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Messages - NinMug

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Gameplay Feedback / Re: Great Clash: HIVE weapon changes feedback
 on: December 17, 2021, 09:49:40 AM 
There will be no updates or patches anymore , game is on life support.
Better just to move on and play something else.

Russian (general forum) / Re: Нужна помощь
 on: December 07, 2021, 05:21:55 PM 
К сожалению перенести прогресс с ПК на PS4/5 невозможно , такая функция есть только частично на ПК и Xbox но только если аккаунт зарегистрирован через Xbox Live , не Steam  :'(

Suggestions / Re: Hive's Wasp gun should get a buff.
 on: June 21, 2021, 05:52:47 AM 
Wasp is very solid Raider gun now after rework , with strong pros and cons.
After rework its much easier to charge her and have sustained damage output , even on higher MMR.
Plus there is over reload advanced stat which is mandatory and synergize with Wasp extremely well.

My issue with Wasp is how its non viable in Antag role.
You dont have AI to charge her and gain essence so you left in a situation there you cant do anything , without charge Wasp is useless because of worst leech properties of all HIVE guns.
Its pretty much impossible to charge her on Raiders as Antag , you always will be killed first because you need both time and range to charge her.

I think it need some changes to be more viable in Antag role , here few ideas:
-Allow Wasp (or HIVE in general) leech/charge on friendly AI at a cost of damaging or killing them
-Give 5-10 charged shots when spawning as Antag
-Increase range at what Wasp can hit targets and charge

Overall at this moment Wasp is good Raider weapon but non viable as Antagonist.

Gameplay Feedback / Thank you MSE
 on: April 16, 2021, 12:40:21 PM 
I just wanted to say thank you to all people in MSE for creating this game , characters and universe.

Its really sad our game was not successful and we wont see final confrontation with Shamash and true ending.

SL/ROTBP is only game what taken place in my heart and also given me first and only fictional character what i really care about.

I may be negative about some game aspects but my negativity comes from true passion , love and care.

Our game have enormous potential , it can be successful and all people i know agree with it.
I just cant accept idea of "everything possible was done , nothing can be changed".

Still im glad this game , characters and universe exist.
I just really wish things turned out diffrently and our game would have bright future.


Its actually good weapon but it needs to get used to , it only effective when you use its bounce gimmick.
Its very good at close range and can clear grunts very well , against players it can be hard to use because you need to predict their movement since balls flying speed is very slow.
Against most bosses its bad because they far away most of time and you need to bounce shots to deal effective damage.
Overall its just better Atlas but with gimmick , i personaly not fan of both because they are not flexible like Ionizer.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: December 23, 2020, 12:38:00 AM 
Sad people cant understand what character full potential need to be judged by its effectiveness at highest difficulty and skill levels.
Fortunately, we are not sad people and can easily understand how overpowered HIVE is.
When we see her we just run away. Every time.
She is noobstomper and it seems she stomp you really hard if you think she is OP.
I dont see point to continue this conversation , just try to play at higher difficulties and against good players to understand how fundamentally weak she is.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: December 22, 2020, 07:23:32 AM 
Sad people cant understand what character full potential need to be judged by its effectiveness at highest difficulty and skill levels.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: December 21, 2020, 11:40:51 AM 
HIVE is overpowered and extremely strong. All players I know agree she needs to be nerfed ASAP!
True , she is so powerful and broken , when people see her they just surrender. She is so tanky and leech is so unfair , people just cant beat her. 🤦

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: December 13, 2020, 03:46:05 PM 
Game is overall become more gun/range oriented while CQC and brawling become just side addition.
Bringing a fists to a gunfight is not good and effective idea , HIVE whole desigh is to empower her fists but guns will dominate no matter what.

I already shared a lot of feedback/suggestions what can be done to make her better while not overtuning her but it seems MSE consider her perfect and extremely strong , while all veteran players i know agree she is mediocre or weak.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: December 03, 2020, 05:15:13 AM 
"Is that so? I'm always having hard time dealing with HIVE."
 For my 1500+ hours in ROTBP/SL when i see HIVE against me i never thought:
"Damn they picked HIVE , it would be tough match"
When i see HIVE pretty much always she is easy frag.
She is one of easiest characters to deal with no matter who you pick ,
just monitor where she is and dont allow her to get close , thats it.
There is no need to pick her when Lycus exist , same role and playstyle but overall better than her.

"Doldren? Well... ok. Harec? Maybe.
But what about Shae and Iune?"

Any Local counter her with ease , thanks to extremely good talents and damage.
340-500 hp is nothing for locals and can delete HIVE with no problem while HIVE only tool what allow her survive is Shy protective bubble.
And they can also easily beat HIVE in CQC thanks to talents again.

"Choosing a melee fighter on the map for a sniper and complaining? Seriously?"
There is only few stages in the game what allow HIVE to feel decent.
First stage of Breath of Hope(maze) and White Noise are only ones where she feel very good.
Other CQB maps and stages are bad for her due to poor spawns and objectives. Raiders can easily spawn camp her and rush objectives with ease.

