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Topics - Adrian_123

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions / Suggestion about the Invitations.
 on: December 30, 2017, 02:41:39 PM 
The invitation System have been a great addition to the game. It encourage players to work and try to find new players.

BUT!, Is really difficult to bring new players to the game because...

1º People that don't play games are not going to start playing.

2º People that play games, have their own tastes, and is really hard to succed into making them to download and try a game they are not into.

Who likes sports games is not going start playing shooters, who likes driving games is not going to try real time strategy games...

Games are like passports, Personal and non-transferable. I mean, everyone that like playing games, like to do it at his own pace, at an specific time of the day and with the games or their unique liking.

With co-op games like this, and every co-op game, It is really hard to coordinate 4 different persons agendas to be syncronized into playing the same game, at the same time.


Me personaly, I have spammed in the whole Steam friends list, and real gamer friends, posted at gaming forums out there.

I have managed to succed with one real friend going to his house and almost forcing him to download and try the prologue ( ...He still playing his sports games), And haven't succeded into bringing other gamers from internet into the game.

Inside the group of people that is already playing Raiders of the Broken Planet is were you have better chances to use your invitations.

So, Why don't you try to enable invitations straight from the Matchmaking.?

Allow players that don't own the Episodes to join the matchmking of the premium missions while allowing the owners of the episodes to enable their invitations.

Introduce in the Matchmaking Menu information about if there are online players with invitations available so the players that don't have the missions can join.

Is this going to affect Sales? I think it won't.
Is this going to breake the Economy System? Maybe, but i don't think so.


The amount of invitations available is controlled at all times by MercurySteam, so if they detect abuses of the system they can correct them almost in real time.

At the begining, Free Players can have plenty of options to play for free because there are plenty of unused invitations.

But those run out really fast!. The average number of invitations obtained is 15 / week.

15 invitations are enough to invite 3 players to 1 episode of 4 missions = 12 invitations needed. And you can finish the episode in two hours of gameplay.

So, available invitations will never be enough to allow people to play constantly for free.

Suggestions / Reward and Progression Ideas.
 on: December 20, 2017, 02:14:53 PM 
This is My Idea.

Removing the frustration with rewards making available always 4 options.
Allowing at least 2 ways to acquire stuff.

1º With ramdom mission rewards.
2º Buying straight with game currencies.  (Gold, Stigmas, Faction, Character, MercuryPoints).

(Rare Cards are included in the Ramdom Reward Slot minor probability of appearance)

This increase the probability that at least 1 player don't have the "ramdom" reward and take it. And in case that 2 or more players want the same reward they can use other option  instead, taking currency to buy it.

The competition for rewards is not removed, because rare cards can appear, and blueprints too. If you want a rare card, you can buy it for a higher price.

The blueprints will keep not appearing, but you have always something to take.
Everyone Happy!

With the amount of Cards the "demand" of Faction / Character points is huge! but gives the player the feeling of instant progress.

Almost each mission you do, you have a ramdom reward, but you don't need to compete to take it, because you can buy it instead.

There are hundres of cards in the game, so the combinations are huge, each mision gives a feeling of progress.

Remove the shuffle card deck option -- change it for a card deck collection.

Why include Stigmas.
1º Some players don't like to play as antagonist.
2º Compensate the loses of bad matches as antagonist.
3º Allow to buy Stuff with a requirement of a number of stigmas instead of Antagonist Rank.
4º allow to change stigmas for other currencies, gold, character, faction, points.
5º No need to wait a whole week for building a weapon.

to build a weapon you need 10 stigmas + gold for example, if you don't like to play antagonist, just take, stigmas from ramdom rewards.

The stigmas reward should be an equivalent of an Antagonist match. This can be represented with a ramdom number between (1-10) numbers 1,2,3 and 8,9,10 should have less probability of appearance, representing extremely bad antagonist matches and extremely good antagonist matches. numbers 4,5,6,7 should have a higher probability of presence representing the avarage antagonist match reward.

This is going to need.
1º More voice acting from Cortez.
2º Removing all the normal cards from players inventories. Or just add the new system with the new Cards that are going to be included.
3º Rare Cards adquired already by players should remain in their inventories.

Cortez only have this 2 sentences "Lucky lucky a weapon bluprint" or "No luck this time", should be added "Sentence for Cards, Stigmas... and every reward available".

How to balance this:
Random rewards probability of appearance:
1º A random number of stigmas.
2º Normal Faction / character cards.
3º Rare Faction / Character cards.
4º Weapon Blueprints (the same appearance ratio as now)
5º Lotery ramdom rewards. every 10.000 matches a loadout, skin appears ( Crazy idea)

Español (foro general) / Añadir modo Battle Royale.
 on: December 19, 2017, 01:30:19 AM 
Pues acabo de pensar, que después de terminar los 4 episodios.

Añadir un modo de juego tipo Battle Royale le vendría como anillo al dedo al "RotBP".

Player Unknow's Battlegrounds tiene 26 millones de usuarios en Steam, también está disponible en Xbox One.

Tiene 2.5 millones de jugadores online simultaneos.

Este modo de juego le viene como anillo al dedo a "RotBP". Cada personaje tiene sus cualidades distintas, y para una competición "Battle Royale" donde sólo puede quedar uno podría funcionar para alargar la vida del juego después de las 4 campañas.

