending another penny on this game.

After that, it will probably suffer the same fate as The Pinball Arcade.

If they restore offline, I may reverse this opinion but wanna-be EAs rarely reverse course.

Match goes to a loading screen which just gets stuck on "match ready" with a spinning counter.  Tried twice.  Waited for 5-8 minutes both times.  Finally just logged out each time.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Aneska ???
 on: August 23, 2018, 04:33:10 AM 
Kinda wondering what they will do with her.  Having her ability be "Summon giant mech" would seem to be a difficult one to fit into the indoor maps and a bit of a game breaker regardless.

Bug report & Technical Support / Season pass not recognized.
 on: August 23, 2018, 04:30:44 AM 
I know this has happened with every new campaign release but, just so there is a topic on it, the new Spacelords game does not recognize me as someone who bought the season pass.  (XBOX One)  As such, the majority of Council Apocalypse is stuck behind the level barrier and I don't have the elite skins.

Please resolve this issue.

Thank you.

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