"But all characters suffer from MMR , poor spawns and objectives!"
Yes all suffer , thing is if this issues will be addressed all characters will be indirectly buffed.
For example:
HIVE current "strength" is 5 out of 10 , other characters 6-7 out from 10.
After this issues will be fixed , HIVE would be 6 out of 10 while other characters would go 7-8(just example).
She have fundamental flaws what cant be fixed by skill and current talent roster is very lackluster.
She is pure CQC character in the "gun meta" state of game , plus add how  buggy and inconsistent CQC is(I dont think CQC will be ever fixed)

I'm not saying she is weakest character in game.
She is decent Raider but as Antagonist she is one of worst character you can pick.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: November 28, 2020, 12:41:18 PM 
HIVE is melee character who sacrifice everything else to be effective in one thing , CQC.
Problem is how easy to counter her and her overall lack of tools to respond to this counters.

There so much hard counters what not allow HIVE survive , not even win.
HIVE get completely shut down by
-Any Local
-Push-stagger weapons
-Area denial weapons
-Aleph bombs
-Maps and stages what not allow flanking or manoeuvres

All this make HIVE unviable most of time as Antagonist.
She is good Raider because there always entities what can be leeched for essence gain plus support from teammates.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: November 28, 2020, 12:25:32 PM 
My MMR is 58 and i judge her from more competive/high difficulty aspect.
Things what you point out is indeed true but its only is at low-mid MMR and difficilties.
She indeed  "30 MMR beast" and against new players she is very good but she fall flat at high MMR and skilled opponents
It turns out that the problem is not in HIVE, but MMR ;)

Fixing MMR would make her better in PVE but she still have fundamental flaws what make her poor PVP character.
She always was decent Raider and bad Antagonist.
As Antagonist she not have enough damage nor survivability to even trade with Raiders if they are good.
Her overall desigh is a trap and its extremely hard to balance.
My goal is find a way to make her more competitive while not overtuning her.

Suggestions / Re: HIVE ability "rework"
 on: November 27, 2020, 08:29:58 PM 
Hello Laura.
Thank you your time.

First and most important thing what i want to point out:
Im not interested in making HIVE overtuned / too strong.
My MMR is 58 and i judge her from more competive/high difficulty aspect.
Things what you point out is indeed true but its only is at low-mid MMR and difficilties.
She indeed  "30 MMR beast" and against new players she is very good but she fall flat at high MMR and skilled opponents because of
-Non existing range damage
-Long overall TTK(except charged Wasp)
-Not enough survivability
-Lack of tools and options to realize her strength(Shy is only option what allow to get close to enemy)

Her role and playstyle just not work due her specific nature at higher difficulties.
I dont want talk about damage since increasing damage would not be fair.
Most of character can deplete her ability health with just few shots(talents increasing ability health not helping a lot) , meaning most of time she cant even get close to enemy with full essence bar.
Add always stressed Wardog passive and lack of flanking options on most map and she is sitting duck.

My other proposition is introduce talent what work in simillar way as my rework suggestion but maybe with additional tweaks and balance.

Suggestions / HIVE ability "rework"
 on: November 13, 2020, 09:59:31 AM 
Suggestion title: HIVE ability "rework"

Suggestion type: Character changes

Suggestion description:
H.I.V.E.'s current ability is very flawed and doesn't provide good survivability. I propose "rework" of her ability. Instead of excess health it would be "superior shield". The idea is to make her ability not as extension of her basic health but additional health bar. Her 240 HP of excess health will work as impenetrable shield what can't be pierced and damage her normal health BUT all in game damage will registered towards "shield coating", meaning enemy must destroy her "shield coating" and only then proceed to damage normal health. Idea is to give HIVE some sort of "shield gate" so she would not be killed with one shot even with massive amount of health. As it would be shield, she will not receive head damage multiplier(headshot). In CQC it will work same as current ability BUT HIVE wont be wounded with one strike("one punch builds"). It always will be two shots/strikes to wound her no matter the damage: one for shield and one for health.
-HIVE turns on her ability with max "charge"
-Her normal health is 100 , "shield coating" gives her additional 240 HP
-Harec shoots her and deals more than 340 damage
-H.I.V.E.'s "shield coating" is destroyed but she still has her normal 100 HP

Suggestion reasoning:
H.I.V.E.'s current excess health does not provide enough survivability.
Her ability is outperformed in every way by Lycus shield , the character and ability that have same role and playstyle. Just minor increase in amount of excess health wont change current situation while significant increase would make her overtuned and frustrating to fight. With this "rework" she would be able to survive better and be more competitive.
"This is Lycus shield but better!"
No , its still have flaws:
-Can't be recharged while on move compare to Lycus shield.
-Can't be manually turned off.
-Less overall HP than Lycus shield.

Suggestions / Re: Ideas to improve CQC
 on: October 17, 2020, 12:41:41 PM 
I agree what CQC is become obsolete while guns are dominate.
Overall CQC is just high risk-low reward , you are only forced to get in melee to get aleph or buffs from certain cards.
Aleph bombs are biggest problem right now and something must done , your idea is nice.
What also can be done: add cooldown to aleph nades so people cant spam it or reduce damage.
The main problem of CQC is what its pure 1vs1 thing and not viable in fight with multiple opponents.
Your "fight chance" idea is actually would be good for Wardogs , they are weakest faction in PvP , constant regen is useless and not effective in current state and their always stressed status give enemy HUGE advantage while you dont have anything good to compensate it.

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