La única duda es si el Mercury Engine permite mapas más o menos grandes, no es necesario que sea excesivamente grandes, ya que la parte de "loot" no sería necesaria, ya que los raiders van al campo de batalla con sus armas y toda la munición que puedan llevar, el tener que matar enemigos en melé para recargar también le da su punto.

Español (foro general) / Harec no hace daño a Mermelade
 on: December 12, 2017, 12:11:40 PM 
Los disparos con el rifle de francotirador "Aura Mortis", no le hacen daño al general mermelade.

Disparando a los ojos al general mermelade aparece el número de daño que le haces pero la barra de salud se queda como está.

Pues eso, jugando como antagonista o raider. según la misión te puede convenir unas cartas o armas diferentes.

Pero el juego no permite cambiar la configuración de los personajes antes de empezar las misiones.

Español (foro general) / Armas que necesitan cambios.
 on: December 07, 2017, 07:44:15 PM 
Lycus - Spinnin Coin. - Imposible matar enemigos incluso de los del prólogo. Con poca velocidad de disparo y poca cantidad de municion en el cargador, a veces tengo que recargar para matar a un solo enemigo, incluso a corta distancia. En el estado actual en el que está, es inútil usarla.

Alicia - Vinc "Eager" 23-1. Dispara automáticamente 3 cartuchos... Lo mismo. Imposible matar a un enemigo ni si quiera disparando a bocajarro sin recargar. Arma Inútil.

Hans - USU-21. No es inútil, pero no represena una mejora respecto al arma original del personaje. Las "granadas" no tienen honda expansiva, hacen poco daño los disparos, tienes que disparar desde muy cerca y sólo puedes matar 1 enemigo por cargador.

Hans - Ansgar "Warm" MM1: Ya se ha comentado, overpowered. Terminas misiones en cuestión de minutos con ella.

Konstantin - Ogon Shtorm BV. No representa mejora respecto la ametralladora original, hace más daño. Pero tarda en arrancar, se calienta muchísimo antes y puedes disparar muchisimas menos balas que con la original.

Dr. Kuzmann - Light horizons. Hace un poco más de daño y se supone que cura a los aliados... Pero no se nota. Es mucho más útil el arma original.

Loath - Popcorn - Las granades salen del arma como con medio segundo de lag, salen hacia cualquier sitio. y se meten debajo del suelo. entre las rejas del prologo donde estan los dos cañones.

Mikha - AHK-41 Granny: Mala Precisión, Poca velocidad de disparo, más daño, pero no aciertas ni una. No es la mejor arma de mikha.

Español (foro general) / Update de 23.5mb. ¿Que cambia?
 on: December 04, 2017, 08:05:21 PM 
Ha habido una actualización hoy de 23.35mb. que han cambiado en el juego?

Suggestions / Vicious Circle of "Free To Play" Tag change to Demo.
 on: December 04, 2017, 02:26:49 PM 
Hello everyone, the "free to play" tag is creating a vicious circle that is not giving any benefits to the game reputation and player base.

I know that the "Free to Play" encourage people to download and try the game, but it is only providing bad reviews and not so many players or sales.

I would like to recommend to change the "Free to Play" to Demo.

Free to Play players download the game, and when they figure out that they can't progress along the whole thing they stop playing and post a bad review on every platform. This is discouraging others to try the game.

My proposal is to change the "Free to Play" tag to Demo.

MercurySteam have to escape from this vicious circle.

Español (foro general) / El circulo vicioso de "Free to Play".
 on: December 04, 2017, 02:18:41 PM 
Hola a todos, ya he dicho que el juego no se está comprendiendo. Que lo de "Free to Play" y Juego "Episodico" no se está entendiendo. Y que debido ha esto el juego está plagado de reviews negativas.

Esto es un circulo vicioso.

Descargan el juego pensando que es "Free to Play" juegan la Demo y ponen un comentario negativo. ¿10GB para una mision de 45 minutos?

Así que propongo algunas acciones para mejorar la Reputación del Raiders.

El tag "Free to Play" cambiarlo a "Demo". Muchas reviews negativas no se pondrían. Aunque, no sería tan atractivo para que la gente lo descargue pero no se está ganando nada y se está perdiendo por las reviews negativas.

Hay que salir de ese circulo vicioso.

Español (foro general) / In Shock (Bug) - Crash to Desktop.
 on: December 03, 2017, 10:31:40 PM 
Esta misión se ha hecho injugable. Siempre te saca del juego al escritorio.

Esto es un follón por que no permite invitar jugadores a lo largo del episodio 1. Ya que tienen que desbloquar las misiones por orden.

Si no consiguen desbloquear la primera no se les puede invitar al resto.

Español (foro general) / Saltar la pantalla de Puntuación.
 on: December 03, 2017, 09:31:14 PM 
Tanto la animación de puntuación de Antagonista como la de Puntuación de los Raiders debería poder saltarse y que aparezca directamente el resultado y la pantalla para elegir las recompensas.

Español (foro general) / ¿Es posible agarrar a Loath?
 on: December 03, 2017, 08:53:15 PM 
Macho imposible darle un puñetazo o agarrarlo por mucho que lo cojas por la espalda. siempre gana él.

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