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Messages - TheBrentWoody

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 26
Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Doldren astral bugged?
 on: November 26, 2019, 03:42:05 PM 
Astral Form is a Trap.  Use your gun.  If you teleport...Shoot them in the head. 

Doldren 101. 

Doldren 102.  You have more access to lethal mixups than other people.  Cause you could potentially teleport in and one punch, grab, or shoot them in the head.  This makes Astral Form an Stress/Mind Game tool.  Do the punches three times... Then they get into the pattern of thinking your'e going to punch. 

And if you can aim, there isn't a real hard way to counter teleport/shoot. 

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Best Kuzman/Aneska Build?
 on: November 26, 2019, 03:29:34 PM 
There won't be a 'best.'   There will be what works in a given situation, and the thing that will work more often than not, vs the teams you play.

So, Hyperbelle Kuzzman probably won't work, but if you can manage to hunker down and get a blitzfaust out.  It'll be hard to stop.

Lichtbogen works great....unless the enemies know how it works, then it isn't the best. 

Aneska....Well, her guns are crazily different playstyles.  So, you kinda got to card around them. 

Suggestions / Re: Council Members Get A Shield As Antagonist
 on: November 26, 2019, 03:27:12 PM 
PCs don't need it when they're viable to play.  Pick them on maps where they can be utilized well, and card for antag.   They're all great antags as it is. Kuzz and Kon are -great- antags without any crutch.

Suggestions / Re: Council Members Get A Shield As Antagonist
 on: November 26, 2019, 04:42:37 AM 

Suggestions / The State of the Game
 on: November 23, 2019, 07:21:32 PM 
So, allow me to virtue signal in a brief preamble.  I have played this game for some time.  I have invested a good deal of money into it.  I love it.  It's a wonderful game, and that's why I keep coming back to it. 

Now, that that is very clear, let me highlight some issues that the player base is facing, and causing no small amount of consternation in the process. 

The MMR system.  The Dev  team says that "It is not broke."  We will have to disagree on this.  Ever since there have been scaling minions, there have been some amount of unbalance to the game.  Likely due to expected forge balances. 

-Suggested Solution-  Set a minimum difficulty (could be invisible to the MMR rating) which applies to people of a certain account level.   So, for instance, Tier 1 Purples, people who have hit level 250 ought to be able to play the game at 40 MMR.  So, using this as a hard minimum could shore up MMR abuse. 

Yes, Yes, we have heard that MMR abuse doesn't happen, but the facts on the ground is, it does. If you've ever antagged for a day, you run into group after group with shitty MMR, and the compensation system only makes it that much more difficult.  MOST players cannot win an antag match with the MMR skewed.   

MMR should be the goal, it -is- Endgame content.  All players should -ideally- end up in high mmr.  This is where the game needs to be playable.   If the match takes twice as long to complete, the players should be awarded twice the rewards.  SINCE the "Prizes Galore Update" we only really get large quantities of rewards on the first five matches of the day, so, have steeper scaling prizes.  This will incentivize doing your best, as opposed, to doing your medium. 

Weapon Balancing is weapon balancing, nothing stands out as ruining the game for any player, with the exception of the Tolchock still invalidating most of the cast as an antag pick. 

I am excited to see the Advanced Features in "Epic Forge."  However, MMR is busted, and it is making a large portion of the dedicated player  base feel terrible and unheard.  I really hope you can acknowledge that this is the case, and take some sort of steps (need not be my suggestions, of course) to fix it. 

Acknowledgement would go a long way, I think. 

Antagonists are what make this game feel special and unique.  So, please, put some effort in to making sure it's a viable play mode, which players can't abuse.  In the current state of the game, Antagonists make the game easier to win.  It should not be the game.  Yes, the Raiders should be slightly favored, but the Antagonist should not be straight up neglected. 

Thank you for your considerations.  I hope it gets better.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Baby Harecs
 on: October 17, 2018, 10:15:58 PM 
It is quite great.

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Pro antagonist missions?
 on: October 17, 2018, 05:27:45 PM 
A lot of maps are pro antagonist depending on MMR spread and character choice. Kon owns No Reservation, Rak and Ginebra own Hanging By A Thread, Snipers own Short Fused, Harec owns most maps

Spacelords’ Advice / Re: Baby Harecs
 on: October 04, 2018, 10:41:15 PM 
Ha.  Someone salty?

I don't disagree for level requirement.  Shae should be the free one. Harec should be later.

It is all about that stalk.  And to be a good raider you need card support or the ignis because of efficiency. 

Bring Harec. Shoot Antag in face.  It works against everything exccept the Makilium.  Since Makilium persists after her death...

You just have to know how to use him.  He is one if not THE most advanced characters in the game.  He is amazing, once his mechanics click and you have a little card support.

Harec is good all the time thooooo. 

How can he be garbage and broken simultaneously?

Or, better yet, have a passive selection which guns you need/want at the time that adjusts when you switch it outside of game.  :D

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