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Messages - LordDraco3

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Spacelords Universe / Re: Loaht exploit
 on: January 27, 2018, 05:48:29 AM 
His is more than just a power though, since his duration is directly tied to his health.

Stalk, bubble, or Hypnotism etc. having a small guage that's black and white and not really in your line of sight aren't gonna kill you and everyone near you when they run out. Beast gauge does.

Suggestions / Re: Idea: No Antagonist On The Prologue
 on: January 27, 2018, 01:12:44 AM 
Not trying to say that the game needs to keep only hardcorest of players or intentionally push people away, but the antagonist system is part of the core game and is one aspect that sets it apart from others, which is directly comparable to the Invasion concept in Dark Souls. And the same players that don't want to play Dark Souls because some clown will come in and screw them up are the same players who will quit this if an antagonist show up.... the difference being that here, you are ruining the entire squads fun when you refuse to play or disconnect because the game is being played as intended.

I do not see any way of keeping these players happy as long as the antag system exists at all. A solo reward system would be nice and would be like playing Dark Souls offline- no risk of antagonist, but also no help from other players. But it also has the problem of reducing matchmaking for both raiders and antags, which they have stated multiple times that the game is intended to be played online in a squad.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Doldren
 on: January 27, 2018, 01:01:39 AM 
Makes sense with the massive Hp that Aliens have.

Spacelords Universe / Re: Loaht exploit
 on: January 27, 2018, 12:59:16 AM 
His timer was always ridiculously long to be perfectly honest. Though you're right in that you really have to keep an eye on it now. It's likely more in line with how it was intended. Honestly, asides from making him less glitchy who didn't expect him to get hit hard with a nerf bat?

It just kinda came without warning or discussion. The only talked about change, and confirmed here on the forums, was fixing the bug regarding his character card.

TBH, the UI change is was really threw me off. The old one was easier to pay attention to since it was a large bar right above his Raider status, easy to read, easy to see it go from green to red. I blew up when I was trying to figure out the new meter, in addition to having very little time to study it, while i'm in the middle of trying to flatten some Hades grunts.

And none of this is in the patch notes  :-\

Suggestions / Re: Lessen the cost of the new raider!
 on: January 27, 2018, 12:46:52 AM 
But having high gold costs doesn't somehow make the company more money. Are there that many players (or any) actually buying mercury points to unlock raiders? I don't have data, but I assume most people with Ginebra had bought Founders, not spent $80 to unlock that one character. I get that's the con here, to offer a real money option to reduce grind, but I'm not really seeing any support for people going that route, players are often pretty opposed to such mechanics.

60-100 would be fair, tbh. Kuzman was not terrible to unluck, but the length of time it took between getting him and getting Mikah did take a while.... but not unreasonable.

Ginebra is 3 times that cost and thus 3 times the length of time to get, but there's still Hive and June which are also expensive...

Man that's awful.... It's the nature of RNG, hard to predict it, but I wouldn't expect an improvement in rare appearance rate :-\
ESPECIALLY now that there's so many more faction common cards cluttering up the deck. Better get to looking for any rare character cards before they add more to those decks, too, especially since they all have one cards that's rare-only with no common counterpart.

If gold was easy to come by then there would be no reason to pay for their currency except for cosmetics and let's be real, people care way more about cool new characters than they do skins. I love this game, I do. But there will always be a part of me that's bitter that they made it so grindy and so that gold is so enticing to buy.

I will never patronize a mechnaic that exists solely to relive the player of the stress of a grind. It's literally the definition of racketeering.... create an artificial situation where a person is enticed to pay money for a service that is meant to fix the problem that shouldn't exist in the first place.

Progression and gold collection is so slow, so MS points are put in as a way for someone to pay money to trade for gold. If gold came at a reasonable rate, you're right, there would be no reason to trade for gold except for the most impatient of players.

And I would definitely pay for reasonably priced skins, I love looking different and cool in any game with character customization. But I'm still waiting on changes that make in-game progression reasonable before I buy any points, and some of the skins are still a joke of a price. And I have seen more than 1 occasion where the devs respond by saying "it's just cosmetic so the price won't change". Which is a BS argument, as I explained at length in my first post on the forums (and was the whole reason I signed up here).

I have no problem spending money on plat for Warframe because that game does not have an agonizing grind that gives pay2play as a relief option.... so, I'm enticed to pay because it's a good product that feels worthwhile to buy. Should I spend $80 on ONE GINEBRA skin, or $80 on prime access which gives me a tooooooooooon of stuff? Plat is offered if you want it, MS points are offered to make your misery go away. People say warframe is a grind, but it also has a massive amount of content, so you grind a little to get something but there's like 1000 things to build. Raiders has very little content, with a huge grind to get any of it. I don't mind the lack of content on a game in its infancy, but the idea that you need to play hundreds of hours to get 6 characters is still mind-boggling. Do they test play their own game with the same handicaps as a regular player??

Spacelords Universe / Re: Reminder of other issues
 on: January 26, 2018, 05:58:53 AM 
Currently the Max Boost helps antagonists way more than raiders, for sure. I agree with what you're saying though, it's annoying that any situation where aleph is supplied, the game demands to use it for an objective.... and then you have players that hog their aleph and never progress the objective because they don't want to loose their boost :(

Suggestions / Re: Lessen the cost of the new raider!
 on: January 25, 2018, 10:00:25 AM 
To answer your question succinctly, Overwatch is huge because it was made by Blizzard. To slightly elaborate, no way on god's green earth would 'that' game do as well had it 'not' been made by a company as well known and revered. Side note, it also in stark contrast to Raiders of the Broken Planet has the largest and fasting growing 'fan-made' NSFW content ever seen since Frozen. In closing, never ever compare anything to Overwatch because it's a sad mess of an argument to do so.

