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Messages - denyeverything

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Gameplay Feedback / Everything Takes Too Long
 on: June 08, 2019, 01:31:04 AM 
It already takes so long to find a match, which is not really the game's fault. But it just seems like on top of that there's just a constant bombardment of just sitting through transition scenes.

1) Cinematics (when skipped). Even when skipped they take too long. (And I have had plenty of times, it said that it was skipping it, but didn't).

2) Ending Screens... Cinematics, again, Top Player Screen (which is hangs on for way too long given that it doesn't give you any information than the player name), Score Totals (which is again, way too long and forces you to have to hear the same dialogue you've heard a million times), and Cinematics, again (thankfully, always skippable)

And then of course there are loading screen in between all these things.

For a fast action game, that also is just mechanically prone to be frustrating (one-throw KO, death traps, shared life pools, etc.) the game really should try to put less barriers to the gameplay.

1) Force cinematics if a player hasn't played a stage before, but otherwise any player opting to skip, skips the cinematics.

2) Skip faster. I feel like you only barely skip the cinematics even if you choose to skip the cinematics.

3) Just give us a score screen at the end. I don't need to hear the same dialogue over and over. And there's not really any sense of drama in slowly unveiling the score. It's just wasting time. I would cut whats-his-name, have the top player be displayed instead, basically show the total score instantly rather than incrementally, and then do the one-times and blueprint rolls (roll faster). Same thing with the post-game Experience screen. I mean, at least let me mash X to speed up the display, if not just display it all instantly.

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