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Messages - Quanrian

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Suggestions / Sony to Xbox Crossplay (Where You At Bruh?)
 on: January 24, 2019, 03:23:31 PM 
Since I get this question an awful lot I thought it'd be forward to just ask... Is any progress being made on this front? I know Sony gave 'some' ground due to continued pushes by Epic which probably only related to 'that' game but I still hold hope. It's ironic when I'm streaming and people might want to join but it never fails what console they're on! Hopefully this isn't an irritant just bringing it up and eventually that Switch version (hint hint) will add a new pool of players to the existing player base. Until then, Sony you are my Berlin Wall and thanks for that because I need more crap to complain about!

Fan Corner / Re: Favourite Spacelords Youtubers/streamers?
 on: January 24, 2019, 03:14:06 PM 
Spartan92_TV, MindMineTV, xMalevolencEx (has Spacelord emotes) and SadizticKitten are a few I've watched from time to time. Though, it's safe to say few people stream SpaceRoyals exclusively as there's little incentive to do so. Speaking purely numbers I've only ever seen still subpar numbers (concerning what would be required to be a Partner) on EVEN reveals. In other words, the game is not where 'I' want it to be but I feel like it's getting there. We can all feel like total hipsters when everyone else figures out it's worth trying another year from now by saying, "Yeah but I was playing that two years ago!"

Fan Corner / Re: Some DAZ help regarding Lycus
 on: January 24, 2019, 03:02:42 PM 
You'd likely have to use some furry morphs honestly but very subtly so because of his wolfish features that aren't exactly human but not purely animal either.

Fan Corner / Re: Valeria for Mortal Kombat 11?
 on: January 24, 2019, 03:00:12 PM 
You know this means absolutely horrible things happening to her as well? This is why they did them different with DC because they didn't want to see their characters mutilated in horrific ways that would make children cry like that time Jake the Snake...

Fan Corner / Fan Made Games (Maybe I Made One)
 on: January 24, 2019, 02:58:08 PM 
I'm not sure where Mercury Steam falls on fan made content that is an actual game. I've been working on something in my spare spare time and it's well... more than half done and all I'm doing now is just adding complexity and polish. Originally, I was going to output it in a html5 format so anyone with a compatible device/browser could try it but I... uh... lack the files to do that. Ultimately, I just wanted to get it out there so more people might starting asking... hey what's this about and start actually looking at this game instead of I don't know... Black Ops... Thoughts on any of this, ideas, and questions are welcome.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: Antagging is currently dead
 on: January 24, 2019, 02:49:16 PM 
I could read through everyone's posts but honestly will just end up agreeing most with Draco at this point. The worst part about where we're at now is the hope it will change drastically... in maybe 6 months or more because it's slated as the 'last' change on the roadmap. I keep saying and will keep saying... more modes, more variety in how we play. Even if this means just letting us set up private matches with no reward but also no wait times. With games like Breach coming out and showing 'exactly' what an evil entity fighting the powers of good could look like...

Antagonist just gets staler and more trite and it's something I still go back to despite its many flaws because being a Raider is still boring. This is aside from the fact after your half to hour wait you're likely to pull high ping matches because p2p is extremely unkind to this mode in particular. I wont even discuss MMR because generally speaking I think it's stupid, pointless crap that needs to be replaced by basic difficulties (that ANYONE can understand) yesterday and its existence adds nothing but confusion in my humble opinion. In the end, unless you hate Antagonist mode it is probably what you will end up playing because nothing else feels right after a thousand-ish hours of play and you will suffer!

It may come to a point where they just hide levels like they did ranks once upon a time. My only input is to let us see Cards/Forge of at least our teammates if not everyone. If there is a hyperbole than fine... at least show Cards that absolutely do make a huge difference. Your example of bullet sponge players actually might have more to do with what Cards they ran. However, if you cannot see it how would you ever know it was a contributing factor? This leads you naturally to believe it's entirely level and it's a lesser discussed but definite problem with the system itself is the perception it causes because all you 'see' is level.

Fan Corner / Re: Stream Giveaway (Shameless Self Promotion)
 on: May 30, 2018, 08:41:52 PM 
I set you up in my tiny list of hosts to be auto-hosted. I expect the stuff... discreetly...

Fan Corner / Re: Cortez's answer to every problem in game
 on: May 30, 2018, 06:35:39 PM 
I thought his answer to everything was... "I'll be right back!"

Fan Corner / Re: Stream Giveaway (Shameless Self Promotion)
 on: May 30, 2018, 06:26:44 PM 
I would auto-host you if I knew how that worked. I know you got better stuff than me, you jerk!

Fan Corner / Re: Stream Giveaway (Shameless Self Promotion)
 on: May 30, 2018, 06:20:23 PM 
Has this happened yet?

Gameplay Feedback / Re: mmr% punishing players
 on: May 16, 2018, 12:13:56 AM 
I'm sorry but even after sleeping all those numbers just look like Stigmas to me. Going to seek therapy for excessive streaming as I fear I developed an ulcer from it.

Gameplay Feedback / Re: mmr% punishing players
 on: May 16, 2018, 12:05:20 AM 
I still try to lighten up but it has never been fun waiting. I streamed for nearly 10 hours! In that time I think I managed to get three Antagonist matches... It was still a wait for a Raider match whenever I gave up but damn... It's a chief complaint since the very inception that matches simply take too long to get into... Do not make that a feature! In some of my rambling as my sanity was starting to slip I thought about how nice it would be to have bots instead of waiting for other players or to just have the game ask you if you would like to play with fewer players to get into a match quicker. Obviously, this would not solve the artificial wait we get with Antagonist but it certainly was food for thought as I sat there waiting while trying to entertain myself.

Suggestions / Re: Deck Merging
 on: May 15, 2018, 11:37:45 PM 
Just going to throw this out there but what if it wasn't a card but an equipped item much like a weapon. I am of course referring to something similar to Vermintide's trinkets. This could give the artists something smaller but ornate to work on and potentially add a unique tint to a player's character. If they had a bit of lore attached to them as well... who is going to complain?

Suggestions / Re: Deck Merging
 on: May 15, 2018, 08:44:15 AM 
I would actually like a third... wildcard slot... in that slot you could use a card from either category. I never liked the idea of just two cards. This might require nerfing all cards but in my opinion I wouldn't mind that if it meant we could make a great variety of builds using a third slot.

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