It's definitely a relevant counter to your claim that "people will stop playing if they have a variety of characters to pick from! We have to keep their costs high to make players work to play a character!" Your entire post here is moving the goalposts of the argument all over the place.

Claim: Having easy access to different methods of gameplay will not hold interest
Counter-claim: Overwatch gives every character instantly
Your rebuttal: Well Overwatch has porn and Blizzard so the actual gameplay mechanics don't matter


Oh and I just farmed enough to get Mikah and really not liking her so far..... as others have said, and to go back to the original point of having lower character costs: It's totally awesome to spend tons of hours farming gold just to waste it on something you may not even like because there's no way to try it and it's locked behind a huge paywall.

Suggestions / Re: Rewards Suggestion: Performance Based Rewards
 on: January 25, 2018, 09:53:04 AM 
Since people are complaining about X amount of time not equaling a reward
 No one really wants to earn anything anymore as it's shifted heavy to instant gratification.
collapsing in on itself once people inevitably run out of things to get that are shiny and new!

Yeah that's not the point anyone is making.
There is still a time vs. reward factor to be considered with the idea of respecting a player's time. It currently requires over 100 hours of play to farm enough gold to get the current roster of characters unlocked. In a game like this one, that's insane. I think I said in another thread, Overwatch grants the use of every single character even as they add new ones, and I don't see that game collapsing in on itself aaaaanytime soon.

I said it would take over 100 hours to farm that gold, which is only if that was all I earned at the average rate I estimated of 2k gold per 15 minute match (hard to estimate when some games can take 30+ minutes and give less gold, and losses). That means no character cards, faction cards, weapons or lore.

This is literally the same back-and-forth discussion surrounding Battlefront II, as soon as people realized it would take 60 hours of focus-farming, and earning NOTHING ELSE BUT GOLD, just to unlock 1 character. Then they would have to hyper-focus on gold to get another character,gaining no exp or rewards towards anything else. Literally. Exactly. The. Problem. That. Raiders. Has. Right. Now.

Also I love raccoons.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Loaht's forever beast form has to go
 on: January 25, 2018, 09:42:00 AM 
So the exploit makes sense to be fixed, but his beast time appears to have been nerfed *hard*.... I blew up due to the unexpected timer UI change and incredibly short time, he only gets a few seconds now?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Loaht exploit
 on: January 25, 2018, 09:38:46 AM 
So the exploit makes sense to be fixed, but his beast time appears to have been nerfed *hard*.... I blew up due to the unexpected timer UI change and incredibly short time, he only gets a few seconds now?

Spacelords Universe / Re: Reminder of other issues
 on: January 25, 2018, 09:37:19 AM 
Invitations are indeed *incredibly* clunky as a console player. I have an extreme dislike for adding random players that I have 1 game with and have never met before, but that is exactly what must be done to find team mates or even get to use the invitations in Raiders. Additionally, this prevents same-console-but-different-region invites from being possible. It would be good to look at an avenue of in-game message systems so that in-game invites would be possible. I have never played another game that actually encourages player interaction but prevents any in-game way of doing so. This isn't Dark Souls where everyone is supposed to be silent phantoms.

My assumption is this is how the game is able to check and see if a player has paid for a DLC pack so the invite knows how to function, but again.... surely that can be put into the game client itself? I don't know the logistics but all I keep hearing from the dev side is that multi-platform or even multi-region invites are impossible, but matchmaking works, and that response feels like a "it's never gonna change" but put into different words.  :-\

Also seconded about loadouts, the current "pay MS points for them" is rather absurd. It's crazy especially because there's no real logistical reason to have loadouts in this game AT ALL. We have a couple of options to change up, at best, on each character. We just need to pick a faction card, character card, maybe a weapon if we have any, and maybe a skin if we have any. That's it. And no matter if 3,000,000 cards are added into the game, there's only 5 on the table at any given time. We're not drowning in character customization to where we need a quick-select loadout. Character select timer is already very long, just let us pick our stuff in that time and be done with the "loadout" concept.

Suggestions / Re: Lessen the cost of the new raider!
 on: January 24, 2018, 07:18:50 AM 
Don't mind me, just beating a dead horse :V

By the logic that having access to all character content will make people stop playing, how has Overwatch become the juggernaut that is is? All characters are available for play as soon as you buy the game and turn it on. New characters added are immediately available to play.

There is still more stuff to gain besides characters. The current gold value of all current characters to date is close to 1 million, which would take over a hundred hours to get. And that's not even all of the characters we will see! The backbone of a game like this is access to different ways to play. Being stuck playing the same 4-8 characters for ages is still crazy.

Also what is there to spend gold on after characters and lore? Blueprints drop so infrequently and are priced correctly that the gold needed to make them is pretty much a non-issue, and lore is cheap too, so characters (which should be fairly easy to access since they add the most variety to the game) are this massive gold sink for no reason

Suggestions / Re: Rewards Suggestion: Performance Based Rewards
 on: January 24, 2018, 07:10:59 AM 
still keep the wheel it adds a competitive edge.

Noooooooooo.... the blueprint coin flip is literally the worst mechanic in this, or any other game, that I have ever played in my life. I nearly deleted the game for good after losing one of those as my *very first* mission reward ever. It showed me that you can spend 20-30 minutes playing and winning to get ZERO rewards. I have also lost 90% of them that I have to compete for, and it just makes people hate their team mates.

Don't see how it adds "competition" to vie for a blueprint vs. nothing on a reward screen that is picked completely randomly with no player input or possibility of pushing the odds in your favor.

Only time I saw Smoking Daisy appear was in a game of all Lv0's and everyone jumped on it. Nice to play that mission 100 times, see the BP you want, and lose it to someone that's played the mission once. Tooootally competitive  ???

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